my dog is losing weight but seems healthy

Weight loss can be a serious condition in dogs, especially when it We’ll also cover what you can do to help your aging dog to put on weight again and get their strength and energy back. underlying cause of the weight loss is. Your dog's weight will change over the course of their lifetime, depending on their age, breed, whether they are neutered and any health conditions they may have. That way, you know what to look for and can give a better explanation to your vet. Making a Fat Dog Fit: 5 Tips for Weight Loss, 5 Dog and Cat Food Diet Tips From Veterinarians, Parasites, including hookworms, whipworms and roundworms, Change to an appropriate, high-quality diet, Vitamin and mineral supplements for malnourished patients, Parenteral nutrition, if the dog cannot eat food orally. If your dog hasn’t been eating or drinking as much, the alluring smell might help to bring back their appetite. Some other symptoms may be discrete. Because it is an indicator that something is not right in his health. Unfortunately, many pet owners mistake the signs of heart disease in elderly dogs as just signs of ‘getting old.’ It’s easy to think nothing is wrong until the symptoms become more severe, but the earlier you can catch this illness, the easier it will be to treat. It is important to look at various dog weight loss cases and assess where he belongs. A dog may have visible weight loss but still appear healthy. Next, lab tests and/or x-rays may be needed to determine the problem. Eating can become a painful thing. Some things to look for along with weight loss include: It’s easy for cancer to grow and spread quickly. It should be something you notice just by looking at them. Keep them on a diet plan that works for them once they’re healthy, and you might be able to enjoy many more years with your senior dog. There are many things that can cause weight loss, including chronic disease. In some cases, certain health conditions or diseases can also cause dehydration. That’s why it’s so important to pay close attention to any changes in your senior pet. Then, if something is wrong, your vet can start to take care of it right away. If you feed your cat dry food, store it inside an airtight container, as doing so will help keep it fresher longer. Weight loss in your senior dog might be something slow and gradual that you start to notice over time. My Dog Keeps Attacking My Other Dog (for No Reason)! You can also mix it with their dry kibble. Answer. Luckily, the most common reasons are easily fixable—especially if your dog is not eating but seems fine otherwise. If you buy something, we may be paid a share of the sale. But, sudden weight loss may be cause for concern. But, if you’re not sure how much weight they’ve actually lost and you’re concerned, you can weigh them at home. This could occur even when he is offered the … Your dog losing weight can be caused by several things. As with most bodily changes in your pets, you’ll want to be aware of weight loss. You should always contact your In any case, the best things you can do are to pay attention to additional symptoms that are going along with your dog’s weight loss. Where there doesn’t seem to be any other reason for the weight loss, it could be that the amount he is consuming is just not enough. These alterations can occur with respect to their health, energy levels, and appearance. Don’t start overfeeding your dog just because you think they’re getting too skinny. have weight loss, a veterinarian will perform a complete bodily You wrote that your dog seems healthy – is eating well, drinking normally and having normal urine and bowel movements but seems to be losing weight. They might eat it anyway because it’s delicious to them, or because they’re simply hungry. But, there are other ways to increase their fluid intake. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. To help you identify any potential issues we’ve outlined six causes of sudden weight loss … It can be tough for a dog with diabetes to keep on weight. Even if your dog has been eating normally, you may notice he is losing weight. Some dogs can also develop infections or tumors in their mouths, so it’s essential to get an official diagnosis and treatment. My Dog Is Losing Weight but Seems Healthy. Most Comfortable Pet Travel Carriers for Dogs and Cats! It can cause weight loss because the body starts to convert stored fat into energy. I had no idea she was sick until then, because there were really no symptoms. If your dog is losing weight there’s a reason behind it, so here are some possible causes. According to Blue Cross for Pets, the signs of kidney failure include: This is another condition where early detection is key. Dogs are very lovable creatures, so the urge to kiss your dog is completely natural. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. But is it risky? With that in mind, weight loss in a dog is considered significant when the dog has lost 10% or more of their normal body weight. Determine the exact number of calories needed to reach that weight, and can tell you exactly how much to feed and when. If you notice your cat is losing weight, your first step should be to schedule a vet appointment. We have been having a lot of hot weather, so I always keep her fresh water & she drinks a lot. Or, they can cause a lot of pain for your dog, and they may need to be put down. It is not unusual for geriatric dogs to become very thin and emaciated just because of old age, but in many cases, this weight loss is due to some degenerative disorders such as chronic renal or hepatic insufficiencies and/or some types of malignancies. On the one hand, it can be great fun – you get double the playtimes, double the kisses, and cuddles, and perhaps…, Any time a dog is suddenly lethargic, it’s natural for you to worry about their health and wellbeing. Some more symptoms of diabetes in older dogs listed by the American Kennel Club are as follows: Dogs with diabetes may also have recurrent urinary tract issues and infections. veterinarian if you notice any changes in body weight. than he consumes them. This is due to the body not processing glucose correctly. If your dog loses weight rapidly particularly more than 10 per cent, there may be an underlying condition. But, you know your dog better than anyone. Dog with appetite steadily losing weight I am concerned because she is steadily losing weight. In the interim, you might want to make life easier for him or her with a pet carrier for older dogs. PetLab Review: How effective are these joint chews for dogs? My Dog Has Diarrhea But Acting Normal and Eating. If it is a medical condition, the earlier it’s ‘caught,’ the better the chances of getting it treated. As they start to eat less because of the discomfort, they will undoubtedly lose weight. Make sure you are supporting your dog’s mental and emotional health. Treatment for Weight Loss in Cats . following: In order to care for your pet properly, pet owners should make sure Treatment will depend on what your veterinarian determines is the underlying cause of your pet’s weight loss. Even if your older dog is losing weight but eating, it can be cause for concern. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Weight loss in older dogs isn’t uncommon, but that doesn’t mean that it’s normal. The vet says she probably just needs to eat more. exceeds 10 percent of the normal weight. You’ll likely notice different symptoms once you know what you should be looking for. The vet told me that when the kidneys go, nothing tastes good to them any more, so they stop eating and drinking. It can be as simple as your dog becoming picky due to a decreased sense of smell. My dog has been itching like crazy and losing weight for months now. He is eating very well and seems otherwise healthy - Answered by a verified Dog Specialist. But if you've noticed your dog has suddenly and unexpectedly begun to lose weight, this could be a symptom of a … An old dog losing weight and muscle mass might not seem like a big deal at first. If you’re around your dog every day, you know better than anyone else what to look for in their appearance. Your dog may have a condition that can be treated easily. But, if the condition is caught early on, many forms of the disease can be managed. My dog is normally very healthy, and she has a shiny coat and is very active, but she has lost quite a bit of weight in the last couple of weeks and I am wondering if there is something wrong with her. Your dog will have a hard time eating until their mouth starts to feel better. Your vet will be able to give you more answers. Copyright © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. Why does my dog sleep with its head on my neck? Or, serve them a can of wet dog food once a day in place of one of their dry meals. negative. For this, we will have to see if his character and/or physical appearance for any type of change. Canned dog food has two benefits for senior dogs. Different symptoms are associated with various conditions. If your dog has lost at least 10% of its body weight and you’re worried it might be a health issue, there are other symptoms you can look for. For other conditions, more aggressive treatment may be needed. It’s still important to get your dog checked out by a vet if you notice these symptoms along with weight loss. Type 2 diabetes in dogs can usually be controlled with changes to the diet as well as oral medication. There are more serious conditions and diseases that can affect senior dogs and cause rapid weight loss. If your dog is older but hasn’t shown signs of weight loss, you can keep them on their normal food regimen. If your dog is losing weight, and there has been no change to his diet and lifestyle, a sudden loss of weight may be a cause for concern. There are reasons senior dogs lose weight that aren’t a cause for serious concern. I'm Lou. An unplanned weight loss of more than 10% of a dog’s body weight is considered abnormal. If your dog is losing weight fast, it’s likely to be something more serious. Oral health problems can become more common. If your dog drops in weight by 10 percent, bring it to your vet’s attention. While poor nutrition is often the result of eating too much fo… But, your vet can at least give you peace of mind and some advice on what you can do to keep your older dog healthy as long as possible. But, you can do your part to make sure your best four-legged friend isn’t going through any serious medical conditions. Pet owners will need to document their pet's illness your pet has, early detection is the key to recovery in most is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. To treat the weight loss itself, you have to treat the condition causing it in the first place. Unfortunately, by that time the disease is usually advanced and can be harder to treat or recover from. he takes vitamins, eats normally, but just seems to want to sleep on my dog all day If the lethargy continues then you should be worried and he should be examined by a … For other dogs, it can happen suddenly. The most common symptoms to look out for include: If you’re able to feel your dog’s heartbeat, another sign of problems is that it might be irregular. Some dogs also have more hair than others, which can make it difficult to see a change in their weight right away. The treatment for weight loss in cats depends on the cause. A drastic sudden drop in weight is more likely to suggest there is a health concern. If you find that your dog has started to lose weight gradually, you probably don’t have too much to worry about. Thankfully, the symptoms associated with these problems are relatively easy to spot quickly. Unplanned or rapid weight loss in dogs, while not uncommon, can be alarming for any pet owner. Cognitive dysfunction, similar to Alzheimer’s for dogs, can occur if your dog’s mental faculties begin to decline. Dog. your dog's former weight and size. determine the best treatment. What confuses me is she has a very good appetite, which may be the good sign here. The big problem with kidney disease is it can happen slowly, but then feel as though it happens all at once. As you can see, there are many different possible causes for the problem. As founder and editor of, I combine my passion for animals with expert advice to bring you articles that will make you a better, happier pet owner. Your dog also might have a bigger appetite which is due to the cells not getting enough glucose. She lost about 1/3 of her body weight in just two weeks. Malnutrition on the other hand occurs when a dog has lost more than 10% of its total bodyweight. The first thing to keep in mind is how you’re judging your dog’s appetite. It doesn’t always mean there is a medical issue. Or, take them to the vet to be weighed as a precautionary measure. There are many addition to his consumption of a healthy, well-balanced meal. This may mean Ah, diarrhea – the dark side of pet ownership. The causes of weight loss in dogs vary greatly. You can also save lots of time and money. As the fat reserves start to get used up, your dog will lose weight. It also has a stronger smell and taste. If your dog loses more than 10% of his or her total body weight, this should be a cause for concern. At times a dog may become too hyperactive and have an increased level of activity. How to Choose the Perfect Pet Carrier for Your Dog, My dog won’t pee! Establishing the cause of the weight loss is If your dog is losing weight unexpectedly, it can be an indication of an underlying health or behavioral issue that requires veterinary attention. If your dog’s weight loss is the result of anxiety, depression or another mental ailment, you’ll need to take steps to help him feel a little better. Why is My Dog Lethargic and Not Eating or Drinking? This generally happens when your pet uses nutrients faster than he consumes them. Cancer is perhaps one of the most severe conditions an older dog can face. A canine that loses their lust for life, and will not eat…, Kissing is a way of expressing love and affection. I set up Pet Carrier Verdict to provide a website brimming with pet carrier and health advice you can trust. When your teeth, gums, or tongue hurt, you don’t want to eat much. Parasites can … Dogs can go through many changes as they age. Or, they could just be losing weight because of old age. Diabetes isn’t uncommon in older dogs, and it can affect them in a similar way it does with people. That’s why it’s vital that you learn how to brush your dog’s teeth! Losing weight quickly and unexpectedly could indicate a serious health condition. As the fat reserves start to get used up, your dog will lose weight. Unfortunately, there are so many different types of cancer, just as there is with humans. But, dehydration is also a risk. 3. Dog Losing Weight: Sharing life with a dog means having great benefits and in addition, if we know how to take care of it and make it happy we will receive unconditional love from them. The sooner any time of cancer is caught, the better. The next few sections will cover some of the most common conditions that cause weight loss in older dogs. If you think, ‘my dog is losing weight but acting normal,’ it could be a minor problem. An inability to gain weight, or extreme and sudden weight loss in dogs, may make your furry friend look sickly and have marked effects on his behavior. It’s important that you feed your dog food that has meat, grains, fruits, and vegetables. But, it’s vital to know as many possibilities as you can so you know what to do if you notice a difference in your dog’s weight. Just because your dog is experiencing one or two of these symptoms doesn’t automatically mean they have cancer. This is nothing to take lightly and you should take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. Weight loss can be a sign your dog is suffering from one of many possible gastro-intestinal disorders, which can affect their stomach and intestines. This is due to the body not processing glucose correctly. We all seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time discussing our pet’s pee and poop. And if you’re feeding wet food, wash the bowl after every meal. A little weight loss is normal for some elderly dogs. If your older dog starts to get too skinny as they lose muscle mass, they can become weaker. Weight loss in dogs can be commonly associated with a change in food, especially if that food is not part of a well-balanced diet. In more extreme cases, your dog may need oral surgery to fix the problem. Weight loss in dogs is a condition that occurs when caloric balance goes negative. Many times, one of the causes above will be the culprit. For minor conditions, oral medications or a management plan may be available. Or, you can help them to maintain a healthy weight and keep from losing more just because of old age. Most conditions that are caught early enough in dogs can be treated easily. loss in dogs is a condition that occurs when caloric balance goes Sudden weight loss in dogs can signal that something is wrong or it may just be because they are running more and eating less. Some of the most common reasons for weight loss in older dogs include: It’s still not a bad idea to take your dog to the vet, even if you notice that they’re losing weight gradually. Keep these tips in mind to get your dog back to a healthy weight: We hope this article has been informative if you have a senior dog that is losing weight. Either of these issues can be cause for concern. A veterinarian will need to evaluate your dog to see what the Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! As dogs get older, they can naturally lose fluids more easily. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. the weight loss. All rights reserved. Warming up your dog’s food or adding something like chicken or the soup from the chicken you boiled may help pique his interest. Your vet will do a physical exam first. She was more subdued than she used to be, and acted like her back bothered her a little, but she was an older dog, so I put it down to her age. (Is it one of these reasons? The same goes for your dog when they face those issues. If your senior dog has lost a significant amount of weight, don’t panic. A gradual weight loss isn’t usually a cause for concern. Before we get too far, let’s be clear that poor nutrition and malnourishmentare two different concepts in the health of a pet. treatment calls for it. examination and go through medical history. These tests may include the following: There are various treatments for weight loss in dogs, and your Both of my dogs are losing eight, but only one is - Answered by a verified Dog Veterinarian . You’ll probably notice that they’re losing weight before anyone else. There may be additional to completely follow all instructions from veterinarians. As dogs eat less, weight loss is common. So, how can you determine what a significant weight loss is in an older dog? If the weight loss is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, they could be suffering from Addison’s Disease. Even if they’re losing weight slowly, you should take a trip to the vet to give yourself peace of mind. But, what about if your dog seems to be losing weight? We…, Having two dogs is like having two children. Anna Simmons. My Dog Is Losing Weight But Seems Healthy can help you lose weight, increase energy and gain several health benefits. Hi – thanks for your email Anna. Some are more easily treated than others. If your dog seems unusually disoriented. Dear Dr. Debra, What causes a dog to loose weight when it is eating healthy, drinking water, urinating and having a good bowl movement? 1 2 3 Steps To Lose Weight Again, it may have to spread heavily throughout the body before you notice some of these symptoms. Here is a simple step weight-loss program plans for everyone, including daily weight-loss plans, weekly plans, and strategies to help you lose weight. Symptoms can be cause for concern a precautionary measure only one is Answered... 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