can you go to jail for lying at meps

But that's a scare tactic they wont do anything but kick you out. They will do everything to make you say new info and disqualify you. It's not really negative, but if you lied, then they would classify it as Fraudulent Enlistment which will absolutely affect your ability to get a job with the military and bar you from reenlisting. Below are abstractions of a true stories. There is no "normal" in this situation. Translation Language. You are the person who signs your enlistment documents. She passed out four times while standing in line waiting to go upstairs. But, the problems start when you secure an interview. No. no arrest, no jail, possible admin discharge for fraudulent enlistment. Your brother is pretty dumb by the way, there are tons of things you can easily lie about and get away with, but hospitalization for attempted suicide is pretty much the only thing that gets caught 100 percent of the time because it leaves such a gigantic and easy to find paperwork trail. but i'm so freaking worried about them finding anything. Lying at MEPS and bad results. today i went to meps and enlisted in the national guard. As a former military recruiter, I can tell you that your recruiter wants you to lie, because admitting to depression might disqualify you. You will learn of any conditions that will require you to bring supporting medical documentation when you go MEPS and any that are disqualifying. Having out patient surgery in Springfield, il. It it possible the democratic leadership teamed up with the Chinese and released coronavirus in the air to bring down Trump? Lying, or filing a false report, to police is too great of a risk to take. Before I signed the paperwork, they had me fill out a form listing my personal property as collateral. Read time: 2 mins mins read Read Time. Do not lie to MEPS. Where can he go while waiting? What do you think of the answers? Recruiters need to enlist people to keep their job and career. They just send you home with an entry level separation. The only reason they keep that penalty there is so they can use it against people like foreign spies who get caught and lied about their background on the forms. yes she needs to tell them that she had chlamdyia but is now free from it - and show a doctors note that says that. My best friend has had chlamydia twice and she has gotten rid of it. To find out what medical issues may disqualify you, you can search DODI 6130.03. They will do everything to make you say new info and disqualify you. Your career can start and end right here, don’t let the doc overlook something that you are getting a waiver for. Lie your freaking *** off if you have to cuz they wont know unless you say something. Here’s why. However, it is very unlikely in your case. I know he was just trying to make his job easier and get me in quick. Where people get caught is after boot camp when they get to their unit and the medical staff pull their health records to add to their file. I hope I can repay the loan. I needed the loan so I lied about the value of the collateral to get the loan. Lie at MEPS and if anything happens later to get the military to look into your background and they find something about which you lied, your career ends. They never catch people at MEPS, because MEPS doesn't care, it's not their job to catch lies just to move the paperwork process along. Dont give in and just lie if you have to. But every case is different. It makes no sense to do it, they already wasted money training someone they now have to throw out, so why would they then waste even more money to imprison them just because they checked the wrong box on a piece of a paper when they can simply cut them loose instead. But, as a lot of the country is witnessing, you can get yourself in a mountain of legal trouble if you lie to law enforcement, especially when you are visiting another country. Always a good way to start off an honorable venture...............with a sack of lies, that could get you arrested. Do they already know? If you remember something about your medical history, just dont say anything and Lie. If the military finds out that you lied, you can face a dishonorable discharge, loss of pay, or up to 2 years in jail. You would be the person who could be dismissed from the military for a fraudulent enlistment and possibly be convicted of a felony. is "no." Having out patient surgery in Springfield, il. Go farther and faster each day. I have changed a few details to maintain anonymity, however the basics of the stories are very real and did happen. Submitted by global_admin on Wed, 05/09/2012 - 08:52. what’s the penalty for lying to police? Your recruiter may or may not get into trouble. I’m just scared he will get thrown in jail! Ask if you need more info cuz I can help you pass. beng a vet i will show you how to already know which you isn't on tricare while you're on energetic accountability. i did just as my recruiter said and didn't tell them anything about my medical history. Honestly, he deserves to. Ive recentently went to the recruiter and signed the paper work to go to meps. if the U.S. has the strongest military could we win any war? A young man decided to join the Air Force and contacted a Recruiter. Archived . Or when you arrive at basic you will have "The moment of truth" which you can say anything you lied about then they will admin discharge you. “My recruiter told me to lie,” is not a valid excuse for lying on your enlistment papers. Chlamydia shouldn't be a disqualifier, but it's up to her whether she wants to tell them or not. 1. 09-05-2012. Half the people I know could be kicked out if they knew of their medical history. Lying at MEPS and bad results. I came from MEPS a week ago and they will tell you that you will go to jail for Lying. I havent gone to MEPs yet and am kind of scared. Husband cannot come into medical center due to COVID policy. Serious question about bullying and how to deal with it? If you can't go to the gym, work out at home: there's plenty of exercises you can do in your room (hint 8-count body builders) that will be a good work out. I had a few surgeries from 3-10 to repair a deformity in my nose. Off. You should probably consult counsel about your particular case and get the benefit of their advice. I feel horrible and know what I did was wrong. If you lie about something that would not disqualify you and that lie is discovered then the issue is not WHAT you lied about, just that you lied. I told them that I never had asthma before when I did at the age of 6. Contracting Jobs . Go do some yoga and relax do not stress. if the U.S. has the strongest military could we win any war? Jobseeker Advice. chances are she will be checked again. If they are totally disabling and prevent you from being able to function-(or if you had meds in your system when you got drug tested)then yes.If you fess up now you are screwed. Another thing is the DEP contract is not binding if you feel as if thats the best option tell me and I will get you the instruction to get you out. Different states have different laws regarding fraud. Since you mention VA Disability I will assume yes and I will assume you qualify as a pre-enlistment recruit. Article Category. Also, I thought they check your hospital and medical records? Why were American GIs who were stationed in UK so much better paid than Brit soldiers when UK still had an Empire? Problem is recently I was diagnosed with asthma but my doctor told me it wasnt asthma because i passed a breathing test. Now I’m not scared he will relapse or anything, he’s tough and been off the meds for a long time. I took out a personal loan in December to get caught up on bills. Posted by u/[deleted] 5 years ago. Are they waiting to arrest him? Should she tell MEPS that she has had it and gotten rid of it, or should she say no she hasn't had it because she is Chlamydia-free? Where can he go while waiting? This is very important as only those with the impeccable record are the only suitable candidates. The secret is to LIE LIE LIE!!! Personal medical records, hospital records, the police report, prescription records, insurance records etc. How do you think about the answers? Is the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy are under the same jurisdiction ? They will also ask you if you took any pain pills in the past 72hrs or any other medication. Get it down in writing or else it can seem like you are lying. If they think something is fishy they will check your medical. Serious question about bullying and how to deal with it? Keep in mind however that you aren’t a doctor, and the decision is ultimately up to the medical staff at MEPS. It does make things more difficult. You may be denied the clearance. THE FIRST ARRIVAL AT MEPS. He will get busted when the Marines check out his history. Even if what you say is true, the statistics are not in your favor. I came from MEPS a week ago and they will tell you that you will go to jail for Lying. Would we be doing mental health a favor, by banning mentally overqualified people from enlistment in the military. They haven't thrown people in jail for fraudulent enlistment for literally decades. Alright so my little brother joined the Marine Corps a while ago. Husband cannot come into medical center due to COVID policy. If a military draft were to reinstated as a what would that do too the population of canada? The most common falsehoods in a CV . The most extensive agility tests I have ever done. In some states, if you claim to have a college degree you don’t actually have, it’s considered a misdemeanor. My rectruiter said that I might as well say no. He just back from MEPS a bit ago, I got to talk to him, and I found out he lied about his history of Attempted Suicide, Hsopitalization, and Depression! The secret is to LIE LIE LIE!!! You get in trouble for something else and fraudulent enlistment is lumped into the charges. Do not to say anything. you should always be honest. I’m just scared he will get thrown in jail! You might as well be honest if you're trying to get a top secret clearance since they will find out everything that happened in your past anyways and you could be charged for lying. you would be taken care of by skill of military medical doctors. Dont give in and just lie if you have to. (like if you said no I don't have asthma but had an attack) If not then no. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. If you're bad at running, start early on in DEP andt build it up at first, try and see how far you can go without stopping. That really depends on the investigator and the adjudication. He just back from MEPS a bit ago, I got to talk to him, and I found out he lied about his history of Attempted Suicide, Hsopitalization, and Depression! oftentimes you will have statements from Dr.s declaring that the priority isnt a difficulty anymore, and that there isnt of challenge of something flaring up. If you forgot to mention something to your recruiter lie and let you recruiter know after you pass MEPS so he can fix it for you. Reason #3: You Could Go to Jail. 2. But if you are caught, they can revoke all of your pay and require you to pay all previously received pay back (I know, because I have a client going through this right now.) Are there military ID cards for military personnels to prove their military identities ? MEPs can sometimes be very fussy when it comes to determining qualifications. Are there military ID cards for military personnels to prove their military identities ? Still have questions? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. If you lie, then someday in the future when you get hurt and the docs do their exam and find out you already had a break in this bone that you didn't tell them about (because they CAN tell), you can be discharged for fraudulent enlistment, can go to jail, and can be forced to pay back ALL money you earned while being fraudulently enlisted. You can be disqualified at this point of the process for serious … The duck walk. Some conditions that may require supporting documentation or waivers include asthma, ADHD, autism and flat feet, (click on each condition for more information). (horny male soldiers) with Chlamydia when she FLOCKS all of them! Get answers by asking now. so some distance as mendacity at meps, maximum issues are waiverable interior the army. PLZ HELP!!!! In some states you can only be fined for lying about having a degree, but in other states a fine could be accompanied by something more severe. If, for example, you say to your recruiter "I might have had asthma as a kid, but no doctor ever diagnosed it as asthma," then the recruiter is perfectly correct to instruct you that the correct answer to the question "Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma?" Rarely will you go to jail for fraudulent enlistment. It is common for abused spouses to protect their attacker, and the courts know this. Were you previously in a branch of the armed forces? There's a decent chance you may still get it, since you were up-front with the investigator. English. Lie your freaking *** off if you have to cuz they wont know unless you say something. Yes, She can get court martialed for infecting government property. There was a girl in our processing group whose recruiter told her not to eat the morning of so she didn’t weigh over the limit for her height. 15 guys go into a room and strip down to boxers/underwear. 0. Normally, lying to a police officer is considered obstructing, and you can go to jail. It it possible the democratic leadership teamed up with the Chinese and released coronavirus in the air to bring down Trump? You verify that your statements are true and accurate. When my husband went through MEPS the last time (he changed branches so had to go through again) they told them when they swore in the final time, this is their last chance to come clean. Get your answers by asking now. You're not going to jail. Off. MEPS can't access your medical files, everything they write down is based on what you tell them and what their tests show. As you can see, this detailed record will give a precise insight into a candidate’s health. Now I’m not scared he will relapse or anything, he’s tough and been off the meds for a long time. The initial trip is usually a procedure which lasts for two days. Fraudulent enlistment, whether security clearance or not- is no joking matter. You can sign in to vote the answer. I believe females also have to do a PAP smear, but being disease free, like I said, they have no way of knowing. Press Releases. If she doesn't haven't anymore and it won't show up from a physical examination, or blood test, then they have no way of knowing. If you can, try and run every day! What’s the difference between the military cadet and royal cadet . Many states will seek jail time and/or thousands of dollars in fines for doing this. Can you go to jail for lying on your CV? You now have to prove and provide evidence to back up your claims during or after the interview; and this is where you’ll get caught out. Oh and when you're at MEPS they're going to ask you about 10x or so if you're lying and try to scare you … If your recruiter advises you not to eat because he or she doesn’t want you to be over at the weigh in, tell them you’re not ready to go to MEPS. But that's a scare tactic they wont do anything but kick you out. Close. they can and will do checks on your med history. BLUF: Don't lie at MEPS. Alright so my little brother joined the Marine Corps a while ago. Still have questions? Time yourself. Having been interior the army i will show you how to already know that staring on the sector you attempt to flow into, they might or won't waive them. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. You can't. Me and my best friend are leaving for MEPS next week. Just put no on the paper they have you fill out. To maintain anonymity, however the basics of the stories are very and! Or else it can seem like you are lying all of them that really depends on the they! Don ’ t a doctor, and the decision is ultimately up to her she... Overqualified people from enlistment in the air to bring down Trump to get up! S the difference between the military cadet and royal cadet tell them or not paperwork, they me... Get you arrested tell you that you are the only suitable candidates 3-10 to repair a in... 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