instructor training carpentries

QCIF Training Manager Mark Crowe and QCIF eResearch Analysts Chantelle Pinnington (James Cook University based) and Dr Edan Scriven (University of Queensland based) have all completed the instructor training program with The Carpentries. A Software Carpentry workshop is taught by at least one trained and badged instructor. Most CodeRefinery instructors have completed the Carpentry instructor training workshop, which anyone can apply for and 15 seats are reserved each year through NeIC’s Carpentry membership. Instructors will be given full training and will become certified Carpentries Instructors. This workshop is open to anyone interested in improving their teaching skills, and is specifically designed to train people who have entry-level software and data skills to share their knowledge with colleagues by co-teaching and helping at Carpentries workshops. Chapter 1 Guiding principles. Note that since Greg also helped develop the Carpentries instructor training, there is some overlap between the two training programs (in fact, if you’ve taught a Carpentries course and done the Carpentries training, you can waive the instructor training altogether). About this Event This event will run for four consecutive days (Monday August 24-Thursday August 27). The Carpentries Instructor Training for Librarians. Check out Carpentries Instructor Training's events, learn more, or contact this organizer. You will be expected to teach at least two workshops a year to our community, and The Carpentries Instructor Training. Online instructor training. The Institute is therefore working with The Carpentries to run instructor training events, based on a curriculum designed by Greg Wilson, the founder of Software Carpentry. Due to the requirements for qualification (participate in a 2-day workshop and complete three additional online exercises afterwards), several of our trained instructors have not yet qualified. In fact, becoming an instructor is a good way to become more expert in one or more tools. Central European University (online) Instructors: Miklós Koren Nov 10 - Nov 26, 2020 : The Jackson Laboratory (online) Instructors: Brook Moyers, Saranya Canchi, Alana Schick, Chandra Sarkar Nov 10 - Nov 19, 2020 : The Carpentries (online) Instructors: Azalee Bostroem, Allen Downey Helpers: Erin Becker, Philip Rosenfield, Rodolfo Montez Nov 16 - Nov 19, 2020 I am more than averagely interested in new learning methods, so I was curious to see how the Carpentries instructor training was carried out. Keeping Track of Instructor Training 13 Oct 2018. Carpentries curricula are developed based on the results of research in the science of teaching and learning. If you also have colleagues who are interested in teaching for the Carpentries, consider asking your institution to Partner with us! and should not be taught separately. This material. Our Lessons. Upcoming, open Instructor training for librarians. The Carpentries is an international project that comprises Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry, communities of instructors, trainers, maintainers, helpers, and supporters who share a mission to teach foundational computational and data science skills to researchers. We rely on findings synthesized in the book How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching (Ambrose et al. Director of Instructor Training, The Carpentries. Please contact the event … QCIF Skills Development Manager Dr Mark Crowe will be able to train and assess new instructors in Carpentries’ teaching methods. The Carpentries project comprises the Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry communities of Instructors, Trainers, Maintainers, helpers, and supporters who share a mission to teach foundational computational and data science skills to researchers. The Carpentries Instructor Training at Fred Hutch 1 minute read Written by: Kate Hertweck - Bioinformatics Training Manager The Carpentries is a non-profit organization that teaches computing and data skills to researchers worldwide. Over two days, instructors teach our three core topics: the Unix shell, version control with Git, and a programming language (Python or R). Becoming a Carpentries Instructor allows you to learn about how to teach and to get practice teaching, as well as providing a way for you to share useful skills with others. We are committed to increasing diversity among the Instructor pool in New Zealand so we welcome and encourage applications from candidates with a variety of backgrounds. As you suggested, what's important is for the trainees to get a feel for the limit of working memory, which they are often surprised to discover is so small. We are pleased to announce an open Carpentries instructor training course on 30-31 August geared specifically for the Library Carpentry movement supported by a grant to the California Digital Library from the IMLS. NZ Carpentries Instructor Training - Expression of Interest 2020 Please fill out this form if you are interested in participating in the Carpentries Instructor Training Program. Instructor Training The Carpentries. ... Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry share a single instructor training program, but instructors must certify separately for each at the end: see the description of the instructor … local and regional Carpentries convenings outside of instructor training and Carpentries workshops have become more popular in the last year, and community members are currently responsible for the planning and execution of the events with minimal input from the Core Carpentries team, The role of the Carpentries Instructors is to plan, organise and teach Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry workshops. With growing demand for workshops across the UK, there is a need for more qualified Carpentry instructors. Here are the parts of the instructor training that I found especially useful. Attendance at all four sessions is required. Doing an instructor training enables one to teach official The Carpentries workshops. Instructor Training; Trainers. About. In particular, this training is aimed at those who want to become Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry instructors, run workshops and contribute to the Carpentry training materials. Prepare you to use these teaching skills in teaching Carpentries workshops. The course is aimed at everyone who is interested in becoming a better teacher. University of Alabama at Birmingham (online) Instructors: Cody Hennesy, Annajiat Alim Rasel, Mary Ann Warner, Camilla Bressan Jan 22 - Apr 23, 2021 ** Workshops marked with asterisks are based on curriculum from The Carpentries lesson programs but may not follow our standard workshop format. Teaching: 60 min Exercises: 0 min Questions. Carpentries Instructor Training is using Eventbrite to organize 12 upcoming events. 2019 Jump to. Fifteen seats in the Carpentries Instructor Training are available each year for JAX employees. Why become a Carpentries Instructor? Our instructor training workshops tend to be quite pushed for time (as you may have noticed in early April 😉), so I don't think that repeating 10x is going to work. The Smithsonian Institution has been a member organization since 2017. Our instructor training program draws inspiration and material from the one developed by the Carpentries (the umbrella organization that includes Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, and Library Carpentry). We believe meetings should be fun. Trainees who are not previously certified Instructors will be asked to concurrently pursue Instructor certification. We believe getting things done is the best motivation booster, and, we believe having fun is essential for any workplace, specially when your workplace is not just the office anymore. The Institute is therefore working with The Carpentries to run instructor training events, based on a curriculum designed by Greg Wilson, the founder of Software Carpentry. Increasing digital literacy in New Zealand is a massive collaborative effort and the growth of programs like the Carpentries … HPC, Zomics data analysis, R, Python, git, and bash. The Carpentries instructors are very well trained teachers and The Carpentries have their own instructor training workshops that are offered world-wide and usually quite sought after! Select time zones are listed below. We are hosting a Carpentries Instructor Training on November 16-17 (Sat-Sun) 10AM – 6PM at the DataLab in Shields Library! We believe collaborating we can get further. Since November 2018, NeIC is a Platinum Partner to The Carpentries. Through a membership with The Carpentries, Fred Hutch is able to periodically host a two-day Instructor Training workshop, which aims to introduce you to … Bonus Modules for Carpentries Instructors This repository contains short lessons intended to provide continuing education opportunities for Carpentries Instructors. Digital skills training for Queensland researchers was boosted this month with a QCIF manager completing certification to become a Carpentries Instructor Trainer. Skip Main Navigation Instructor Trainers agree to abide by the Code of Conduct in all communications and interactions with The Carpentries community. I manage an instructor training program that teaches evidence-based practices in education to researchers and research-adjacent professionals who wish to share their software and data skills using our 2-day workshop curricula. Between 2015 - 2019 almost 150 South African researchers, students, as well as IT and library staff have participated in local instructor training events. Toby Hodges; Mateusz Kuzak; Overview. Carpentries membership¶. Training researchers to be Carpentries instructors enables research communities to run their own workshops and spread knowledge more effectively. The Carpentries (comprised of Data Carpentry, Library Carpentry, and Software Carpentry) is a project whose mission is to teach foundational computational and data science skills to researchers and others who create, manage, and use data.. Overview. For the training we were around 20 learners from around the world and two instructors. Carpentries Instructor Training Location: The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor ME. Episodes that are intended to be taught together in a single workshop are labeled “Part 1”, “Part 2” etc. By Chris Erdmann, John Chodacki. These trainings teach both the research-based teaching practices the Carpentries use and also how the Carpentries … Jun 03 - 04. Instructor Training is an intense two-day workshop during which participants learn and discuss a variety of teaching techniques. Over the last hundred years, researchers have discovered an enormous amount about how people learn and how best to teach them. What is Instructor Training. An opportunity to become a part of this community is available to I became an instructor trainer in the Carpentries in Spring of 2017 and since then I’ve co-taught 5 train-the-trainer events. Carpentries instructor training does not require a high level of proficiency in software or coding. This section is derived from the Carpentries instructor training material. Help you become integrated into the Carpentries community. Instructor training also does not cover creating lesson materials or curriculum development. Please contact the event organizer for more information. Swansea University (online) Instructors: Ed Bennett, Mark Dawson, Michele Mesiti, Ben Thorpe Helpers: Tom Pritchard Jan 25 - Jan 29, 2021 ** Workshops marked with asterisks are based on curriculum from The Carpentries lesson programs but may not follow our standard workshop format. The training is focused on learning more about the Carpentries instruction techniques including how to create a non-threatening and inclusive learning environment. If you were not selected for this round of instructor training, don’t lose heart: we have kept everyone’s application in queue, and hope to revisit our offerings in the new year. View the time for the first day in your time zone.

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