nodal displacement finite element analysis

The displacements at any other point of the element may be found by the use of interpolation functions as, symbolically: Equation (6) gives rise to other quantities of great interest: For a typical element of volume The direct stiffness procedure means that we are adding the element stiffness matrices into the total stiffness matrix via this summation here. So if we idealize the total body as an assemblage of such brick elements that lie next to each other, et cetera. In other words, if a section originally is here, that section we move over a certain amount and by that amount. And by that, I mean the following-- if we had a system, like this one here, and our original displacement degrees of freedom are these, then we first have to make the transformation onto that finite element element system to these degrees of freedom here. where the subscripts ij, kl mean that the element's nodal displacements To make a donation, or view additional materials from hundreds of MIT courses, visit MIT OpenCourseWare at Manolis Papadrakakis, Evangelos J. Sapountzakis, in Matrix Methods for Advanced Structural Analysis, 2018. And each of these brick elements, of course, has a set of such nodal point displacements. Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare continue to offer high quality educational resources for free. r I also introduce here an initial stress, which might already be in the body. T This Bm matrix is simply obtained from the Hm matrix. Let The principle of virtual displacements for the structural system expresses the mathematical identity of external and internal virtual work: In other words, the summation of the work done on the system by the set of external forces is equal to the work stored as strain energy in the elements that make up the system. The body is defined in the coordinate system, XYZ, and notice that I'm using here capital XYZ's. 2-8 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis with I-DEAS 9 Find: Nodal displacements and reaction forces. The extended finite element method (XFEM) is a numerical technique based on the generalized finite element method (GFEM) and the partition of unity method (PUM). And finally, our equilibrium condition has to be satisfied. k , The displacement field is continuous across elements 6. 3 Concepts of Stress Analysis 3.1 Introduction Here the concepts of stress analysis will be stated in a finite element context.   This part we talked about already. Knowledge is your reward. So a typical set of virtual displacement might look like that. So we put a little y here. If we substitute from here and here into the RB which I had written down here. e , In other words, the bar was not there. ∑ The theory of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) essentially involves solving the spring equation, F = kδ, at a large scale. Well, the equation that, of course I will now be operating on is this one, KU equals R. In this particular case, we recognize that we want to calculate our stiffness matrix, K. Here, we have two elements, so M, in this particular case, will be equal to 1 and 2. Then what the principle says, once again, is that if I take these virtual displacements, multiply them by the real forces, integrate that product over the total body-- that is my external virtual work, and that external virtual work shall be equal to the internal virtual work, which is obtained by taking the real stresses, which are in equilibrium with these externally applied loads. e Notice also that I've written here, Um, of course, but that Um here, for our specific case is simply this displacement, Vm. 1. I need to find the nodal displacement and stress fields. ϵ The equilibrium requirements are only satisfied in an integral sense, if we have a coarse finite element mesh, but as the finite elements become more and more, as we refine our finite element mesh, we will be satisfying the equilibrium requirements. These are the incremental corotational procedure proposed by Rankin and Brogan and the nonincremental absolute nodal coordinate formulation recently proposed. The 2-node infinite element Displacement is assumed to be q 1 at node 1 and q In the previous two lectures, we discussed some basic concepts related to finite element analysis. K I have an integral over all of the elements, that is the integral here, summing over element m and integrating over each of the element. This is here, B2 transpose, that is B2. Similarly, there's no coupling from the first degree of freedom into element 2. All other items of interest will mainly depend on the And that is the point that I'm looking at. Your use of the MIT OpenCourseWare site and materials is subject to our Creative Commons License and other terms of use. Well, on this view graph, here, I listed the external forces once as vectors, here's our force FB, the body force per unit volume, with components into the x, y, and z directions. The re is a total of 4 dof and the displacement polynomial function assumed should have 4 terms, so we choose a … A simple beam element consists of two nodes. These three displacements shall give us the displacement distributions. be the vector of nodal displacements of a typical element. δ σ 4. To assess accuracy, the mesh is refined until the important results shows little change. Similarly for H2, U1 does not influence the displacement in that element. The first element shown here, second element shown here. In this particular case, I know that there's a discontinuity in area here and for that reason, intuitively, I will put one element from here to there with a constant area. Finite element concepts were developed based on engineering methods in 1950s. + l 3D Solids Linear strain tetrahedron - This element has 10 nodes, each with 3 d.o.f., which is a total of 30 d.o.f. And now we add our spring in. In other words, we want to add our spring into this system of equations because now there's no coupling from this degree of freedom that we want to be impose into other degrees of freedom, through that spring. And similarly, this one here becomes an identity matrix. Let's assume the parameters L, A, E, c have the same value of 1 unit for simplicity. In the analysis of complicated structures requiring detailed simulation, the number of finite element nodes and therefore its number of degrees of freedom (dof) and the dimension of the global stiffness matrix can become excessively large. And that's where we have the coupling between elements. , the internal virtual work due to virtual displacements is obtained by substitution of (5) and (9) into (1): Primarily for the convenience of reference, the following matrices pertaining to a typical elements may now be defined: These matrices are usually evaluated numerically using Gaussian quadrature for numerical integration. Symmetry or anti-symmetry conditions are exploited in order to reduce the size of the model. Well, in some cases, of course, we might have defined in our finite element formulations the U and V displacement, as shown here. as well as the technique of assembling the system matrices In a given element, some predefined points are identified (called Gaussian points), and the stresses at these points are calculated. In this tutorial, we will use principle of virtual work method to determine the stress and displacement of the nodes of linear one dimensional finite elements. So basically, then in summary, if we do have degrees of freedom to be imposed, we first go through this transformation to obtain the M bar, U double dot bar, K bar, U bar equals R bar system of equations where the displacement that we're talking about are containing those displacements that we actually want to impose. What I satisfy are the order displacement conditions. δ r So the problem is, other words, that we have this body, this general structure, subjected to certain forces, properly constrained, and we want to calculate the displacements of the body, the strains in the body, and the stresses, of course, in the body. KQ =F (3.38) We are going to use a very similar development to create FEA equations for a two dimensional flat plate. Our response of interest is the maximum vertical deflection. We will see that the formation is really a modern an application of the Ritz/Golerkin procedures that we discussed in the last lecture. e {\displaystyle {Q}_{i}^{e}} So here, I want to put down the first node. This is the area that I pointed out to you earlier. We use it to analyze 1D, 2D, three-dimensional problems, plate and shell structures. Now, to get the displacement on the surface of the element when we know the displacement within the total volume of the element, well, what we simply have to do is we have to substitute the coordinates of the surface in the Hm here to obtain the HSM. j Method of Finite Elements I Beam Element Results 2. And we obtained really in shorthand, Ku equals r. Where K is this matrix. t So what I'm doing here is I express the displacements of element m as a function of all the nodal point displacements, and I'm listing here in u hat these displacements for N, capital N nodal points. The body is, of course, also properly supported. − A well known transformation from the U to the U bar displacements, and this, in a more general sense, is written down here once again. o This being here, the element stiffness matrix. For a two dimensional analysis, each node has two displacement components ( , )uu 12. This is here, B1 transpose, that is B1. Here, the primary focus is a mixed-iterative finite element approach, particularly for the elastic-plastic analysis. And the area, in this particular element, is given as 1 plus y divided by 40 squared. and Before we proceed with finite element formulation of beams, we should define what we mean by a beam element. e On the left hand side, I have the following part. It extends the classical finite element method by enriching the solution space for solutions to differential equations with … Sinceits inception, many attempts to improve the performance of displacement-based finite element procedures have been made. We say that the displacements-- there are three displacements, U, V, and W, of course, now. The strain compatibility conditions are satisfied because we are deriving the strains from continuous displacements, within the element. We use it to analyze 1D, 2D, three-dimensional problems, plate and shell structures. So there's our new roller right there. Topics: Formulation of the displacement-based finite element method. The effectiveness of k I mentioned earlier that it is most convenient to include in the formulation all of the nodal point displacements, including those that actually might be 0. The forces will act only at nodes at any others place in the element. � Nodes and nodal points- The intersection of the differnt sides of elements are called nodes. This is our major assumption. Beams. The following content is provided under a Creative Commons license. to Notice also that in this analysis now, or in this view graph, I've dropped the hat on the u. {\displaystyle {q}_{i}^{e}} o This equation follows from that equation entirely. » And that is the important step in the finite element analysis. This is an extremely important point that we can have different coordinate systems for different elements because that eases the calculation of the element stiffness matrices. 3. In other words, typically, for this element here, if we look at this node, then the displacement at this node do not affect the displacement in this element because this node does not belong to the element. So once again, if we take the body and subject that body, who is in equilibrium under Fb, Fs, and Fi, with tau-- tau being the real stresses. The finite element method's primary objective is to find the displacement at the nodes of the given model. But in such an overall post let’s just divide them into 1D elements (I will call beams), 2D elements (I will reference them as shells) and 3D elements (let’s call them solid). , The origin of finite method can be traced to the matrix analysis of structures [1][2] where the concept of a displacement or stiffness matrix approach was introduced. Notice I use the transpose, the capital T here, to denote the transpose of a vector. k So if we look at the three conditions that we have to satisfy in an analysis-- the first one being the stress strain law. Another procedure that is also used in practice-- can be very effective-- is an application of the penalty method. Concentrated. Short Q & A . For element m, U, V and W are listed in this vector u, are equal to a displacement interpolation matrix, Hm, which is a function of x, y, and z, times the nodal point displacements. Of course, we have to discuss much more how we actually obtain the Hm matrices for more complex, more complicated elements that I use in actual practical analysis. An element shape function related to a specific nodal point is zero along element boundaries not containing the nodal point. t We earlier had the hat there. And we are satisfying, of course, that the elements remain together, so no gaps opening up. An element shape function related to a specific nodal point is zero along element boundaries not containing the nodal point. {\displaystyle \mathbf {K} } This type of element is suitable for modeling cables, braces, trusses, beams, stiffeners, grids and frames. e Element deformations along axis 1. Boundary value problems are also called field problems. 5. This element here undergoes certain displacements, of course. The elements are positioned at the centroidal axis of the actual members. , e At the nodes, degrees of freedom are located. ME 1401 - FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS. But a displacement that we want to impose is actually this one here, namely, that one might have to be restrained, and this one here might have to be free. 13. f The first step now is to rewrite this principle of virtual displacement, in this form, namely as a sum of integrations over the elements. And that really amounts to then saying that this vector here becomes an identity matrix. The re is a total of 4 dof and the displacement polynomial function assumed should have 4 terms, so we choose a … 4. In the coordinate system that we are using, the y-coordinate being in this direction, this is the y-coordinate here. (1) leads to the following governing equilibrium equation for the system: Once the supports' constraints are accounted for, the nodal displacements are found by solving the system of linear equations (2), symbolically: Subsequently, the strains and stresses in individual elements may be found as follows: By applying the virtual work equation (1) to the system, we can establish the element matrices What is meant by Finite element method? Then the work done by the loads, and that total work is given here. Later on, we will see that we indeed only work with the non-zero rows and columns in the K matrix, and then use connectivity arrays to assemble Km effectively into the actual K matrix. + For us, complexity is the number of elements and subsequent degree of freedom. Having now calculated the velocities, the accelerations, and displacements, we can go back and get the reactions. In the previous two articles, I have addressed the fundamental idea behind direct stiffness method for decomposing a structure with pre-defined individual sub-domain or an “element”. Each kind of finite element has a specific structural shape and is inter- connected with the adjacent element by nodal point or nodes. There's no signup, and no start or end dates. Use OCW to guide your own life-long learning, or to teach others. So let me use here a different color. And as I stated earlier, that if this equation is satisfied for any and all the arbitrary virtual displacements that satisfy the displacement boundary conditions, the real displacement boundary conditions, then tau is in equilibrium with Fb, Fs, and Fi. The seelements may be 1D, 2D or 3D elements depend in on the type of structure. The displacements of the body measured in the global coordinates are U, V and W, as shown here. . Then we directly have the inertia effect in the analysis. j And knowing these non-zero parts and knowing into which degrees of freedom they have to put in the assemblage phase to obtain the total stiffness matrix, we can directly assemble the stiffness matrix. Well, what we will be doing is we will be applying this principle of virtual displacements for our finite element discretization, which means that in an integral sense, we satisfy equilibrium. The K matrix embodies the strain displacement interpolations, which are obtained from the element displacement interpolations. Principles of FEA The finite element method (FEM), or finite element analysis (FEA), is a computational technique used to obtain approximate solutions of boundary value problems in engineering. And then since the total body is made up of an assemblage of such brick elements, we can express the total displacement in the body as a functional of these nodal point displacements. That epsilon m follows from this assumption. i ) o PROFESSOR: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to lecture number 3. In particular, it is also the example that we talked about already earlier in lecture 2, when we did a Ritz Analysis on this problem. M times T, And then the product should be taken times T transposed, pre-multiplied by T transpose. {\displaystyle \mathbf {R} ={\big (}\sum _{e}\mathbf {k} ^{e}{\big )}\mathbf {r} +\sum _{e}{\big (}\mathbf {Q} ^{oe}+\mathbf {Q} ^{te}+\mathbf {Q} ^{fe}{\big )}}. 1. In fact, all those columns and rows are filled with 0's that do not correspond to a nodal point displacement degree of freedom of element m. I show you later on some examples. The nodal displacement that is calculated in (P.6) can be used to calculate the ele-ment force. B We will see that more distinctly later. Once we have derived these equations of equilibrium, of course, we now will have to impose the fact that the displacements are 0's there. ( Timoshenko beam ) element as shown here refined until the important step in the last lecture done a,! To a specific nodal point or nodes capital T here, the mesh is until. =F ( 3.38 ) we are adding the element displacement needs to be extracted from the first element here... 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