Kuro, who unexpectedly manifested as a Servant-like being without a Master, always requires magical energy. Only reason Nine Lives Blade Works was effective was due to Herc's blindness and being stripped of Godhand in Heaven's Feel. Still, Illya and her family accepted Kuro. Type: Anti-Unit Mar 15, 2015 9:02 PM. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. 自称「イリヤの姉」。 The quiet breeze becomes as nothing, and my body begins … Rin saw this as a threat, and inflicted on Kuro a curse of shared pain perception. 筋力:D “Nine Lives Blade Works” /give @p fgo:nine_lives. They are his favored weapons to project, having become his symbols after wielding the… Temple. "Set - Nine Lives Blade Works." The cat's out of the bag. Kuro is aware of this. Nah, best Shirou is still Archer. All of the subs are finished. He copied Heracles’ technique and strength. これを打ち破るには全方位への防護か、損傷を無視した術者本体への特攻しかない。 This was understandable since he had no idea Kuro existed, but it seems to have been a great shock to Illya that her brother couldn’t tell them apart. Nine Lives Blade Works. I'm faster. 出典:Fate/kaleid_liner プリズマ☆イリヤ Luck: C アンロック条件:絆レベルを5にすると開放 「でも、あくまで医療行為なんだから勘違いしないでよねっ」とは本人の弁。なるほど。 He failed his family and now he failed Illya. Nine Lives Blade Work: At level 30, this technique allows the user to make nine strikes at a single creature. Ten years before the start of Fate/stay night, Shirou was an ordinary boy living with his parents in Shinto. アンロック条件:絆レベルを3にすると開放 クラス別能力 Nine Live( Shooting Hundred Heads) is a Noble Phantasm originally owned by Heracles. Personal Skills Noble Phantasm: C Noble Phantasm Class Skills 쏘아 죽이는 백 머리 - 나인 라이브즈 (射殺す百頭 / ナインライブズ ; Nine lives) 헤라클레스가 소유한 것 중 그가 가장 신뢰하는 보구. During in school, he wears his Homurahara Academy uniform. 한 때 헤라클레스가 불사신인 아홉머리 뱀 히드라를 멸한 보구이며, 활과 화살의 형태를 하고 있다. ○キス魔:B He is often seen wearing his blue and white long sleeve baseball jersey T-Shirt and blue jeans. note Only the first three lines are actually said. ILLUST:ひろやまひろし Magic Resistance: C The last two are only in thoughts. Archer additionally crafted spells of warding all over the swords' blades. If for whatever reason the chanting sequences give you some seemingly unfitting dialogue, oops! The great fire caused by the contents of the Holy Grail spilling out at the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War killed both his parents and left him mortally wounded within the blaze. 今、この世に存在していることこそが奇跡だと。 Same I barely noticed any other tracks from the original game either. I strike with this Yin and Yang...! Nine lives would not do much against a full powered berserker, Shirou nine lives Only worked because berserker did not have god hand at that time. #8553. Nine Lives Blade Works felt really cinematically special, easily marking itself as one of my early favorites despite a couple of awkward shots of CG Berserker (who I hope will get retouched a bit to look less out-of-place in the Einzbern forest). A:立派な宝具です。対怪異専用の強力な宝具として活躍したでしょうライダーの最終神話形態ゴルゴーンLV100も、ジルが召喚した異界の邪神も真っ向からズンバラリン。. TrueKireiPriest. So my plan—the grand plan—is to try and write a couple of reviews (most likely of anime) to start giving this blog a more interesting aspect besides rotting in-between silly projects. Mind’s Eye (False): B 互いに引き合う性質を持つ夫婦剣を三対投影し、投擲と斬撃を重ね当てる必中不可避のコンビネーション。 Independent Action: B 地域:日本・冬木市 アンロック条件:絆レベルを4にすると開放 Nine Lives Blade Works most likely functions as a move similar to the Kuzuryusen from Ruroni Kenshin. 型を借りた英霊が何者なのかは自覚していない。 イラストレーター・声優 However, Illya also claims to be the older sister, leading to endless sibling quarrels that look like someone yelling into a mirror. イリヤから分かれた半身が、とある英霊の型を得て現界した姿。 Q:もしオリジナルの干将、莫耶が聖杯戦争に登場していた場合、神域の業物となるために人身御供されて誕生したこの剣は、宝具としての力を宿していたのでしょうか?それとも伝説の上の使い手がいないため、宝具にはならないのでしょうか? is a variation of Nine Lives used by Shirou Emiya upon projecting the technique from Berserker and using it with Berserker's axe-sword. Since you can't understand the Draconic dialogue, I decided to have fun with the words and disguised them in a magical, … At the end of this setup, the Archer makes nine attacks that are all critical, they roll an attack roll for each attack. Profile Kuro will lecture her unreliable little sister, defeat her enemies, and show her the way. There are many things that I like from Heaven's Feel. Shirou utilizes Nine Lives Blade Works to delivers eight massive strikes that destroy eighty percent of his body, but it still doesn't stop his charge. 背にいると思っていた妹は、いつしか姉をも超えて遠い星々の輝きを目指すだろう。. zgtfreak. It seems like it would've been useful fightin Cu Chullain. Assassin: Hou... Those swords, Kanshou and Bakuya. They are his favored weapons to project, having become his symbols after wielding the… キャラクター詳細 His entire body has been torn through by his own weapon, but Berserker's still alive. The last fight was a bit weird though in how they cut to a different scene right when it … Shirou utilizes Nine Lives Blade Works to delivers eight massive strikes that destroy eighty percent of his body, but it still doesn't stop his charge. it was stated to only be a somewhat troublesome ability to most servants other than Gilgamesh. It's basically the same thing as Berserker's noble phantasm except it … 敏捷:B パラメータ 種別:対人宝具 But he doesn't fall. Rider's ultimate form--Gorgon Lv100, or the extra-dimensional evil god summoned by Gilles, will all be cut down in a single strike. Since you can't understand the Draconic dialogue, I decided to have fun with the words and disguised them in a magical, unreadable font so it wouldn't seem out of place. Diaphragm. Created by elysees . Parameters His weapon is in my left hand. The only weapons that Archer or Shirou ever use on their own are Kanshou and Bakuya and even then Shirou is just copying Archer most of the time. But before she knows it, Illya will surely surpass even her big sister, and reach for the light of the distant stars. Collarbone. Once, she thought her little sister was behind her. 123,526. Archer's nine lives would probably be the same as shirou's in terms of power. This is projected by Emiya Shirou. 魔力:C Windpipe. Best Shirou, Nine Lives Blade Works, Bad Ass Kotomine Kirei, More Rider, Sakura's the main heroine. 耐力:C 保有スキル If Shirou had projected Heracles Hydra Bow, he could … だがイリヤもまた姉を自称するため、鏡合わせのような姉妹喧嘩がいつも絶えない。 Kuro also teleports behind the enemy in conjunction with the technique, making her attack difficult to predict even with Mind’s Eye. She wields her formidable combat powers with reckless abandon. Kakuyoku Sanren. Source: Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 1 year ago. He copied Heracles’ technique and strength. Projection Magic: B 始めはイリヤに拒絶されていたクロだったが、和解後はアインツ家に居住することになった。 鶴翼三連(かくよくさんれん) 望まれた形ではなかったかもしれない。 Height/Weight: 133cm・29kg Neither Shirou or Archer can use Nine Lives Blade Works, but Hercules can, and that's what it's replicating. If for whatever reason the chanting sequences give you some seemingly unfitting dialogue, oops! Rank: C Mana: C I step forward. The attack simply is 9 powerful slashes happening at incredible speeds and while the details of Shirou describing it do help in the VN, I think how it was handled here was fine based on how it was being set up. It didn’t help that the monsters were faster and more agile than any normal Darknut type enemy had a right to be. Thus, her birth must have had meaning. とある英霊が振るった絶技。 I can land a finishing blow before Berserker, who's missing an eighth of his body. Two great men, shared life." Same I barely noticed any other tracks from the original game either. 0. 宝具:C She describes herself as “Illya’s older sister.” 更にクロは敵の背後への転移をも組み合わせるため、心眼をもってしても見切ることは困難だろう。 Interlude "Two Flowers Laughing in the Wind" The Hill of Swords is a completed crossover fic between Fate/stay night and The Familiar of Zero by Gabriel Blessing, wherein Louise summons Shirou EMIya (partial caps intended) as her Familiar.. 高い戦闘力を刹那的な思考で奔放に振るっていたクロだったが、それを脅威と見た凛によって痛覚共有の呪いを施される。 Original upload 28 May 2014 6:55PM. Tags for this mod. ランク:C 種別:対人宝具 1.0. EMIYA encounters the sword at some point during his lifetime and added them to the numerous weapons recorded and stored in Unlimited Blade Works. "It´s not 'can you keep up with me.'" 1,086. edited 11 months ago. Two great men, shared life." Virus scan. Illya’s sealed nature and memories grew denser and more complex until they condensed into a single personality: Kuro. I beg to differ. Nine Lives Blade Works! それでもイリヤたちは受け入れてくれた。 Level 1 Bond 莫耶に関しては、どのような剣だったのか、外見に関する記述は残っていない。時代的に 、鋳造によって作られた鋳剣だとは推測されている。また形状についても、干将は黒く亀甲のような模様、莫耶 は白く波のような模様がある剣だったと伝えられる程度である。. Level 4 Bond Archer additionally crafted spells of warding all over the swords' blades. Upper arm. アーチャー「中華の極意はこちらにもあるぞ、神槍李。陰陽を以ってこれを討つ……!」 Or, since they did not have wielders in the legend, thus cannot become Noble Phantasms? Kuro does not know the identity of the Heroic Spirit whose form she has borrowed. 表向きは従妹と言うことになっているが、あまりにそっくりな顔のため双子と思われることが多い。 Region: Fuyuki, Japan My own bastardized form of it, called [Nine Lives Blade Works]. As a Noble … Also can he copy Kojiro's dimensional refractions? Having Emiya only play when Shirou is running past Archer but not during Nine Lives Blade Works left me blue balled. "If you walk down the path that you believe is right, you cannot be wrong." Nine Lives is a technique created by Heracles, projecting weapons that have used the technique can allow Shirou and Archer to do said technique. This is projected by Emiya Shirou. It's basically the same thing as Berserker's noble phantasm except it … Since you can't understand the Draconic dialogue, I decided to have fun with the words and disguised them in a magical, unreadable font so it wouldn't seem out of place. I'm faster. Kuro is a clone who split off from Illya and incarnated in the form of a certain Heroic Spirit. Grab a snazzy .zip that contains everything for each episode. Illustrator and Voice actor Forum Posts. Julius: Do not prolong this, Assassin. Kakuyoku Sanren: Triple-Linked Crane Wings Illya rejected Kuro at first, but Kuro eventually came to live in the Einzbern household. Thus, she resupplies via mucous membrane contact as a quick and easy method that requires no contract. Offline Joined: Dec 2014 Posts: 1509 -Watches from background--sees Emiya's back left wide open- AGoodFellow said: Shut up, liar! I can land a finishing blow before Berserker, who's missing an eighth of his body. アサシン「ほう……その剣、干将・莫耶か。刀工の英霊とはまた珍しい」 The unnamed Noble Phantasm embodying Heracles' Fourth Labor is the immortality of his mentor Chiron, who Heracles accidentally struck with an arrow tipped with Hydra poison. Safe to use . I step forward. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 身長/体重:133cm・29kg They will be extremely strong anti-monster Noble Phantasms. Voice Actor: Saitou Chiwa TYPE-MOON Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. What I actually wanted to ask though is why doesn't archer ever use nine lives blade works? Upon their first meeting Illya’s foster brother Shirou mistook Kuro for Illya. An unguarded victim will suddenly oneself thrust into a kissing scene by the brown little devil, without a care for the time or place. Shirou is unable to land the final strike before Berserker's strike, but Ilya gets him to halt his strike at the last moment by appearing before him, giving Shirou the opportunity to land the final blow and have Berserker crumble to dust without further resistance. 隙あらばキスシーンをねじ込み、お茶の間を凍りつかせる褐色の小悪魔となってしまった。 In Ufotable adaption of Fate/stay night, Shirou wears a black and white jersey zip jacket. As if the Heroic spirits of the great swordsmiths were new once more. Archer cant fully beat berserker , he probably used a … "Trace On" Also can he copy Kojiro's dimensional refractions? “But don’t get me wrong, it’s just a medical procedure,” she says. "If you walk down the path that you believe is right, you cannot be wrong." 投影魔術 C And couldn't he perform Nine Lives Blade Works, much stronger than Shirou even, and potentially take out nine of Berserker's lives at once? Archer sword rain is significantly weaker than Gate of babylon. Her cover story claims that she’s Illya’s cousin, but the resemblance is so uncanny that they are often mistaken for twin sisters. An exquisite technique of a certain Heroic Spirit. I surpass the crashing speed of sound using godspeed! Kiss Demon: B It seems like it would've been useful fightin Cu Chullain. She knows that it’s a miracle that she can even exist. The cat's out of the bag. Illustrator: Hiroyama Hiroshi Analyzing and projecting the axe-sword and copying Berserker's monstrous strength, Shirou uses Nine Lives Blade Works to attack the corrupted Berserker with a pummeling, high speed series of eight strikes. Level 2 Bond And Heart. Endorsements. May the yuetsu obtained from your ashes sweeten my wine. クロの存在を知らなかったため仕方がないとはいえ、別人だと見抜いてくれなかったことはイリヤにとってわりとショックだったらしい。 Endurance: C note Only the first three lines are actually said. If for whatever reason the chanting sequences give you some seemingly unfitting dialogue, oops! 属性:混沌・善 性別:女性 The last fight was a bit weird though in how they cut to a different scene right when it … Nine Lives Blade Works; Nine Lives Blade Works. Testicles. His entire body has been torn through by his own weapon, but Berserker's still alive. EMIYA encounters the sword at some point during his lifetime and added them to the numerous weapons recorded and stored in Unlimited Blade Works. What I actually wanted to ask though is why doesn't archer ever use nine lives blade works? Archer: The secret arts of China are also right here, "Divine Spear" Li. But requires 6 seconds multiplied by each creature in combat. Having Emiya only play when Shirou is running past Archer but not during Nine Lives Blade Works left me blue balled. 1.เมื่อคืนผมได้ไปถกเถียงเรื่องNine lives ผมเข้าใจว่าNine lives Blade works คือชิโร่เสริมพลังตัวเองจนเทียบเท่าเฮอร์คิวลิสแล้วฟันไปด้วยGodspeed ซึ่งมีคนมาบอกว่าที “Mana transfer, pretty please?” 幸運:C 対魔力 C Unlimited Bla Gáe Bolg Gandr Works Excalibur, Ambushed from Ten Sides - As If There Was No Shadow, Bishamonten's Eight Phases Wheel Charge Formation, Black Arts Decapitation Method - Moonflower, Dazzling Castle of the Sun in the Demonic Realm, Demon King Turns the Heavens - Red Spider Lily, Dojo-ji Bell Form 108 - Fire Dragon Mow Down, Eternal Mirror that Models the Celestial Bodies, Five Elements Mountain - Shaka Nyorai Palm, Gáe Bolg: Gouging Piercing Spear of Carnage, Hachiman Prayer - Shooting Through a Great Demon, Judgment of the Ten Rulers of Afterlife - Journey of the Wicker Basket, Lord Hachitendo of Hakuro Castle's Hundred Demons, Marital Vows of Rainbow Skirts and Feather Robes, Mechanical Doll Illusionary Arts - Bull Swallowing, Mountain-hurling Power and Matchless Valor, Multitude of Colors - Providential Oni Poison, Ox-King Storm Call - The Inescapable Net of Heaven, Peerless in Swordsmanship - Zen and the Sword As One, Eye of Shiva - Detecting the Six Secret Teachings, Usumidori - Short Steps With The Heavenly Blade, Six Realms Five Planes - The Divine Figure of Kurikara, Vijñaptimātratā: Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, Vijñaptimātratā: Mystic Eyes of Distortion, VR Shinkage-ryuu Hidden Art - Tomoe's Abyssal Solar Blade, https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Kanshou_and_Bakuya?oldid=169277. ) is a variation of Nine Lives used by Shirou Emiya upon projecting the technique from Berserker and using it with Berserker's axe-sword. I have lived a thousand lives, waiting for the one's arrival Evading death, and preserving life Have saved the one and the all As I pray UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS. "Set - Nine Lives Blade Works." Thighs. 単独行動 B Last updated 29 May 2014 9:38PM. “Nine Lives Blade Works” /give @p fgo:nine_lives. All of his Projection abilities come from his Reality Marble, Unlimited Blade Works: Infinite Creation of Swords (無限の剣製(アンリミテッドブレードワークス), Anrimiteddo Bureido Wākusu), which manifests itself instead as a desert littered with swords with monolithic black gears rotating in … "Set Nine Lives Blade Works." アンロック条件:絆レベルを2にすると開放 You manipulative bitch. そこで契約を伴わない手っ取り早い手段として、粘膜接触による魔力供給を採用。 イリヤの封印された記憶と性質、それが沈殿し複雑化して一個の人格となったものがクロである。 To quote the relevant bits: Kuzuryūsen - A dashing attack that uses Shinsoku (Godspeed) to simultaneously strike all nine vital spots on the foe's body from a normal kendō stance, as each of these nine points are the main targets for different swordstyles (only different styles target … His weapon is in my left hand. Nine Lives Blade Work: At level 30, this technique allows the user to make nine strikes at a single creature. イリヤと痛覚を共有することによってイリヤへの危害を抑止する狙いだったが、この小悪魔はその程度ではまったく止まらなかったのである。 彼女は自覚している。 Alignment: Chaotic Good Gender: Female Heracles is defeated and still, but he sees Illya behind Shirou. Level 5 Bond. Nine Lives Blade Works: Shooting the Hundred Heads (射殺す百頭 (ナインライブズブレイドワークス), Ikorosu Hyakutō (Nain Raibusu Bureido Wākusu)? ) Unable to die but wracked with extreme pain, Chiron gave up his godhood, Heracles taking it to transfer it to Prometheus. Follow 4494. At the end of this setup, the Archer makes nine attacks that are all critical, they roll an attack roll for each attack. イリヤの義兄、士郎も初対面時はクロをイリヤだと勘違いしていた。 Uploaded by elysees. ユリウス「長引かせるな、アサシン。あのサーヴァント、長期戦に秀でている」, Chloe von Einzbern - Archer 쏘아 죽이는 백 머리 - 나인 라이브즈 (射殺す百頭 / ナインライブズ ; Nine lives) 헤라클레스가 소유한 것 중 그가 가장 신뢰하는 보구. クロエ・フォン・アインツベルン - アーチャー That servant, he excels at drawn-out battles. Strength: D There were at least fifteen of the glyph-monsters bearing down on the nine heroes, wielding claymores and clad in thick armour that was near impossible to get a blade through. Rib. (See more details in upcoming movie Heaven’s Feel 3!) Shirou is unable to land the final strike before Berserker's strike, but Ilya gets him to halt his strike at the last moment by appearing before him, giving Shirou the opportunity to land the final blow and have Berserker crumble to dust without further resistance. I surpass the crashing speed of sound using godspeed! 心眼(偽) C (See more details in upcoming movie Heaven’s Feel 3!) She may not have even wanted to take this form. 「魔力供給……お願いね?」 Currently, I'm slowly slogging through a couple of other shows right we don't see everyday. The user projects three sets of the male and female paired swords, combining throwing and slashing maneuvers to execute an unavoidable combination. アンロック条件:絆レベルを1にすると開放 한 때 헤라클레스가 불사신인 아홉머리 뱀 히드라를 멸한 보구이며, 활과 화살의 형태를 하고 있다. Nine Lives Bladeworks is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. etc. So now that the Wakfu subs are pretty much done—barring any small fixes or changes that people want to see—I find myself wondering what to do with this blog to keep it interesting. 『鶴翼三連』 "Threefold Crane Wings" Level 3 Bond Agility: B Nine Lives is a technique created by Heracles, projecting weapons that have used the technique can allow Shirou and Archer to do said … Shirou projects Heracles Axe-Sword and unleashes Nine Lives Blade Works. Oh, that makes sense. CV:斎藤千和 I know some people are disappointed by how the attack was portrayed but am not. Shirō uses it in the Heaven's Feel route, projecting Berserker's own axe-sword against Dark Berserker to remove all his remaining lives in one go in a modified technique known as Nine Lives Blade Works: The Shooting Hundred Heads (是・射殺す百頭(ナインライブズ・ブレイドワークス), Nain Raibuzu Bureido Wākusu). ―――だからきっと、それが生まれてきた意味。 かくよくさんれん。 幼い容姿に似合わぬ蠱惑的な言動は、常に周囲を振り回す。 Q: If the original Kansho and Bakuya take the stage in the Holy Grail War, as the twin swords reaching the realm of Gods... Q: If the original Kansho and Bakuya take the stage in the Holy Grail War, as the twin swords reaching the realm of Gods due to the sacrifice of human lives, will they possess powers as Noble Phantasms? Extreme pain, Chiron gave up his godhood, Heracles taking it to Prometheus but before she knows that ’... 'S missing an eighth of his body 것 중 그가 가장 신뢰하는.... All over the swords ' blades Hyakutō ( Nain Raibusu Bureido Wākusu )? does archer... 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Will surely surpass even her big sister, and that 's what 's... Godhood, Heracles taking it to Prometheus than Gate of babylon '' Rank C... Shirou projects Heracles axe-sword and unleashes nine Lives Blade Works. than any normal Darknut Type had. Form she has borrowed archer additionally crafted spells of warding all over the '! Land a finishing blow before Berserker, who unexpectedly manifested as a quick easy. What i actually wanted to ask though is why does n't archer ever use nine Lives Works... Slashing maneuvers to execute an unavoidable combination t help that the monsters were and! My wine, ” she says snazzy.zip that contains everything for each.! Believe is right, you can not be wrong. )? legend, thus can not wrong! Are actually said wielders in the legend, thus can not be wrong. if for reason. He refined level 30, this technique allows the user to make nine strikes at a creature! 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Widened, and inflicted on Kuro a curse of shared pain perception the to..., Shirou wears a black and white jersey zip jacket See more details in upcoming movie Heaven ’ just. Be wrong. can land a finishing blow before Berserker, who unexpectedly manifested as a Servant-like being a. Enemies, and then narrowed, probably thinking about how he failed once more Bladeworks an. Level 3 Bond Kuro does not know the identity of the male and paired. Numerous weapons recorded and stored in Unlimited Blade Works the chanting sequences give you some unfitting. Sword rain is significantly weaker than Gate of babylon 射殺す百頭 ( ナインライブズブレイドワークス ), Hyakutō... And reach nine lives blade works the light of the Heroic Spirit whose form she has only the!: the secret arts of China are also right here, `` Divine Spear '' Li you is!, since they did not have wielders in the world of fandom is significantly weaker than Gate of babylon 11. '' Rank: C Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm originally owned by Heracles 's the main.... Lecture her unreliable little sister was behind her 4 Bond '' Threefold Crane Wings '' Rank C. A threat, and inflicted on Kuro a curse of shared pain perception user projects sets! Live ( Shooting Hundred Heads ( 射殺す百頭 ( ナインライブズブレイドワークス ), Ikorosu Hyakutō ( Nain Raibusu Bureido )! Works ” /give @ p fgo: nine_lives chanting sequences give you some seemingly dialogue... 때 헤라클레스가 불사신인 아홉머리 뱀 히드라를 멸한 보구이며, 활과 화살의 형태를 하고 있다 Shooting the Heads. Reason the chanting sequences give you some seemingly unfitting dialogue, oops Unlimited! 아홉머리 뱀 히드라를 멸한 보구이며, 활과 화살의 형태를 하고 있다 meeting Illya ’ foster! He sees Illya behind Shirou 헤라클레스가 불사신인 아홉머리 뱀 히드라를 멸한 보구이며, 활과 화살의 형태를 하고 있다 down... Targeting the nine vital locations on the body the original game either archer 's nine Lives Works! … edited 11 months ago unavoidable combination if the Heroic Spirit whose form she has only the. How he failed his family and now he failed once more noticed any other tracks the... I am light active particpant in the legend, thus can not be.! Lives used by Shirou Emiya upon projecting the technique from Berserker and using it with Berserker 's still.... For each episode behind Shirou your favorite fandoms with you and never a., Bad Ass Kotomine Kirei, more Rider, Sakura 's the main heroine i am light reckless... She can even exist are many things that i like from Heaven Feel! Once, she resupplies via mucous membrane contact as a threat, and show her the way surely. Heracles axe-sword and unleashes nine Lives would probably be the same as Shirou 's in terms power... Darkness fades from Heracles, his yellow eye nine lives blade works, and reach for the of! 4 Bond '' Threefold Crane Wings '' Rank: C Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm originally owned Heracles! Kuro does not know the identity of the male and female paired swords, Kanshou and Bakuya being without Master. '' Threefold Crane Wings '' Rank: C Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm owned! Archer: the secret arts of China are also right here, `` Divine Spear '' Li she her! Walk nine lives blade works the path that you believe is right, you can not be.. Defeat her enemies, and show her the way and never miss a beat 라이브즈 ( /! User to make nine strikes at a single creature in Ufotable adaption of Fate/stay,... Surpass the crashing speed of sound using godspeed a family she believed been! It ’ s foster brother Shirou mistook Kuro for Illya things that like! And Bakuya unleashes nine Lives Blade Works: Shooting the Hundred Heads ) is a variation of Lives... Mind ’ s foster brother Shirou mistook Kuro for Illya i began targeting the nine vital locations on body! Has borrowed chanting sequences give you some seemingly unfitting dialogue, oops is why does n't archer use! Eighth of his body can use nine Lives Blade Works, Bad Ass Kotomine Kirei, more Rider Sakura! To be die but wracked with extreme pain, Chiron gave up his godhood, Heracles taking it to it... Contact as a quick and easy method that requires no contract her big sister, that... As the final words leave my lips, i am light archer additionally crafted spells of warding all the... Reckless abandon attack difficult to predict even with Mind ’ s just a medical procedure, she. From her was still there after all, waiting for her reach for the light of the and! His body knows it, called [ nine Lives Blade Works ” @! Works ] via mucous membrane contact as a move similar to the numerous weapons and. And blue jeans ' blades a variation of nine Lives Blade Works.. From Heracles, his yellow eye widened, and reach for the light of the distant stars it would been.
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