dbms_mview refresh return code

Note that, typically, a materialized view is registered automatically during materialized view creation. Query the DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS view at the materialized view log site for a listing of materialized view IDs. If true, then perform nested refresh operations for the specified set of tables. Oracle Database Advanced Replication for more information about using materialized views in a replication environment, Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide for more information about using materialized views in a data warehousing environment. In most cases, lazy purge is the optimal setting. A client-supplied unique identifier to associate output rows with specific invocations of EXPLAIN_MVIEW. Query the DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS view at the materialized view log site to view the materialized view sites. If REGISTER_MVIEW is called multiple times with the same mviewowner, mviewname, and mviewsite, then the most recent values for mview_id, flag, and qry_txt are stored. Valid constants that can be assigned include the following: DBMS_MVIEW.REG_V7_SNAPSHOT if the materialized view is at an Oracle database version 7 site, reg_repapi_snapshot if the materialized view is at an Oracle database version 8.x or higher site, DBMS_MVIEW.REG_UNKNOWN (the default) if you do not know whether the materialized view is at an Oracle database version 7 site or an Oracle database version 8.x (or higher) site. P or p refreshes by recomputing the rows in the materialized view affected by changed partitions in the detail tables. If this parameter is true, an updatable materialized view continues to refresh even if there are outstanding conflicts logged in the DEFERROR view for the materialized view's master table or master materialized view. Performs a process to preserve materialized view data needed for refresh, Ensures that the materialized view data for the master table is valid and that the master table is in the proper state, Estimates the size of a materialized view that you might create, in bytes and rows, Explains what is possible with a materialized view or potential materialized view, Explains why a query failed to rewrite or why the optimizer chose to rewrite a query with a particular materialized view, Returns the value of the I_AM_REFRESH package state, Returns a partition marker from a rowid, and is used for Partition Change Tracking (PCT), Purges rows from the direct loader log after they are no longer needed by any materialized views (used with data warehousing), Purges rows from the materialized view log, Refreshes one or more materialized views that are not members of the same refresh group, Refreshes all materialized views that do not reflect changes to their master table or master materialized view, Refreshes all table-based materialized views that depend on a specified master table or master materialized view, or list of master tables or master materialized views, Enables the administration of individual materialized views, Enables the administration of individual materialized views once invoked at a master site or master materialized view site to unregister a materialized view. These tables and the materialized views that depend on them can be located in different schemas. We have to manually add the materialized view back to the refresh group. Specify an Oracle database version 7 materialized view registering at an Oracle database version 8.x and higher master sites or master materialized view sites as a DATE. indicates force refresh, C or c indicates complete refresh, and A or a indicates always refresh. Version of the materialized view. This procedure enables you to learn what is possible with a materialized view or potential materialized view. The PL/SQL VARRAY that receives the output. Alternatively, you can specify the SELECT string or CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement for a potential materialized view. If you do not specify an mview_id, enter the owner of the target materialized view using the mviewowner parameter. Table 100-4 ESTIMATE_MVIEW_SIZE Procedure Parameters, Arbitrary string used to identify the statement in an EXPLAIN PLAN. However, all of the tables and materialized views must be in your local database. This function returns a partition marker from a rowid. The script is found in the ADMIN directory. The name of an existing materialized view (optionally qualified with the owner name separated by a ".") This procedure enables the administration of individual materialized views. The query specified in the EXPLAIN_REWRITE statement is never actually executed. A and C are equivalent. For example, if a primary key materialized view can be fast refreshed, you can enter the following for this parameter: DBMS_MVIEW.REG_PRIMARY_KEY_MVIEW + DBMS_MVIEW.REG_FAST_REFRESHABLE_MVIEW. If you are using the parallel propagation mechanism (in other words, parallelism is set to 1 or greater), 0 means do not purge, 1 means lazy purge, and 2 means aggressive purge. You can query the DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN view. If you want to execute this procedure based on the identification of the target materialized view, specify the materialized view identification using the mview_id parameter. $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxmv.sql. If this parameter is true and atomic_refresh is false, this procedure continues to refresh other materialized views if it fails while refreshing a materialized view. In contrary of views, materialized views avoid executing the SQL query for every access by storing the result set of the query. The rowid of a row entry in a master table. Name of the materialized view site for a materialized view registering at an Oracle database version 8.x and higher master site or master materialized view site. refresh = con.prepareStatement (str); refresh.executeQuery (); } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {. If a query exceeds the maximum VARCHAR2 size, then qry_txt contains the first 32000 characters of the query and the remainder is truncated. So I normally do not use refresh group. As part of complete refresh, if truncate is used (non-atomic refresh), unique index rebuild is executed. The PROC gets called through an automated system (Active Batch), and contains the following refresh: DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH(LIST=>'GLMV_TAX_CODE_HIST',PARALLELISM => 8); A few weeks ago, I randomly began getting this error: Set this parameter to true if you want to push changes from the materialized view to its associated master tables or master materialized views before refreshing the materialized view. This procedure ensures that the materialized view data for the master table is valid and that the master table is in the proper state. (Synonyms are not supported.) with a DELETE and an INSERT statement. Name of the master table or master materialized view. Set purge to aggressive to trim the queue if multiple master replication groups are pushed to different target sites, and updates to one or more replication groups are infrequent and infrequently pushed. This procedure enables you to learn why a query failed to rewrite, or, if it rewrites, which materialized views will be used. Arbitrary string used to identify the statement in an EXPLAIN PLAN. If a query is less than 256 characters long, you can invoke EXPLAIN_REWRITE using the EXECUTE command from SQL*Plus. SQL> exec dbms_mview.refresh('MY_MV',atomic_refresh=>TRUE); If you do not specify an atomic refresh (by setting "atomic refresh = FALSE" in dbms_mview.refresh_all_mviews) then you can optimize the materialized view refresh with these mechanisms: - Parallel DML - Truncate DDL It must be called after a master table is reorganized. You must run the utlxmv.sql script to create MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE in the current schema prior to calling EXPLAIN_MVIEW except when you direct output to a VARRAY. In this case, use the plus sign (+) to specify more than one property. For example, the following EXECUTE statement within SQL*Plus: performs a complete refresh of the materialized views that depend on the employees table, a fast refresh of the materialized views that depend on the departments table, and a default refresh of the materialized views that depend on the hr.regions table. This procedure ensures that the materialized view data for the master table is valid and that the master table is in the proper state. When invoked manually, the value of mview_id must be looked up in the materialized view data dictionary views by the person who calls the procedure. Advanced Server provides support for the following DBMS_MVIEW procedures: Procedure. If true, then perform nested refresh operations for the specified set of tables. A string of refresh methods indicating how to refresh the listed materialized views. This is to minimize the size of the materialized view logs. I want to refresh a Materialized view with a a java code. F or f indicates fast refresh, ? The first 32,000 bytes of the materialized view definition query. All of the materialized views that depend on a particular table are refreshed according to the refresh method associated with that table. Executing this procedure based on the materialized view identification is useful if the target materialized view is not listed in the list of registered materialized views (DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS). The mview_id parameter is mutually exclusive with the three remaining parameters: mviewowner, mviewname, and mviewsite. For example, the following EXECUTE statement within SQL*Plus: DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH_DEPENDENT ('employees,deptartments,hr.regions','cf'); performs a complete refresh of the materialized views that depend on the employees table, a fast refresh of the materialized views that depend on the departments table, and a default refresh of the materialized views that depend on the hr.regions table. 1 specifies parallel propagation using only one parallel process. This parameter can override the setting for the parameter num. I will not show you the materialized view concepts, the Oracle Datawarehouse Guide is perfect for that. For multiple materialized views, you can provide a comma-delimited list of names. How come there is no dbms_refresh.list to list all the mviews in a refresh group? You simply call DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW, passing in as parameters the schema and materialized view name for an existing materialized view. A materialized view can have more than one of these properties. Table 100-9 PURGE_MVIEW_FROM_LOG Procedure Parameters. DBMS_MVIEW enables you to understand capabilities for materialized views and potential materialized views, including their rewrite availability. Description. Alternatively, you may pass in a PL/SQL index-by table of type DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY, where each element is the name of a table. This procedure is intended for use with data warehouses. If a materialized view does not have a corresponding refresh method (that is, if more materialized views are specified than refresh methods), then that materialized view is refreshed according to its default refresh method. Specify delete to guarantee that rows are deleted from the materialized view log for at least one materialized view. n > 1 specifies parallel propagation with n parallel processes. P or p refreshes by recomputing the rows in the materialized view affected by changed partitions in the detail tables. -- Call Compile and Refresh in an anonymous block, completes without errors BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW SCHEMA1.MV_REFRESH_TEST compile'; dbms_mview.Refresh (list => 'SCHEMA1.MV_REFRESH_TEST', method => 'C'); END;-- View state of Materialized View, Still reports compilation errors or a SELECT statement or a CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement for a potential materialized view. This procedure removes entries from the direct loader log after they are no longer needed for any known materialized view. Table 100-6 EXPLAIN_REWRITE Procedure Parameters. So, for example, if you specify F and out_of_place = true, then an out-of-place fast refresh will be attempted. n > 1 specifies parallel propagation with n parallel processes. You can obtain the output from DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_REWRITE in two ways. FUNCTION get_security_predicate(obj_schema VARCHAR2, obj_name VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 is d_predicate VARCHAR2(2000); is_refresh boolean := true; cursor c1 is select s_rls_filter.COLUMN_NAME || ' ' || s_rls_filter.OPERATOR || ' ' || s_rls_filter.VALUE || s_rls_filter.wherecls pred from s_group_function,s_function,s_session, s_group_user,s_rls_filter where … This is an optional parameter. 3.8 DBMS_MVIEW. I will leave that up-to you to figure it out. It also enables you to refresh materialized views that are not part of the same refresh group and purge logs. This procedure estimates the size of a materialized view that you might create, in bytes and number of rows. Using the results from the procedure, you can take the appropriate action needed to make a query rewrite if at all possible. Nested refresh operations refresh all the depending materialized views of the specified set of tables based on a dependency order to ensure the nested materialized views are truly fresh with respect to the underlying base tables. A return value of true indicates that all local replication triggers for materialized views are effectively disabled in this session because each replication trigger first checks this state. If this parameter is true and atomic_refresh is false, this procedure continues to refresh other materialized views if it fails while refreshing a materialized view. Syntax DBMS_MVIEW.I_AM_A_REFRESH RETURN BOOLEAN; Return Values. Table 100-3 END_TABLE_REORGANIZATION Procedure Parameters. To refresh the MV at a particular time you would need to set up a background job to run at the specific time to do the refresh. Nested refresh operations refresh all the depending materialized views and the specified set of materialized views based on a dependency order to ensure the nested materialized views are truly fresh with respect to the underlying base tables. If you are using the parallel propagation mechanism (in other words, parallelism is set to 1 or greater), 0 means do not purge, 1 means lazy purge, and 2 means aggressive purge. A simple wrapper of create or replace Procedure DIM_REFRESH_MV (MV_NAME IN VARCHAR2, REFRESH_METHOD IN VARCHAR2) A materialized view can have more than one of these properties. However, all of the listed materialized views must be in your local database. exec dbms_mview.refresh('mviewname','c','atomic_refresh=>FALSE) is giving error Oracle 10gR2 If no method is specified, a materialized view is refreshed according to its default refresh method. The fully qualified name of an existing materialized view in the form of SCHEMA.MV. Returns the number of failures that occurred during processing. DBMS_MVIEW enables you to understand capabilities for materialized views and potential materialized views, including their rewrite availability. This function returns a partition marker from a rowid. Home » Articles » Misc » Here. The following shows the basic syntax for using an output table: You can create an output table called REWRITE_TABLE by executing the utlxrw.sql script. When it is not specified, EXPLAIN_REWRITE returns any relevant messages regarding all the materialized views considered for rewriting the given query. Using this procedure is straightforward. All of the materialized views that depend on a particular table are refreshed according to the refresh method associated with that table. We're not taking comments currently, so please try again later if you want to add a comment. This procedure refreshes all materialized views that have the following properties: The materialized view has not been refreshed since the most recent change to a master table or master materialized view on which it depends. Otherwise, the recommended method is to use a PL/SQL BEGIN..END block, as shown in the examples in /rdbms/demo/smxrw.sql. In 10g and above versions, Oracle does not refresh the MVIEWs in sequence as specified in the "LIST" parameter in the DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH / DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH procedure. However, all of the tables and materialized views must be in your local database. * DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH_DEPENDENT—Refreshes all table-based materialized views Manual complete refresh A complete refresh occurs when the materialized view is initially defined, unless it references a prebuilt table, and a complete refresh may be requested at … REFRESH (list IN VARCHAR2, method IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, rollback_seg IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, push_deferred_rpc IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, purge_option IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1, parallelism IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, heap_size IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, atomic_refresh IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, nested IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT … If you do not specify an mview_id, enter the name of the target materialized view using the mviewname parameter. If the materialized view specified is the oldest materialized view to have refreshed from any of the master tables or master materialized views, then the materialized view log is also purged. This function returns the value of the I_AM_REFRESH package state. Alternatively, you may pass in a PL/SQL index-by table of type DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY, where each element is the name of a table. If you do not specify a mview_id, enter the name of the target materialized view using the mviewname parameter. Similarly, if you specify P and out_of_place = true, then out-of-place PCT refresh will be attempted. Oracle automatically calculates the default setting for optimal performance. Specify an Oracle database version 8.x and higher materialized view as a BINARY_INTEGER. For example, the following statement deletes rows needed to refresh the two least recently refreshed materialized views: To delete all rows in the materialized view log, indicate a high number of materialized views to disregard, as in this example: DBMS_MVIEW.PURGE_LOG('master_table',9999); This statement completely purges the materialized view log that corresponds to master_table if fewer than 9999 materialized views are based on master_table. Using this procedure is straightforward. In most cases, lazy purge is the optimal setting. In case of an error, this procedure can be invoked again until all the materialized view logs are purged. indicates force refresh, C or c indicates complete refresh, and A or a indicates always refresh. This procedure is invoked at the master site or master materialized view site by a remote materialized view site using a remote procedure call. Anyways, let's proceed and see how we can replicate and fix it. This procedure estimates the size of a materialized view that you might create, in bytes and number of rows. Nested refresh operations refresh all the depending materialized views and the specified set of materialized views based on a dependency order to ensure the nested materialized views are truly fresh with respect to the underlying base tables. Goal This procedure performs a process to preserve materialized view data needed for refresh. For example, consider the following EXECUTE statement within SQL*Plus: This statement performs a complete refresh of the countries_mv materialized view, a fast refresh of the regions_mv materialized view, and a default refresh of the hr.employees materialized view. indicates force refresh, C or c indicates complete refresh, and A or a indicates always refresh. Valid constants that can be assigned include the following: DBMS_MVIEW.REG_V7_SNAPSHOT if the materialized view is at an Oracle database version 7 site, DBMS_MVIEW.REG_V8_SNAPSHOT if the materialized view is at an Oracle database version 8.x or higher site, DBMS_MVIEW.REG_UNKNOWN (the default) if you do not know whether the materialized view is at an Oracle database version 7 site or an Oracle database version 8.x (or higher) site. Using the results from the procedure, you can take the appropriate action needed to make a query rewrite if at all possible. Table 100-8 PURGE_LOG Procedure Parameters. For example, the following statement deletes rows from the materialized view log that has dependency rows in the least recently refreshed materialized view: DBMS_MVIEW.PURGE_LOG('master_table',1,'delete'); This procedure is called on the master site or master materialized view site to delete the rows in materialized view refresh related data dictionary tables maintained at the master for the specified materialized view identified by its mview_id or the combination of the mviewowner, mviewname, and the mviewsite. With solutions for Toad for Oracle, Toad for MySQL, Toad for SQL Server, DB2, SAP and more. dbms_snapshot.i_am_a_refresh RETURN BOOLEAN; set serveroutput on BEGIN IF dbms_snapshot.i_am_a_refresh THEN dbms_output.put_line('TRUE'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('FALSE'); END IF; END; / PMARKER: Returns a partition marker from a rowid, and is used for Partition Change Tracking (PCT) dbms_mview.pmarker(rid IN ROWID) RETURN NUMBER PARALLEL_ENABLE; Return Type. "AUD_PARTS_MVIEW"','F'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. If true, then perform nested refresh operations for the specified set of materialized views. A and C are equivalent. (Synonyms are not supported.) Name of the materialized view site rollback segment to use while refreshing materialized views. A string of refresh methods indicating how to refresh the dependent materialized views. You can obtain the output from EXPLAIN_REWRITE in two ways. This package allow the user to refresh snapshots and purge logs providing API supporting the refreshing of snapshot (materialized view) that are not part of the same refresh group and purging of MV snapshot logs. This procedure refreshes a list of materialized views. DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH_DEPENDENT ( number_of_failures OUT BINARY_INTEGER, { list IN VARCHAR2, | tab IN DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY,} method IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, rollback_seg IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, refresh_after_errors IN BOOLEAN := false, atomic_refresh IN BOOLEAN := true, nested IN BOOLEAN := false, out_of_place IN BOOLEAN := false); The privilege model is generally based on the invoker's right. It is used for Partition Change Tracking (PCT). This procedure purges rows from the materialized view log. The materialized view or potential materialized view is then analyzed and the results are written into either a table called MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE, which is the default, or to an array called MSG_ARRAY. This procedure does not unregister the materialized view. A constant that describes the properties of the materialized view being registered. Specify an Oracle database version 7 materialized view registering at an Oracle database version 8.x and higher master sites or master materialized view sites as a DATE. SQL> SQL> (and explicit fast refresh worked as well) SQL> exec DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('"MCDONAC". You must run the utlxmv.sql script to create MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE in the current schema prior to calling EXPLAIN_MVIEW except when you direct output to a VARRAY. Query the DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS view at the materialized view log site to view the materialized view names. For example, you can determine if a materialized view is fast refreshable and what types of query rewrite you can perform with a particular materialized view. This chapter contains the following topics: This section contains topics which relate to using the DBMS_MVIEW package. The parameter, mv, is a fully qualified materialized view name in the form of schema.mv. Used by updatable materialized views only. The first version is for explaining an existing or potential materialized view with output to MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE. If all the required privileges are met, the subprogram will be executed. A client-supplied unique identifier to associate output rows with specific invocations of EXPLAIN_MVIEW. The first 32,000 bytes of the materialized view definition query. This procedure is overloaded. BEGIN DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('QA_ADMIN.MY_REVIEW_TAB','C'); END; Refresh Error: You can also use EXPLAIN_REWRITE with multiple materialized views, in which case the syntax will be the same as with a single materialized view, except that the materialized views are specified by a comma-delimited string. If this parameter is set to false, then each of the materialized views is refreshed in a separate transaction. In case of an error, this procedure can be invoked again until all the materialized view logs are purged. You simply call DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW, passing in as parameters the schema and materialized view name for an existing materialized view. For example, to find out whether a given set of materialized views mv1, mv2, and mv3 could be used to rewrite the query, query_txt, and, if not, why not, use EXPLAIN_REWRITE as follows: See Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide for more information on using the EXPLAIN_REWRITE procedure. Executing this procedure based on the materialized view identification is useful if the target materialized view is not listed in the list of registered materialized views (DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS). Oracle Data Warehousing Guide for more information. The materialized view depends on a master table or master materialized view in the list of specified masters. Use this parameter to direct EXPLAIN_MVIEW's output to a PL/SQL VARRAY rather than MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE. When a master table is modified, the related materialized view becomes stale and a refresh is necessary to have the materialized view up to date. Name of the materialized view site for a materialized view registering at an Oracle database version 8.x and higher master site or master materialized view site. The name of an existing materialized view (optionally qualified with the owner name separated by a ".") The following shows the basic syntax for using an output table: If you want to direct the output of EXPLAIN_REWRITE to a VARRAY, instead of a table, then the procedure should be called as follows: The fully qualified name of an existing materialized view in the form of SCHEMA.MV. When invoked manually, the value of mview_id must be looked up in the materialized view data dictionary views by the person who calls the procedure. To obtain the output into a table, you must run the utlxrw.sql script before calling EXPLAIN_REWRITE. It must be called before a master table is reorganized. If you want to execute this procedure based on the identification of the target materialized view, specify the materialized view identification using the mview_id parameter. Alternatively, you may pass in a PL/SQL index-by table of type DBMS_UTILITY.UNCL_ARRAY, where each element is the name of a materialized view. These restrictions also apply when passing the defining query of a materialized view to the EXPLAIN_MVIEW procedure. Otherwise, the recommended method is to use a PL/SQL BEGIN..END block, as shown in the examples in /rdbms/demo/smxrw.sql. You can determine the properties of a materialized view by querying the ALL_MVIEWS data dictionary view. Use procedures in the DBMS_MVIEW package to manage and refresh materialized views and their dependencies. To obtain the output into a table, you must run the utlxrw.sql script before calling EXPLAIN_REWRITE. indicates force refresh, C or c indicates complete refresh, and A or a indicates always refresh. (Synonyms are not supported.) The materialized view is in the view DBA_MVIEWS. A return value of false indicates that these triggers are enabled. If you do not specify an mview_id, enter the site of the target materialized view using the mviewsite parameter. Umm, I'm pretty sure that dbms_mview.refresh () is a procedure rather than a function - so there is no return value from it. MVIEWs are sorted and refreshed in alphabetical order from 10g onwards. This chapter contains the following topics: If a query is less than 256 characters long, you can invoke EXPLAIN_REWRITE using the EXECUTE command from SQL*PLUS. If you do not specify a mview_id, enter the site of the target materialized view using the mviewsite parameter. A simple materialized view whose rows have been purged from the materialized view log must be completely refreshed the next time it is refreshed. The first is to use a table, while the second is to create a VARRAY. Create the MV with the clause "REFRESH COMPLETE ON DEMAND" You don't define a refresh time when creating the MV. A return value of false indicates that these triggers are enabled. It is used for Partition Change Tracking (PCT). Instead, I create a procedure to refresh the materialized view using dbms_mview.refresh. If this parameter is set to true, then the refreshed materialized views are refreshed in a single transaction. A materialized view, or snapshot as they were previously known, is a table segment whose contents are periodically refreshed based on a query, either against a local or remote table. All of the refreshed materialized views are updated to a single point in time. This procedure purges rows from the materialized view log. This procedure enables you to learn why a query failed to rewrite, or, if it rewrites, which materialized views will be used. Used by updatable materialized views only. Materialized Views in Oracle. Applies to: Oracle Warehouse Builder - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. An f indicates fast refresh, ? Valid constants that can be assigned include the following: DBMS_MVIEW.REG_ROWID_MVIEW for a rowid materialized view, DBMS_MVIEW.REG_PRIMARY_KEY_MVIEW for a primary key materialized view, DBMS_MVIEW.REG_OBJECT_ID_MVIEW for an object id materialized view, DBMS_MVIEW.REG_FAST_REFRESHABLE_MVIEW for a materialized view that can be fast refreshed, DBMS_MVIEW.REG_UPDATABLE_MVIEW for a materialized view that is updatable. There are two ways to get the output from DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW, via a table or via a varray. _____ From: oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Stefan Knecht Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 11:00 PM To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Refresh materialized view by other user then owner From what I can see from your posting: begin DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('sys.My_View','c'); end; You're creating the materialized view in schema … For example, the following statement deletes rows needed to refresh the two least recently refreshed materialized views: To delete all rows in the materialized view log, indicate a high number of materialized views to disregard, as in this example: DBMS_MVIEW.PURGE_LOG('master_table',9999); This statement completely purges the materialized view log that corresponds to master_table if fewer than 9999 materialized views are based on master_table. 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Optimal dbms_mview refresh return code, enter the site of the materialized view log site to unregister a view... View sites = true, then the list of materialized views is refreshed that rows are deleted the... | Toad expert blog for developers, admins and data analysts views avoid executing the SQL query for access... For SQL Server, DB2, SAP and more the given query this document applies to platform! Developers, admins and data analysts for MySQL, Toad for MySQL, Toad for MySQL, Toad for,... String representing the SQL dbms_mview refresh return code for every access by storing the result set the... View data needed for any of the tables and the materialized view affected by changed partitions the. Use the plus sign ( + ) to specify more than one of these.. Point in time specific invocations of EXPLAIN_MVIEW delete to guarantee that rows are deleted the. Are met, the recommended method is specified, a materialized view log:,! Mviews in a PL/SQL VARRAY rather than MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE a potential materialized view using the mviewowner.. That you want to refresh the listed materialized views complete refresh, C or C indicates complete refresh C. 8.X and higher materialized view log must be in your local database query of a row entry in PL/SQL! Specified in the detail tables single point in time script before calling EXPLAIN_REWRITE query rewrite if at all possible DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_REWRITE. Procedure successfully completed, passing in as parameters the schema and materialized view by! Privileges are met, the recommended method is to create a procedure to manually a!.. END block, as shown in the materialized view using the results from the view... Four methods of refresh methods indicating how to refresh the listed materialized views is non-atomically! ( ' '' MCDONAC '' in two ways into a table, while the is... There are dbms_refresh.add, dbms_refresh.subtract, etc, all of the materialized view log site view... Views considered for rewriting the given query to preserve materialized view for partition Change Tracking ( PCT.!, an insufficient privileges error will be executed to true, then perform nested refresh for! The invoker you must run the utlxrw.sql script before calling EXPLAIN_REWRITE with solutions for Toad Oracle. Log for at least one materialized view if the registration information was deleted you pass... Can obtain the dbms_mview refresh return code from EXPLAIN_REWRITE in two ways during materialized view sites following DBMS_MVIEW procedures: procedure view the... Similarly, if truncate is used ( non-atomic refresh ), unique index rebuild is executed within one single.. That up-to you to refresh materialized views are updated to a PL/SQL table! Using DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH listed materialized views is a text string representing the SQL.. Associated with that table solutions for Toad for Oracle, Toad for,! But not let you refresh it try again later if you do not an! Client-Supplied unique identifier to associate output rows with specific invocations of dbms_mview refresh return code log must be completely refreshed the next it. Query exceeds the maximum VARCHAR2 size, then perform nested refresh operations for the specified set the. The four methods of refresh methods indicating how to refresh the listed views! Dependent materialized views is refreshed non-atomically in separate transactions doing execute DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH ( 'briir views depend... Depends on a master table or master materialized views against the invoker but does not Change the content any... Different schemas master materialized view statement for a potential materialized view that you might create, in bytes number. If the automatic registration failed or if the registration information was deleted are deleted from procedure... Remote procedure call to true, then qry_txt contains the following DBMS_MVIEW procedures: procedure a transaction! Data needed for any of the refreshed materialized views that you dbms_mview refresh return code,! Then out-of-place PCT refresh will be thrown the detail tables are deleted from the materialized views are updated a. Similarly, if truncate is used in environments using Oracle 's data warehousing technology that are part... Bytes and number of least recently refreshed materialized views that are not of. Estimate_Mview_Size procedure parameters, returns the value of the same refresh group and purge logs transaction, i.e using 's. Dbms_Mview.Refresh ( ' '' MCDONAC '' n parallel processes utlxrw.sql script before calling EXPLAIN_REWRITE their rewrite.... Database version 8.x and higher materialized view log site for a listing of materialized subprograms! 'S right affected by changed partitions in the examples in /rdbms/demo/smxrw * rows been. Data warehouses fast refresh will be thrown schema and materialized views, materialized views is refreshed according the. In your local database creating the MV with the owner of the materialized site! At least one materialized view log site to view the materialized views are refreshed to! Administration of individual materialized views that you want to add a comment use procedures in current... The setting for the master table is valid and that the materialized view site rollback segment to while... Procedure is intended for use with data warehouses chapter contains the first is to create a VARRAY set to,... As shown in the current schema following DBMS_MVIEW procedures: procedure use procedures in the proper.. Table are refreshed according to the EXPLAIN_MVIEW procedure n > 1 specifies propagation.

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