how to track muscle gain

In My Opinion You Should Only Track Progress After A Period When: You must remember that change does not happen overnight. Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzer: Body Fat Analyzer, Review Of Other Articles Or "Why Wasn't Mine Picked?". Faaarrrrrr too many aspiring bodybuilders hop on the scales once a week (if not more!) Everyone wants to make progress, of course. If you aren't noticeably heavier on the scales after a bulk, then little to no muscle was built. So if you weight 100 lbs and you have a 10% body fat then you would have 10 pounds of fat (100 x .10 = 10 remember 10% is a decimal for you math genius's) and 90 pounds of other things such as muscle, water, bone mass, and organs. Learn how to track your progress here... TOPIC: What's The Best Way To Keep Track Of Your Progress? Lack of ideas. External factors such as hydration, food intake and skin temperature may also affect the result. Be the first to receive exciting news, features, and special offers from! This also allows you to your track your progress qualitatively. In your log you should put in your training program as well as a bunch of important things I will list below. – Kwesi (Kwesi Peters, CPT, Community Manager). First, you need to know the calorie and macro makeup of your food. Everyone is different. every fortnight. I keep an updated log at both and, which includes how much I lifted that workout indicating if it was a progression or not, my overall rating of the workout and any additional comments, as well as a diet log at, which includes everything I eat, and my macronutrient and caloric totals for the day. …and I get it…tracking is a pain. It also sets the trend: you’ll tend to eat healthier if your day starts with a strong and healthy breakfast. Allows you to identify trends in your training, Allows you to compare training sessions directly over a period of time, Allows you to identify dips and plateaus in your performance and correct potential problems. Lastly, but most importantly, you have to eat to gain muscle while continuing to run on a regular basis. What Are Some Of The Best Methods To Keep Track Of Your Progress? Really this is up to you. By Carefully & Regularly Tracking Your Progress You Can Quickly & Easily Benefit You In A Number Of Important Ways: Or put on an extra 5lbs of lean mass before Christmas if you're already ahead of your game plan. The goal with a calorie surplus is to provide just enough additional energy to build muscle, while keeping lean. 3rd Place - Ravadongon What's The Best Way To Keep Track Of Your Progress? But if you're a serious athlete or bodybuilder playing it by ear is no effective at all. Everyone wants to make progress. However, the 'intuitive' approach is not without merit. Fat gain is still inevitable and you may gain half a pound of fat per month (estimate) However if you recently started bulking you may gain a few pounds pretty quickly due to water/glycogen. The 'Standard' Places For Taking A Bodybuilder's Measurements Are: If your goal is to bulk and accept that there will be a fat increase, this is fine. For example, if you're losing body fat faster than you expected you can alter your long term goals to take this into account. That’s where this article comes in. Here is a link with various tests for the components of your overall fitness. Keep in mind though, you will want to keep each of your logs, don't throw them out. So just invest a little time and make a good quality log, don't play it by ear and be lazy. If this is the case, you're wasting a lot of your time and you can prevent this by putting a little time into keeping track of every part of your training and diet. Measuring your progress can be as easy as keeping a log of your workouts and diet and calculating your body composition (weight, body fat, lean mass etc.) And worst of all if your overtraining or doing something very wrong with your diet you wouldn't know what the problem would be since nothing is written down. You want to be able to act fast if you see a problem which is why you should check over all your stuff every two weeks (You don't want to be wasting precious time, especially when your preparing for a contest). Sometimes you have to listen to your body in order to figure out a routine, diet and recovery plan which works best. Aim for half a pound per week. The 'post your pictures' section of the forums provides a unique opportunity for you to gain constructive criticism from fellow bodybuilders around the world. While Many Suggest That The Mirror Is The Best Way Of Tracking Aesthetic Change, I Would Argue That Pictures Are Far Superior; Like with most things put into your own individual context. Pretty similar to the rest. Most of the time it's your diet. Workout Log: Daily Workout Log, Workout Journal Section: Bodybuilding Workout Journals Athletes Training Journals, Fitness Evaluation Tests: BONUS: What's the best way to keep your workouts and diet in check? The writer was descriptive on their ideas, but could have included more ideas. For a lot of people the ultimate purpose of careful dieting and training may be to simply look better than they did when they started. But you have no idea of the exact muscle gains. Unfortunately weight scales do not give you the full picture of how you are progressing and using the scales only as a method of tracking your progress, is not ideal as you are unable to determine whether your gains/losses have been in muscle or fat. They can provide motivation in giving your something to strive for and can be simply as useful as reminding you of exactly what you were capable of last week, and what you should aim for this week. Progression is the name of the game when it comes to the BuiltLean Program! Divide the log into weeks, and write down what body part your doing in each day of the week. 1st Place - ho_124 What's The Best Way To Keep Track Of Your Progress? Below is a visual representation of how 3,000 calories might be used up over a day with the goal of maximizing muscle gain while minimizing fat gain. There is little point in reaching a target body fat percentage if it's not comfortable or doesn't help you with achieving your goals. Use heavy weights for a minimum of one set of four to eight repetitions. It doesn't take a whole lot of time and it hardly costs any money so it only makes sense to keep track of everything. Put your body fat percentage in each week. For example, the weights a bodybuilder lifts may be secondary to their aesthetic appeal. The training section, the diet section and the stats section. 5777 N Meeker Ave, Boise, ID 83713-1520 USA, Put the measurements of your body parts in each week, Put your body fat percentage in each week, Put your muscle gain mass in each week (I told you how to do this in the fat composition part), Put before and after pictures in this part, You can tell if what you are doing is helping you move towards your goals. After you're finished take another picture and compare all of them to see how you have progressed. Unfortunately it is quite expensive. When it comes to food, this is pretty easy. This will ensure that you are getting a truer account of your progress over time. It is important though, if you do want to be measured accurately with a caliper, that you do get someone who is experienced at using one, otherwise you may not get a true sense of what body fat you really are at. The total body weight change (muscle + fat) will always be a negative number. But there is a problem when it comes to gaining muscle. In a perfect scenario with optimal conditions your body can make 10g of muscle a day. So 2 pounds per month. Any adjustments they make will be shots in the dark. You should also show your pictures to someone else to see what they think since you might have some huge ego. If you exercise every day and have a physical job or if you often exercise twice a day, multiply your BMR by 1.9. Put your weight in each week. By keeping all of the information in one place I can easily track my progress and identify plateaus, strengths and weaknesses. Fortunately, you’re reading Nerd Fitness which means you’re most likely smart, incredibly good looking, humble, and aware that doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results is the definition of insanity.. On top of that, you understand and value the importance of tracking your progress – as the saying goes “that which get measured gets improved. Many of the principles described previously still apply, although these methods of tracking progress can use in conjunction with them. Shoulder – Standing, can either be measured as a straight line from the largest points on each shoulder across the chest or as a girth measurement all the way around the body. You might not know if your are really gaining fat or muscle (Especially when bulking). The scales are NOT the way to track muscle growth!. Like I Mentioned Above The Best Way To Keep Your Workouts & Diet In Check Is By Keeping A Log Which Contains Three Sections: There is no other way of keeping on top of your training and diet than keeping a log. This week we answer these questions and more in our Q&A weekly roundup. It should be stresses that the VO2 Max Test should only be performed by athletes UNDER SUPERVISION. In order to track progress effectively your ultimate goal must be identified. Get Stronger. This way you can constantly be on the ball regarding where you are in relation to your long term vision. By doing this you can keep track of how you've done in each of your workout and work on making progress in either repetitions or weight in your next workout, so progressive overload, one of the key factors behind muscle growth, can be achieved. With more information and writing, this writer has a great future. So you take 108 minus 90 to get 18 pounds of gained non fat mass. For best results in building muscle, train 2-3 times a week so your muscles have time to recover in between. The key to measuring well is consistency; by making sure you try and eliminate as many variables as possible. Running burns a lot of calories and muscles need ample fuel to grow. You would never know what training and diet programs worked best for you. Feel free to splurge every once in a while, but start cutting out fast food, sweets, salty foods, and processed foods. Once you've formed a plan it is important you keep track of your progress. They are not a substitute for actual training and should only be performed occasionally. On weekends I log the results of my weights sessions into the computer which allows me time to look over previous weeks and compare my progress. Most of us just want our bodies to look better, our proportions to change, and new definition in the glory zones like abs, arms, and chest. This means that in practice a recovery period is required in order to sufficiently recuperate from the maximum effort test. So before you gained 20 lbs you had 90 lbs of non fat body mass and after you gained 20 lbs you had 108 pounds of non body fat weight. Obviously this does not take into account actual competition, where athletes may be required to push their body to the limits week in week out for several weeks. Get that idea out of your mind, it does not exist. Others see results over longer periods of time and may prefer measuring over longer intervals such as a month. © 2020 muscle gain calculator This calculator provides an accurate estimate for how many calories to eat for muscle gain, as well as guides for how much protein, carbohydrates, and … In order to calculate LBM, you need your body fat percentage measurement (See 5 … Treadaway Training Blogcast Helping busy professionals get more results in less time. And they rarely built the bulk of their muscle size with the routines they do now. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional prior to beginning any diet or exercise program or taking any dietary supplement. In fact, taking either of these too close together and expecting results can often lead to disappointment and de-motivation. If your trying to bulk and you just guess the amount of food you need to get about five hundred calories over your maintenance level, your probably going to fail miserably. When you write all this information down weekly and you look back at all of it you know if you progressed in the gym by increasing weight or maybe doing one or two more reps. And if your stats are constantly getting better then you know for sure your progressing. It can also be quite impractical having to measure your body fat this way on a regular basis. Make sure external settings are kept constant such as lighting and placement and that you take pictures in different poses (keep them consistent at each interval) so all muscle groups can be seen. Think about it, for training it tells you what exercises you did, how many sets, reps and the exact weight you used. I spent some time this evening working on 3 tracking-related tasks: 1) Completing a 24-hour diet/workout schedule. How Do I Eat Over 140 Grams of Protein Per Day? So if at the start of your log you record that on your bench press you fail exactly at 8 reps with 100 pounds and at the end of your training log you still achieve muscle failure at 8 reps with 100 pounds. Nothing really original that separated this article from some of the other runner-ups. This in itself will interfere with a regular training regime. Bodyfat Caliper Article (inc. Bodyfat Calculator): Calipers: Are They Effective For Measuring Body-fat? But since I’m following the “Fast Muscle Gain” program exactly as it is written, there’s no getting around the monotany of this step. You should also look over everything carefully every two weeks. A workout log is a must for any lifter, whether they are an athlete, powerlifter or bodybuilder. Keeping an actual journal is slightly different in my opinion. Could have fully explained their "training log" idea, such as how to set it up, or how it keeps track of your training/diet. To maximize your rate of progress while minimizing the risk of excess fat accumulation, shoot for a gain of 0.25 to 0.5% of your bodyweight per week. Does Lactic Acid Build Up Cause Muscle Burn? Rather than looking at the actual numbers they produce it is often wiser to track individual trends with calipers over a period of time. Here are a few you can do in order of intensity and depending on your fitness level: You can also consider metabolic conditioning circuit like here at the end of the workout as well => This way people can give you extra motivation and assistance with your training and diet. The easy way to get around this is to measure your progress so you can be 100% sure whether or not you are making the progress you desire. Finally, monitor your muscle volume, muscle quality and basal metabolic rate to make sure you are consuming the right level of calories to fuel your muscle function, and most importantly to track your progress over time so you can see how well you are doing. This is simply because a longer time span is required to notice any discernable difference in these regards. Loading your muscles without refueling them is just going to put stress on your body without visible results. Should you eat fruit if you are trying to lose fat? The best way to keep both your workouts and diet in check is to firstly form a plan. Pictures offer the chance for comparison- you can place several pictures side by side for a direct comparison of your progress over a period of time. This was a problem with other articles as well. We’ll talk more about the ideal calorie surplus in the next section. Unfortunately muscle does not grow overnight. Once I have a diet that suits me I no longer have to calculate anything- just eat, train and rest! Then something is obviously and seriously wrong with your training and probably your diet too. Consider the following basics of a muscle building diet: Protein is the building block for your muscles. A general weight training session burns about 90 calories for a 125-pound person and 112 calories for a 155-pound person. BONUS QUESTION: What's the best way to keep your workouts and diet in check? These people have set themselves up to be unnecessarily bewildered. Put your muscle gain mass in each week (I told you how to do this in the fat composition part) Put before and after pictures in this part. That is why you can't just rely on the scale to tell keep track of your gains. By tracking your progress you can constantly reassess your goals. It may seem odd that I have decided to combine these but looking at my notes I've noticed a lot of similarities in the different ways of tracking progress whilst trying to achieve either of these goals. This may seem like a redundant need, but so many people just do not realize how important your diet is to gaining muscle. Resistance training is essential for healthy weight gain. Do you use any methods of tracking progress, keeping workouts and diets in check, or do you just listen to your body and play it by ear? If you pick someone faster/stronger/with more stamina than you, you will have to push yourself further to compete with them. For some, a change in bodyweight or fat levels may only be distinguishable on the actual scales every 2 weeks or so, in which case they may wish to reformulate their workout and diet, or may be happy with slow and steady progress. The forums allow you the opportunity to start your own training log, along with pictures, in order to help you track your progress, give you a permanent base for keeping your results and getting advice and encouragements off of other athletes. On the other end of the spectrum , if your goal is weight loss and can accept some muscle loss in the process, the scales on there own will be fine. In truth, muscle gains usually result from mutually reinforcing diet and workout habits. That means taking your weight, measurements, body fat %, and muscle mass gained. Logs often allow you the opportunity to provide personal feedback to remind you in the future of how you felt during your run/ cycle/ lift etc. It is a good idea though to keep track of your weight in your log. All body fat ideas could have been under the same topic "tracking body fat," instead of listing each one under a separate category. There isn't just one method of keeping track of your progress but quite a few, and you also shouldn't rely on one way. Measurements and pictures need only be taken every month or so in my opinion. Less time could have been spent on the 3 different ways of tracking body fat, and more time spent on other ideas of tracking progress. Answer: “Muscle weight gain” can be measured by tracking your lean body mass (LBM) over time. In actual fact much of the success of any athlete is constant improvement due to constant re-evaluation, with the improved numbers following on from this steady improvement. If not, tracking your progress helps you easily identify problems that may be hindering you by looking at your diet/routine/recovery and may help prevent you coming to frustrating. Always pushing your body and making it better. Then write down the exercises your doing for the body part. Some people may like to use a little palmtop organizer if they have one and it is convenient for them. Talking you through the best tools to track and measure your progress with fat loss and muscle gain! However, as with scales it doesn't give you the full picture in terms of fat and muscle ratio and would be best used in collaboration with other measurement equipment such as body fat measurers. * Results may vary. "You want to train the muscle with 3-4 sets at a weight where you can achieve muscle failure at 8-12 reps," Santiago says. If you stay the same weight, how do you track your muscle building progress. All of this means, to me, that such testing should be used once a month, if not less. Put the measurements of your body parts in each week. Topic of the Week gives forum members the chance to share their knowledge with the world! © 2020 BuiltLean LLC | All rights reserved. Playing it by ear is risky. Going down in body measurement as you replace muscle with fat? By this I mean times or weights lifted don't matter. If you wait to long to check your progress like a month or something, then if you find out your diet and training is not getting you anywhere, you've basically wasted a month doing nothing. Comparing your own measurements allows you to track progress and identify weak points. Therefore in order for any method of tracking your progress to be useful it must be performed within the context of an ultimate goal. Functional strength and endurance are secondary to a good physique and the method of assessment should reflect this. That is a very good question, and definitely shows your thinking in the right direction when it comes to body composition. When everything is written down about what you ate including the type of food, the amount of calories, the carbohydrates, protein and fat content your chances of screwing up on your diet are slim. The content on our website is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice or to replace a relationship with a qualified healthcare professional. By tracking your progress carefully and thoughtfully you can help attain your goals faster and with less frustration as weak spots become easily identifiable and problems become easier to spot and resolve. That’s why bodybuilding routines don’t work for most people. Have no idea of what you 're doing building block for your muscles time... Then you know for sure that dates run into each other and that the information is presented clearly to long! Is pretty easy this evening working on 3 to 5 days per week on the scales a! Even 10 % Daily workout log is a must for any lifter, whether they are not substitute! Written log onto and set up a little palmtop organizer if have. One 's progress is often essential in realizing your goals can be extremely on body! 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