a6m2 war thunder

Then, once the target fills out around 1/6 of the gunsight, open fire. Its main drawback was that it could not be used on aircraft carriers due to its large wingspan, which was not designed for carrier-based operations. Skin and Camouflages for the A6M2 mod. They will quickly lose control and start spinning and it is quite hard to recover. 1 Share this post. Avoid being above them at all costs, utilise the Zero's manoeuvrability and sneak under their belly. © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. War Thunder Community Helpers =WTCH= Report post; Posted January 24, 2013. The upfront cost of a A6M2-N is 20,000. At its launch, the A6M2 model 11 knew no equal. A total of 740 A6M2 model 21s were built in Mitsubishi plants; 326 were built in Nakajima plants. When setting down on the flight deck immediately pull up the flaps, push the brake and pull up with the elevator (past the stall speed of 90 km/h (60 mph)). Manoeuvres like the Immelmann are easy, and heavier fighters can't stay with you. After a successful test flight, the new engine was adopted for serial production and the plane was designated the A6M2 Model 11. War Thunder; World of Warships; WW2 Total Menu Toggle. Mitsubishi A6M2. The A6M2-N is just destroyng ewerything, as the others. In Simulator, the A6M Zero is overall a great plane to fly. (Mitsubishi Aircraft Company Ltd.) and the Nakajima Hikooki K.K. Use your machine guns first to "bore-sight" the enemy - once you get hits on him, finish him off with your cannons. Manoeuvres like the Immelmann are easy, and heavier fighters can't stay with you. I-16: the late I-16s are equipped with ShVAK cannons that can be pretty dangerous to your fragile airframe. Extremely manoeuvrable, your opponents will have a hard time hitting you, Excellent smooth handling in simulator and great rear visibility, Mostly faces Japan (facing equally/more manoeuvrable planes), 7.7 mm machine guns don't really do any significant damage, Guns have different trajectories, you need to get really close to a target to be effective, Attacking bombers is one of the worst jobs for the Zero, as it is easily damaged by tail gunners, Strictly limited to the air-to-air role, although it performs exceptionally in it, No self-sealing fuel tanks and the plane is littered with fuel tanks, will ignite and burn to death quite often, Can easily be countered by just doing simple Boom & Zoom as the Zero lacks adequate energy retention, Low dive speed, and easily compressed in a dive, Has lots of bars inside the cockpit, limiting visibility, Prone to ripping during high-speed manoeuvres. Jump on cruising enemy aircraft from above, fasten onto the tail of the bandit, use your superior manoeuvrability to match his evasive moves, and put enough rounds into him to bring him down. Dec 27, 2014 @ 7:34am Is A6M2-N owerpowered? Das A6M2-Nist ein Rang II japanisches Wasserflugzeug mit einer Schlacht Bewertung von 2,7 (AB) und 2,3 (RB/SB). Sorry for the lack of uploads this week. Save them for any unexpected dogfights. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. Below 480 km/h you can fling the Zero all over the sky to get on an enemy's tail or to shake off all but the most determined attacker. First you need some separation between you and the target so you have enough time to line-up the drop. On 31 July 1940, the Mitsubishi A6M2 was formally accepted by the IJNAF as the Type 0 Carrier Fighter Model 11. It was powered by a 950 hp Nakajima Sakae engine. From its combat introduction in China in September 1940 until encounters with improved Allied fighters in 1942, the Zero dominated the skies over the Pacific. Illustration by Adam Tooby; from Mitsubishi A6M Zero, by James D’Angina (Osprey Publishing, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC) Jon Guttman. In 1942 the American Military discovered a crash landed A6M2 on the Akutan Island in Alaska. Die War Thunder Videotutorials sind eine Reihe von Videoanleitungen die erstellt werden um euch mit den notwendigen Informationen zu versorgen um auf den erbittert umkämpften Schlachtfeldern von War Thunder bestehen zu lassen. P-61: this plane is one tough nut to crack. First you need some separation between you and the target so you have enough time to line-up the drop. I'm playng with the japan. The A6M2 mod. This page was last edited on 24 December 2020, at 11:52. Dive at it and stabilise the plane so the gunsight stays overall still at the target. Historically, as well as in the game, the A6M series was stripped of all armour to lighten the aircraft (achieving its amazing ma… The A6M can perform dogfighting, some ground pounding and some intercepting. The first prototype of this series, the A6M1, first flew on April 1, 1939. Use your machine guns first to "bore-sight" the enemy - once you get hits on him, finish him off with your cannons. The A6M can perform dogfighting, some ground pounding and some intercepting. 11 was the third prototype to be built. It is incredibly nimble and has an amazing climb rate, which allows you to r… A deadly addition of two 20 mm cannons and two 7.7 mm machine guns mean that you can compete with other fighters. Landing on a carrier with this land-based version requires a careful hand. The solution was to have the A6M2 fold its wing tips to avoid damage. A6M3 Mod 22 have the same problem, really bad agility, i dont go to high altitude and i have normal speed but i have same agility that heavy bomber, dont interet to play this plane if no change. To circumvent this limitation, the A6M2 model 21 was designed with folding 500 mm wing panels. The ▃A6M2 Reisen is a premium rank III American fighter with a battle rating of 3.7 (AB/SB) and 3.3 (RB). The A6M5 Reisen (Zero) is a fighter that excels at low to medium speed turning engagements, it is the classic dog-fighter! To exploit your plane's best performance, force the enemy lower and slow down the pace of the engagement. Don't dive away from attackers - your plane doesn't have the power or weight to out-run most fighters. Keep braking until the plane reaches a full stop, you don't have to worry about the nose dipping down and causing a propeller strike. A large wing ensured a low wing loading to ensure maneuverability but limited the diving and level speeds. It was introduced in Update 1.93 "Shark Attack". Es war im Spiel seit dem Start des Open Beta Tests vor 1.29 zu aktualisieren. The Mitsubishi A6M "Zero" was a long-range fighter aircraft formerly manufactured by Mitsubishi Aircraft Company, a part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and operated by the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1940 to 1945. Its disadvantages, however, are the fragile protection, wing-mounted guns with very little ammo, and the cockpit scattered with frames. Climb away from most enemy aircraft, hanging on your prop in a near-vertical climb. 零式艦上戦闘機 rei-shiki kanjō sentōki Typ Null trägergestütztes Jagdflugzeug) ist ein japanisches Trägerjagdflugzeug von Mitsubishi, das von den Kaiserlich Japanischen Marineluftstreitkräften während des Zweiten Weltkriegs eingesetzt wurde. With the amazing stableness the aim should be easy. The requirements were extremely challenging: manoeuvrability equal to or better than the Type 96 fighter, heavier armament including 20 mm cannons, exceptional rate-of-climb to intercept bombers, a range of at least 1,010 miles with a normal fuel load to escort bombers, a take-off distance of less than 230 ft into a 30 mph wind, landing speed of less than 67 mph, and a top speed better than 310 mph. Even fighters renowned for manoeuvrability, like the mighty Spitfire, will think twice before engaging in a turn fight with the Zero. Fasten onto the tail of the bandit, use your superior manoeuvrability to match his evasive moves, and put enough rounds into him to bring him down. The Nakajima A6M2-N (code name «Rufe») is a single-seat carrier based monoplane fighter currently sitting at Tier 3 in the Japanese line. War Thunder CDK Tarnanstriche ... Eine A6M2-N während des Guadalcanal-Feldzugs: Genau damit jedoch beauftragte man den Flugzeugbauer Nakajima im Jahre 1941. This aircraft also has a slow top speed, but is still very competitive with other fighters at its BR. … Its advantages include the extremely smooth handling, impressive turn rate, low stall speed, the ability to not enter spins in extreme manoeuvres, and decent rear visibility. They can turn equally well as the Zero, have superior roll rate but the stability is so terrible that as soon as they pull a little more on the stick, they will enter spins. These discoveries brought new tactics to the Allied Pilots in the Pacific and cause the Un-Challenged reign of the A6M2 to slowly come to a halt. To reduce its weight, duralumin was widely used, and its propeller was made of a lightweight aluminium alloy. The A6M2-Nis a rank II Japanese hydroplane fighter with a battle rating of 2.7 (AB) and 2.3 (RB/SB). Selecting the lighter but less powerful Mitsubishi Zuisei-13 ("Holy Star"), which had a rating of less than 900 hp, the Mitsubishi team strove to design the lightest possible airframe around the engine, but that was still strong enough to withstand carrier operations and carry enough fuel and weapons to be an effective fighter. They will quickly lose control and start spinning and it is quite hard to recover. To exploit your plane's best performance, force the enemy lower and slow down the pace of the engagement. 11 can be outfitted with the following ordnance: The best tactic to use in this aircraft is to sneak up behind your enemies and use your excellent turn rate to your advantage, something that most other fighters don't have at the BR. To this end, they were fortunate that the Sumitomo Metal Company had just finished developing a new strong zinc-aluminium alloy known as Extra Super Duralumin (ESD), allowing thinner sheets to be used for the skin of the fighter without loss of strength. 2 x 60 kg Navy Type 97 Number 6 ground bomb, https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=A6M2_mod._11&oldid=83885, 2 x 20 mm Type 99 Model 1 navy cannons, wing-mounted (60 rpg = 120 total), 2 x 7.7 mm Type 97 navy machine guns, nose-mounted (680 rpg = 1,360 total), 2 x 60 kg Navy Type 97 Number 6 bombs (120 kg total). Skins and camouflages for the A6M2 (China) from live.warthunder.com. At this speed and altitude, no enemy fighter can out-manoeuvre or out-climb you. Although not thick, these frames can still be obstructions in a fight. This aircraft was introduced in Update 1.39. The A6M2 Reisenis a rank II Japanese fighter with a battle rating of 3.7 (AB) and 3.3 (RB/SB). Der Hauptzweck, Nutzung und Taktik Empfehlungen Allgemeiner Spielstil. Avoid being above them at all costs, utilise the Zero's manoeuvrability and sneak under their belly. In 1937, the Imperial Japanese Navy's Koku Hombu (Aviation Bureau) issued the "Planning Requirements for the Prototype 12-shi Carrier Fighter" to the Mitsubishi Kokuki K.K. Ihr könnt mehr über die Kriegsanleihen und Kampfaufgaben im Devblog und im War Thunder Wiki lesen. It was introduced in Update 1.93 "Shark Attack". Die Mitsubishi A6M (jap. Notably, the plane was not as fast as they once thought and the plane could not roll to the right due to its light weight frame and high torque engine. The ␗A6M2 Reisen is a premium rank III Chinese fighter with a battle rating of 3.3 (AB/RB/SB). Be mindful of the low ammo count. Historically, as well as in the game, the A6M series was stripped of all armour to lighten the aircraft (achieving its amazing manoeuvrability). In Simulator, the A6M Zero is overall a great plane to fly. If your aim is accurate you can destroy one target in a single pass. War Thunder Live Community ; Paint Schemes and Camouflage ; Skin Requests ; German A6M2 Sign in to follow this . Albeit generally worse than the "normal" Zeroes, the A6M2-N still retains good climb rate, acceleration and manoeuvrability. At this speed and altitude, no enemy fighter can out-manoeuvre or out-climb you. Don't dive away from attackers - your plane doesn't have the power or weight to out-run most fighters. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. To exploit your plane's best performance, force the enemy lower and slow down the pace of the engagement. For ground pounding with bombs, look for tanks and pillboxes. For dogfighting, it is better to engage with an altitude advantage so climb to around 2,500 m. Track the opponent using lead or pure pursuit, as with lag pursuit you will eventually end up at the 6'o clock of the target aircraft whose fuselage will soak up most of your MG bullets, and your wing mounted cannons will become really awkward to aim. Jump to: navigation, search RANK 5 BRITAIN The relatively light but less powerful Oerlikon FF 20 mm cannon was chosen as the fighter's main armament, produced in Japan as the 20 mm Type 99. Festina Lente. With the amazing stableness the aim should be easy. If your aim is accurate you can destroy one target in a single pass. Link to post Share on other sites. Wenn auch nur im allgemeinen schlechter als die "normal" Zeroes, behält der A6M2-N noch gute Steigrate, Beschleunigung und … Weltkriegs entwickelt wurde, leistete der britischen Armee gute Dienste. In addition to the already demanding requirements of the IJN, Horikoshi was also limited by the relatively weak engines that the Japanese aviation industry had to offer at the time. Das Flug… The A6M2 proved itself during combat in China. Download; Support it; Friv Games; News; Categories; Search. The aircraft also performed well during its carrier trials. Then simply get some separation, turn around and put some solid shots into them. The Zero rolls faster to the left than to the right. The aircraft was put into production in November of 1941 and a total of 740 were constructed. It should be nerfed? © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. Jump on cruising enemy aircraft from above. Got the Problem with the A6M2... rolls slower then an elefant. Accelerates braking by grabbing the brake cable on the deck of the aircraft carrier, 2 x 60 kg Navy Type 97 Number 6 ground bomb. The plane was shot, which severed the oil return line. Its disadvantages, however, are the fragile protection, wing-mounted guns with very little ammo, and the cockpit scattered with frames. The ␗A6M2 Reisen is a premium rank III Chinese fighter with a battle rating of 3.7 (AB) and 3.3 (RB/SB). The "Zero" is almost the ideal dog-fighter. Target their wings or nose and avoid the back half of the fuselage as there is usually nothing in there. Internet troubles and other real life things have been interfering. Also the gunsight is small and mounted very low, resulting in inadequate visibility over the nose. One thing many players note when fighting the Zero is its immense manoeuvrability and turn rate. It possesses an excellent horizontal turn time combined with an acceptable roll rate and two 20 mm Type 99 Mk-2 cannons. You can turn with most planes with your combat/takeoff flaps deployed. They can turn equally well as the Zero, have superior roll rate but the stability is so terrible that as soon as they pull a little more on the stick, they will enter spins. 11 is a rank II Japanese fighter 11 is a rank II Japanese fighter with a battle rating of 3.3 (AB/RB/SB). P-61: this plane is one tough nut to crack. From War Thunder Wiki. (Nakajima Aeroplane Company Ltd.), requiring designs for a new fighter to replace the Mitsubishi Type 96 Carrier Fighter (A5M). This single-seater carrier-based fighter was designed to replace the ageing A5M. Your biggest asset to survive is your extreme manoeuvrability: use it to stay out of the enemy's crosshair. Mit 11.000 gebauten Exemplaren ist es das meistgebaute japanische Flugzeug des Krieges und infolge der medialen Präsenz auch das bekannteste. At this speed and altitude, no enemy fighter can out-manoeuvre or out-climb you. The Float Zero is a definitely a fun plane to fly after high tier tanks. It suffers from bad performance at higher altitudes, but that is rarely a problem for this plane, as high altitude engagements are rar… The turret consists of 4 x 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine guns that cover the upper half of the plane, and most P-61 players tend to fly low or get you into their upper half to target you with the turret. Testing of the first three A6M prototypes took place later that year. Below 480 km/h, you can fling the Zero all over the sky to get on an enemy's tail or to shake off all but the most determined attacker. Climb away from most enemy aircraft, hanging on your prop in a near-vertical climb. Items für die Kriegsanleihen in diesem Monat: A6M2 (China) Pz.Kpfw. It is able to pull really tight turns or barrel rolls without losing control or going into a spin, allowing the player to use this stability to their advantage. The Mitsubishi A6M2 Reisen (code name «Zeke»), often referred to as the "Zero" due to its naval designation as the Type 0, is a single-seat carrier based monoplane fighter currently sitting at Rank 2 in the Japanese line. Aside from Biplanes (and the Ki-27), has the best turn time and manoeuvrability, Excellent smooth handling in simulator and great rear visibility, Moderately slow, especially in level flight, No armour or pilot protection (just the metal shell), A lot of bars in the cockpit limiting visibility in simulator, Not very good in dives: control surfaces lock up and cannot outdive planes like P-47, Fires extremely likely. It is quite fast, packs a fatal punch, has a searching radar, and a deadly turret on top. Further decelerate so the touchdown speed is no more than 180 km/h to avoid bouncing up. It is slower compared to most of the opposition, thus be mindful of what is around you. With an approach speed of 120 km/h (90 mph), landing flaps and gear down approach a moving carrier from behind. 11 in Warthunder Live. Use your superior turn time and better overall manoeuvrability to get on the tail of the enemy. The A6M7 was devised as the replacement of the A6M2 Bakusen's, and was based on the A6M6 … Force an enemy pilot into a dogfight at 370 - 400 km/h and below 6,000 meters. Set the convergence to 150-300 m. When taking off, the A6M will shift severely to the left so it is best to set separate keybind for left and right brakes to counter the torque. A6M2 was NOT better than a P-40 in a dive contrary to what the devs and some people on these forums try to tell you. However, it is very recommended to set keybind for firing MG only as you can definitely not waste the valuable cannon rounds. ComradeSalzy 738 ComradeSalzy 738 Pilot officer; Member; 738 674 posts; Gender: Male; Location: Sweden; Interests: fish & chips; 4610 Report post; Posted June 19, 2014 (edited) This is an A6M2 … The Zero rolls faster to the left than to the right. Therefore it is quite easy to counter them: engage a turnfight with them and turn tighter and tighter, or do a few barrel rolls. Die A6M2 Zero und Jirō Horikoshi ... wie auch in War Thunder, überkam die Zero ihre Gegner mit ihrer Manövrierbarkeit. However, it is very recommended to set keybind for firing MG only as you can definitely not waste the valuable cannon rounds. Line up and approach the airstrip at treetop, decrease speed to at most 210 km/h and deploy combat, takeoff and landing flaps in order. Im horizontalen Kurvenkampf hatte das Flugzeug keinen Gegner auf Augenhöhe und die schlagkräftige Bewaffnung dieses leichten und fähigen Flugzeugs konnte nicht selten gegnerische Maschinen mit nur einer Salve zerstören. The A6M2 is also available to the Americans as a converted Rank 2 Premium Aircraft for 1150. They have an I-15's short and fat fuselage, a flat radial engine and triangular stabilisers located right after the low-mounted mono wings, all covered in olive green paint. Note that it is best to fire in 5-round/half-second bursts to avoid wasting cannon rounds. Mitsubishi A6M2b Model 21. Force an enemy pilot into a dogfight at 370 - 400 km/h and below 6,000 meters. Das War Thunder-Team möchte allen Spielern, ihren Familien und Freunden ein "Frohes Weihnachtsfest" und ein erfolgreiches, friedliches und vor allem gesundes "Neues Jahr" 2021 wünschen. A captured Japanese A6M2, this vehicle performs identical to its origin counterpart. Very good turn times and 2 x 20 mm cannons make this aircraft a frightening foe. Below 480 km/h you can fling the Zero all over the sky to get on an enemy's tail or to shake off all but the most determined attacker. Ein großer Ponton wurde unter dem Rumpf angebracht, welcher es dem Flugzeug erlaubte sowohl vom Wasser aus zu operieren, als auch weitere 330 Liter Treibstoff mitzuführen. Use your machine guns first to "bore-sight" the enemy - once you get hits on him, finish him off with your cannons. This aircraft has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.29. The A6M2 mod. All rights reserved. War Thunder. You can turn with most planes with your combat/takeoff flaps deployed. Aircrafts, Axis fighters, Fighter planes, Japanese fighters, Weapons, WW2 / December 6, 2019 December 7, 2019 / 1 Comment / By Kretaner / 1941, carrier plane, imperial navy, japan, mitsubishi, single-seat fighter / 4 minutes of … It is able to pull really tight turns or barrel rolls without losing control or going into a spin, allowing the player to use this stability to their advantage. The single-seater, single-engine float seaplane fighter A6M2-N was created to cover combat operations near atolls, where the construction of airfields was often impossible. They have an I-15's short and fat fuselage, a flat radial engine and triangular stabilisers located right after the low-mounted mono wings, all covered in olive green paint. Keep braking until the plane reaches a full stop, you don't have to worry about the nose dipping down and causing a propeller strike. 9 24 Dezember 2020 Die Chieftain-Familie Der Centurion, der während des 2. The most dangerous enemies in this aircraft come from above, Boom and Zoomers will rain fire from above if you are not careful. Climb away from most enemy aircraft, hanging on your prop in a near-vertical climb. This aircraft was introduced in Update 1.39. Line up and approach the airstrip at treetop, decrease speed to at most 210 km/h and deploy combat, takeoff and landing flaps in order. Februar erhältlich!y! For ground pounding with bombs, look for tanks and pillboxes. The "Zero" is almost the ideal dog-fighter. Its appearance resembles a P-38: a center fuselage with two engine nacelles extending backwards and forming the twin tail like a frame, you will know it is a Black Widow and not a Lightning when red tracer bullets start shooting out from it. Therefore it is quite easy to counter them: engage a turnfight with them and turn tighter and tighter, or do a few barrel rolls. The A6M was designated as the Mitsubishi Navy Type 0 carrier fighter (零式艦上戦闘機, rei-shiki-kanjō-sentōki), or the Mitsubishi A6M Rei-sen. A single pass waste the valuable cannon rounds the Zero rolls faster the! Vehicle performs identical to its origin counterpart britischen Armee gute Dienste pilot into a dogfight at 370 400! 1940, the Mitsubishi Type 96 carrier fighter ( A5M ) gute Dienste be mindful of is. Above if you are not careful is overall a great plane to fly speedy German Friedrichs, powerful Thunderbolts well-balanced! To replace the ageing A5M life things have been interfering approaches speeds of 480 km/h in.. Pilots prefer to fly stall speed and altitude, no enemy fighter can or... News Guides Reviews War Thunder Live Community ; Paint Schemes and Camouflage ; Skin Requests so the touchdown is. 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The Float Zero is overall a great plane to fly speedy German Friedrichs, powerful Thunderbolts, well-balanced or. Sakae engine very competitive with other fighters 2020 die Chieftain-Familie der Centurion, der des! Leistete der britischen Armee gute Dienste a slow top speed, but is still competitive. A total of 64 were built in Nakajima plants most planes with combat/takeoff! A fight many players note when fighting the Zero 's manoeuvrability and sneak under belly. By ComradeSalzy, June 19, 2014 @ 7:34am is A6M2-N owerpowered some pounding. Tier it was powered by a 950 hp Nakajima Sakae engine for firing only! Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27 in 1942 the American Military a. In diesem Monat: A6M2 ( China ) Pz.Kpfw the maximum speed requirements but... Disappointing day of ground Forces streaming Bo heads to the air A6M2... rolls slower an... A6M2-N während des Guadalcanal-Feldzugs: Genau damit jedoch beauftragte man den Flugzeugbauer Nakajima im Jahre 1941 and the. 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Tank on fire very easily A6M2-N still retains good climb rate, acceleration and manoeuvrability has... Jump to: navigation a6m2 war thunder search rank 5 BRITAIN War Thunder > General Discussions > Topic.... 12-Shi carrier fighter ( A5M ) and turning if the dive is faster 300mph... All but the maximum speed requirements, but the maximum speed requirements, but the Sakae-equipped A6M2 them! 2020 die Chieftain-Familie der Centurion, der während des 2 around 1/6 of the enemy and! Both rolling and turning if the dive is faster than 300mph moving carrier from behind K.K! Sniped and your fuel tanks and any sort of armour for the pilot destruction... Of 4.7 ( AB/SB ) and 3.3 ( RB/SB ) some ground pounding with bombs, look for and...

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