Save time by using Keyboard Shortcuts. The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line. The Arctic Circle passes through seven countries that have a considerable portion of land within the Arctic Circle. According to the US government, the country's coastline on the Arctic Ocean is approximately 1060 miles long. It is also one of the longest-inhabited regions of the Arctic Circle, with evidence of human habitation stretching back 10,000 years, largely due to the area’s temperate cli… Profile Quizzes Subscribed Subscribe? The climate inside the Arctic Circle is generally cold, but the coastal areas of Norway have a generally mild climate as a result of the Gulf Stream, which makes the ports of northern Norway and northwest Russia ice-free all year long. PROGRAM. For other uses, see. The position of the Arctic Circle is not fixed and currently runs 66°33′48.4″ north of the Equator. The Arctic Circle is defined as the area above 66 degrees 32 minutes north latitude. Latitude: 69°20′N. Only a very small portion of Iceland is in the Arctic Circle, and only the state of Alaska lies within the Arctic Circle in the U.S. The land within the Arctic Circle is divided among eight countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, the United States (Alaska), Canada (Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut), Denmark (Greenland), and Iceland (where it passes through the small offshore island of Grímsey). The latitude of the Arctic Circle is slowly drifting northward at a speed of about 15 meters per year. [4] Consequently, the Arctic Circle is currently drifting northwards (shrinking) at a speed of about 15 m (49 ft) per year. Arctic security in the 21st Century is defined by Arctic and non-Arctic actors. Shortest to Longest Times 6,155; Is That the Central American Capital? The word arctic comes from the Greek word ἀρκτικός (arktikos: "near the Bear, northern")[5] and that from the word ἄρκτος (arktos: "bear"). [9] The area north of the Circle is about 20,000,000 km2 (7,700,000 sq mi) and covers roughly 4% of Earth's surface.[10]. Arctic Expeditions. Artic Circle (Sic) in Alaska is currently under threat of oil exploitation by the administration of the United States Government. The area north of the Circle is about 20,000,000 km (7,700,000 sq mi) and covers roughly 4% of Earth's surface. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . But countries have been fighting over the territory for almost 100 years. On July 2, 2018 it was at approximately 66° 33' 47.2" north of the Equator. In fact, eight countries have land within the Arctic Circle, including three of Canada’s Territories. Now Russia has the most populated area in the north and it looks completely different from other countries. Starting at the prime meridian and heading eastwards, the Arctic Circle passes through: Northern Polar Circle Globe on Vikingen island marking the Arctic Circle in Norway, Arctic Circle marker on island of Grímsey in Iceland, Arctic Circle sign by the Inland Line railway, Sweden, Arctic Circle sign in the Republic of Karelia, Russia, Arctic Circle sign by the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia, A sign in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Russia, This article is about one of the five major circles of latitude. In the United States, Utqiagvik, Alaska is the largest settlement north of the Arctic Circle with about 4,000 inhabitants. Geography Quiz / Click the Arctic Circle Countries Random Geography or Asia Quiz Can you pick the countries that are in the Arctic Circle? Descriptions are based on areas within the Arctic circle so for instance USA's description is of Alaska. As seen from the Arctic, the Sun is above the horizon for 24 continuous hours at least once per year (and therefore visible at midnight) and below the horizon for 24 continuous hours at least once per year (and therefore not visible at noon). Countries in the Arctic Circle endure 24 hours of continuous daylight during the summer and 24 hours of continuous night during the polar nights, which happen in mid-winter. Countries within the Arctic Circle - Map Quiz. In contrast, the Arctic Council, an intergovernmental body established in 1996, includes only eight countries with a speaking role: Canada, Denmark, Finland, … Rate: Featured Quiz . The Assembly is held every October at the Harpa Conference Center and Concert Hall in Reykjavík, Iceland. The Arctic Circle is one of the two polar circles and the most northerly of the five major circles of latitude as shown on maps of Earth. But the North Pole lies on top of the Arctic Ocean at a point that is constantly covered in frozen sea-ice, unlike the South Pole, which is a point of land on the continent of Antarctica. The seven countries located within the Arctic circle are Norway, Finland, Sweden, Russia, the United States, Denmark and Canada. Generally speaking, Arctic region is considered the area within the boundaries of Arctic Circle. The Arctic Circle is home to polar days and polar nights. Our country backgrounders provide you with 21 go-to guides on policy, people, economy, and environment for each state active in the circumpolar north today. The Arctic Circle is roughly 16,000 km (9,900 mi) long. However, because of atmospheric refraction and mirages, and also because the sun appears as a disk and not a point, part of the midnight sun may be seen on the night of the northern summer solstice up to about 50 minutes (′) (90 km (56 mi)) south of the Arctic Circle; similarly, on the day of the northern winter solstice, part of the sun may be seen up to about 50′ north of the Arctic Circle. The Arctic is a region of the planet, north of the Arctic Circle, and includes the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, Baffin Island, other smaller northern islands, and the far northern parts of Europe, Russia (Siberia), Alaska and Canada. Within the Arctic Circle lies the North Pole at 90 degrees north latitude. The U.S. is one of eight nations surrounding the Arctic — along with Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia and Sweden — that are all … The seven countries located within the Arctic circle are Norway, Finland, Sweden, Russia, the United States, Denmark and Canada. In many northern countries, the production was organized as fly-in fly-out, separated from everyday life. Photos from 2018 Assembly. The United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Denmark, and Sweden all own land that falls north of the border for the Arctic Circle. The Arctic Circle is one way to say what part of the Earth is in the Arctic.The North Pole is in the center of the Arctic Circle. In contrast, the largest North American community north of the Arctic Circle, Sisimiut (Greenland), has approximately 5,000 inhabitants. Directly on the Arctic Circle these events occur, in principle, exactly once per year: at the June and December solstices, respectively. Arctic circle line is where roughly the polar night begin. This includes eight countries: Russia, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, the United States (Alaska), Denmark (Greenland) and Iceland. In addition to being the most northerly point in the US, Point Barrow is also significant since it marks t… The Arctic Circle is designed to increase participation in Arctic dialogue and strengthen the international focus on the future of the Arctic. In addition, most of its waters of the Arctic Ocean are north of the Arctic Circle. What is the Arctic Circle? [1][2] The region north of this circle is known as the Arctic, and the zone just to the south is called the Northern Temperate Zone. Rovaniemi (62,667) in Finland is the largest settlement in the immediate vicinity of the Arctic Circle, lying 6 km (4 mi) south of the line. The Geographic North Pole is at the center of the Arctic Ocean. Barrow is the most populated and northernmost city of Alaska with a population of aro… Can you name the countries with land in the Arctic Circle? A COVID-19 Prophecy: Did Nostradamus Have a Prediction About This Apocalyptic Year? ... Over 2000 participants from more than 60 countries attended the 2018 Arctic Circle Assembly. Travelers wishing to cross over the Arctic Circle should take note that the Arctic Circle crosses only the countries Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, the U.S., Canada, and Greenland. Norway and Finland in the Arctic circle It is the southernmost part of the Arctic, and temperatures within the Circle are typically very cold. The annual Arctic Circle Assembly is the largest annual international gathering on the Arctic, attended by more than 2000 participants from 60 countries. It has an average depth of 3,953 feet (1,205 m) and its deepest point is the Fram Basin at -15,305 feet (-4,665 m). Denmark’s closest point to the North Pole is Kaffeklubben Island, Perry Land, 707 kilometres from the pole. That is true at sea level; those limits increase with elevation above sea level, although in mountainous regions there is often no direct view of the true horizon. NOAA Hurricane Forecast Maps Are Often Misinterpreted — Here's How to Read Them. Popular Quizzes Today. The largest such community in Canada is Inuvik in the Northwest Territories, with 3,200 people living there. The land within the Arctic Circle is divided among 8 countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, the United States (Alaska), Canada (Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut), Denmark (Greenland) and Iceland … There are members of the Athabaskan language family who live in Alaska and Canada, the Inuit and Inupiat. [3] Its latitude depends on the Earth's axial tilt, which fluctuates within a margin of more than 2° over a 41,000-year period, due to tidal forces resulting from the orbit of the Moon. The United States (US) has coastline on the Arctic Ocean in the state of Alaska. Can you identity each country in the Arctic Circle based on a map centered on the North Pole? The Russian North includes the Komi, the Sakha and the Karelians. In the interior, summers can be quite warm, while winters are extremely cold. There are seven countries in the Arctic Circle: Canada, Finland, Greenland, Norway, Sweden, Russia and Alaska (USA). Countries that are part of Arctic region are: Russia, Canada, United States, Denmark (Greenland), Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland. By Seth Millstein. It marks the northernmost point at which the centre of the noon sun is just visible on the December solstice and the southernmost point at which the centre of the midnight sun is just visible on the June solstice. Located along Norway’s Arctic coast on Tromsøy Island, Tromsø boasts a population of 75,638, making it the third-largest city in the Arctic Circle. These people still rely upon and utilize the land and sea for food and for clothing. The Arctic Circle is roughly 16,000 km (9,900 mi) long. by Jam1 Plays Quiz Updated Nov 7, 2018 . Norilsk is the northernmost city … NB: This refers to the true geometric centre which actually appears higher in the sky because of refraction by the atmosphere. Forced Order. An Arctic expedition is great for the more adventurous traveler, but that doesn't … 8 Simple Ways You Can Make Your Workplace More LGBTQ+ Inclusive, Fact Check: “JFK Jr. Is Still Alive" and Other Unfounded Conspiracy Theories About the Late President’s Son. The Arctic Circle is one of the five major circles of latitude (imaginary lines around the Earth) that are often marked on maps of the Earth.This is the parallel of latitude that (in 2000) runs 66° 33' 39" north of the Equator.. The exact position of the Arctic Circle is not fixed. Norilsk, Russia. The U.S. Supreme Court: Who Are the Nine Justices on the Bench Today? The shifting of the circle is caused because the Arctic Circle is not a fixed mass of land like Antarctica. This is an area that few people will ever visit but those who … But in the Soviet Union, it initiated the foundation of massive cities in the Arctic Circle. The Arctic Circle is a parallel latitude that runs north of the equator. Only a very small portion of Iceland is in the Arctic Circle, and only the state of Alaska lies within the Arctic Circle in the U.S. The Arctic Circle, fraught with melting polar ice caps, is becoming a key stage for global competition and potentially for the escalation of a great power conflict in the near future. This has led to a lot of technical debate about who owns what, geographically speaking. This is also true in the Antarctic region, south of the equivalent Antarctic Circle. Population: 175,301 inhabitants. What Countries Are Located Within the Arctic Circle. The native people who inhabit the Arctic vary throughout the countries included in the Arctic Circle. Denmark is a tiny Scandinavian monarchy well south of the Arctic Circle; continental Denmark is not considered part of the North, but its colonial territory, Greenland, gives the country a role in the Arctic sovereignty dispute. A group called the Saami live in the north of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Only four million people live north of the Arctic Circle due to the climate; nonetheless, some areas have been settled for thousands of years by indigenous peoples, who today make up 10% of the region's population. This coastline with the Arctic is extremely important to the US since it is the site of the country's northernmost point, which is Point Barrow, Alaska. CEO Compensation and America's Growing Economic Divide. Not including Iceland. Arctic Circle, parallel, or line of latitude around the Earth, at approximately 66°30′ N.Because of the Earth’s inclination of about 23 1 / 2 ° to the vertical, it marks the southern limit of the area within which, for one day or more each year, the Sun does not set (about June 21) or rise (about December 21). View Gallery. W ith the alarmingly high temperatures at the North Pole and the rapidly thawing ice sheet at the top of the earth, the battle to stake an ownership claim over the Arctic is changing as fast as the climate. [8] by PrincessMartell Plays Quiz Updated Dec 26, 2018 . The Arctic Circle marks the latitude on the Earth’s surface above which the sun does not set on the summer solstice and does not rise on the winter solstice. Quiz by SWATkun. Nordland County, including Vikingen Island, Terra Incognita: Exploration of the Canadian Arctic, Temporal Epoch Calculations ©2006 by James Q. Jacobs, Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Effects of global warming on marine mammals,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 December 2020, at 21:40. The Arctic Circle is an imaginary line. The Arctic Circle passes through the Arctic Ocean, the Scandinavian Peninsula, North Asia, Northern America, and Greenland. The Arctic Ocean is between Europe, Asia, and North America. For example, summer temperatures in Norilsk, Russia will sometimes reach as high as 30 °C (86 °F), while the winter temperatures frequently fall below −50 °C (−58 °F). The Arctic Circle passes through eight different countries those being Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, USA (Alaska), Canada, Greenland and Iceland (passing through a small offshore island). [6], The Arctic Circle is the southernmost latitude in the Northern Hemisphere at which the centre of the sun can remain continuously above or below the horizon for twenty-four hours; as a result, at least once each year at any location within the Arctic Circle the centre of the sun is visible at local midnight, and at least once the centre is not visible at local noon.[7]. This situation has shifted abruptly, however, due to two major factors. The largest communities north of the Arctic Circle are situated in Russia, Norway and Sweden: Murmansk (population 295,374), Norilsk (178,018), Tromsø (75,638), Vorkuta (58,133), and Kiruna (22,841). This drift has nothing to do with climate change. The approximate location of the Arctic Circle is plotted on the map at the top of this page as a dashed blue line. As of 23rd May 2018, it runs 66 degrees 33’47.2″ north of the equator. Largest annual international gathering on the Arctic Circle is not fixed Ocean, the States! 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