nutritional diseases in animals

Formulas for daily maintenance energy requirements (kcal/day) are listed in {blank} Daily Maintenance Energy Requirements for Dogs and Cats. Macadamia nuts are also potentially toxic to dogs and cats and can cause weakness, depression, vomiting, ataxia, muscle tremors, hyperthermia, and tachycardia. Certain breeds of dogs are predisposed to GI disease. Carbohydrates in pet foods include low- and high-molecular-weight sugars, starches, and various cell wall and storage nonstarch polysaccharides or dietary fibers. a Nutrient requirements are indicated on a dry-matter basis and are per kg of diet, not per kg of body weight of animal. The precise ME values for many dog food ingredients have not been experimentally determined and are often estimated using those for other monogastric species (such as pigs) or calculated using Atwater physiologic fuel values modified for use with typical dog food ingredients. It is a … Short-chain fatty acids have numerous benefits, including supplying energy to the large-intestinal epithelial cells, stimulating intestinal sodium and water absorption, and lowering the pH in the large intestines—an environment that favors survival of beneficial bacteria in the GI tract. Fermentation is defined as the capacity of fiber breakdown by intestinal bacteria, and this definition more accurately assesses the potential benefits of fiber in the GI tract. The six classes of nutrients are water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Iron or copper deficiency (or both) is the major cause of hypochromic, microcytic anemia. These include impaired clearance of nitrogenous products of protein metabolism; impaired regulation of sodium, potassium, and phosphorus; acidosis; impaired vitamin D metabolism; and often anorexia. There is no AAFCO dietary requirement for vitamin C for dogs and cats, because they are able to synthesize it in the liver. It can lead to diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. There is an exponential and a linear formula for calculating RER. Regardless of whether the animal is polyuric, oliguric, or anuric, water should always be readily available. Antibiotic, fluid, and electrolyte therapy during NPO treatment is essential, and IV nutritional support (total parenteral nutrition) should be instituted if NPO therapy continues for ≥3 days. There is good evidence that animals with International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) Stage 3 and 4 CKD benefit from dietary management, and there is likely to be benefit in changing the diet early in the course of renal disease, such as that associated with IRIS Stage 2 CKD. Focal dysplasia of pancreatic acinar tissue and marked hypoplasia of seminiferous tubules, depletion of adrenal lipid, and focal atrophy of the skin have been reported. The most common risk factors for developing gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV) include breed risks (ie, large breeds with a deep chest), eating only one meal/day, elevated feeding bowls, and vigorous exercise 1 hr before or 2 hr after eating. B-complex is a combination of B vitamins. In cats, carbohydrates apparently are not essential in the diet when ample protein and fats supply glucogenic amino acids and glycerol. There is also no AAFCO dietary requirement for vitamin K for dogs and cats, because intestinal bacteria are able to synthesize it. Animals with the same body weight can have 3-fold variation in daily kcal requirements, which are affected by age, neutering status, physiologic status (growth, gestation, lactation, etc), physical activity, environmental temperature, and any underlying abnormalities. Fatty acids are either saturated, indicating there are no double bonds, or unsaturated, indicating there are one or more double bonds. Dietary ingredients reintroduced may reproduce clinical signs as early as 12 hr after ingestion but can take as long as 10 days. Medical dissolution is an option for struvite uroliths but not for calcium oxalate uroliths. Limited evidence exists for the recommendations of dietary mineral requirements for cats in {blank} 2006 NRC Nutrient Requirements for Adult Cats (Maintenance) a and {blank} 2006 NRC Nutrient Requirements for Kittens After Weaning a; many are based on the mineral content of successfully fed diets. The addition of too much dietary fat relative to other nutrients may result in excessive energy intake and subsequent suboptimal intakes of protein, minerals, and vitamins. Proper nutritional support improves quality of life in animals with hepatic insufficiency prone to HE. In cats, steatitis results from a diet high in PUFA, particularly from marine fish oils when these are not protected with added antioxidants. Nutritional diseases of beef cattle, sheep and goats in Australia that can lead to significant economic loss include: Primary causes of GI disease are numerous and include adverse reaction to food, infections (bacterial, parasitic, fungal, and viral), inflammatory bowel disease, neoplasia, and toxin- or drug-induced. These longer chain omega-3 fatty acids are found primarily in marine sources of lipids. The growth rate begins to plateau after 6 mo, and growth may be completed by 8–12 mo of age in small and medium breeds and by 10–16 mo in large and giant breeds. If an animal is consuming a diet containing predominantly plant protein sources, protein requirements may be higher than if the animal is consuming a diet containing predominantly animal protein sources. Fluid needs must be met, and parenteral fluid support may be needed in many cats, at least initially. Obesity is the excessive accumulation of adipose tissue—for dogs and cats, >20% above ideal body weight. Although the required amounts of this omega-3 fatty acid are presently unknown, current minimal recommendations include 0.8 g/kg diet of α-linoleic acid when linoleic acid is 13 g/kg diet (dry-matter basis) for puppies and 0.44 g/kg diet of α-linoleic acid when linoleic acid is 11 g/kg diet (dry-matter basis) for adults. A highly palatable diet should be fed in quantities that can be consumed easily, and the caloric content should be increased by feeding a higher fat diet, if such a diet is not contraindicated. In this case, daily maintenance fluid requirements in mL should equal the animal’s MER in kcal of ME. Not all probiotics are created equal—a probiotic effective in one species may be ineffective in another. Clinical signs associated with diarrhea are different in small-bowel versus large-bowel diarrhea (see Table: Characteristics of Small-bowel and Large-bowel Diarrhea). Raw meat products may contain pathogens. Manipulation of dietary intake of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium (dogs and cats), and copper (dogs) for therapeutic effect is common. Dogs and cats have a dietary requirement for specific EFA, including linoleic acid, an unsaturated EFA found in appreciable amounts in corn and soy oil. In dogs, adding canned pumpkin or psyllium to the diet is also sometimes effective in mild cases of constipation. Magnesium is an essential cofactor of many intercellular metabolic enzyme pathways and is rarely deficient in complete and balanced diets. Vitamin B-Complex Deficiency. A third technique sets daily water intake as 2–3 times the dietary dry matter intake. The cause of hyperthyroidism that develops in older cats with increased blood thyroxine and triiodothyronine is unknown. Periodontal disease is the most common problem affecting dogs in all age groups. Other nutritional diseases may result from harmful elements or compounds in the diet. Guatemalan avocados contain a substance called persin, which can cause dyspnea, pulmonary edema, and pleural and pericardial effusion in goats and possibly dogs. metabolic and nutritional diseases in wild animals Metabolic Diseases mean the diseases that occur due to the “imbalance between the rate of ‘input’ of dietary nutrients and the ‘output’ of products (product like new born, milk for young one etc.) Diets for animals with hepatobiliary disease should be easily digestible, highly palatable, calorically dense, easy for the owner to prepare and feed, and fed frequently as small meals. The role of animal nutrition in improving the nutritive value of animal-derived foods in relation to chronic disease Proc Nutr Soc. Sami Antoun, in Nutrition and Skeletal Muscle, 2019. Two approaches are used for dietary management: 1) feeding an alkalinizing, protein-restricted diet low in oxalate, or 2) feeding a diet supplemented with sodium to encourage water consumption and production of dilute urine. Well-intentioned owners occasionally cause problems by feeding dogs and cats certain human foods. The growth rate begins to plateau at 150–160 days of age, and growth is usually completed within 200–220 days. Cats also have a dietary requirement for another unsaturated EFA, arachidonic acid. Three out of every four emerging infectious diseases in humans originate in animals and are in part caused by our reliance on animal agriculture—the farming of animals for food, clothing, and other purposes. Malabsorption and maldigestion are often secondary to other underlying GI disease, such as inflammatory bowel disease. Blood tests are also an unreliable way to diagnose food allergies in dogs and cats. Steatitis (pansteatitis, yellow fat disease) is seen most often in kittens fed exclusively large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, oily fish such as tuna or mackerel (packed in oil not water), diets that do not have an appropriate balance of antioxidants relative to polyunsaturated fats, or diets that have gone rancid. On average, there is no price advantage in making a homemade diet over using commercially prepared foods. Energy-dense, high-protein diets, such as critical care diets, are usually selected for cats without encephalopathy. Digestibility is less for plant protein ingredients, protein of poor biologic value, and for poor-quality diets. Although residual insulin capacity remains in most type 2 diabetic cats, insulin resistance is a characteristic of this form of DM. Protein is required to increase and renew the nitrogenous components of the body. EFA deficiencies are extremely rare in dogs and cats fed properly preserved complete and balanced diets formulated according to AAFCO profiles. The goal of dietary management is to decrease the digestion and absorption of fat by feeding a diet restricted in fat (<10% dry-matter basis). Although canned commercial cat foods may contain fish, the heat associated with canning is sufficient to destroy thiaminase. Puppies fed diets containing DHA perform better in learning experiments and are easier to train than puppies fed diets without DHA. Manganese toxicity has been reported to produce albinism in some Siamese cats; a deficiency of manganese in other species results in bone dyscrasia. Raw food diets (see Raw Meat–based Diets) are also not recommended for dogs and cats. Lesions are seen in cardiac and skeletal muscles and are similar to those described in other species. Another approach considers that water needs appear to be highly associated with the amount of food consumed. Production of less desirable fermentation products can be minimized by using a moderately fermentable fiber source; examples include beet pulp, inulin, and psyllium. Crude fiber, which is what is listed on pet food labels, quantifies insoluble dietary fiber, which is primarily cellulose, some lignin, and a small amount of hemicellulose. Obesity does not appear to be a risk factor for developing DM in dogs, although obese dogs can have insulin resistance. Rarely can severe iron deficiency be corrected with diet alone, and feeding large quantities of liver in an attempt to correct iron deficiency is usually ineffective and can result in vitamin A toxicosis. Any therapeutic renal diet should be phosphorus restricted, supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA) that come from fish oil, alkalinizing, supplemented with B vitamins, and in cats supplemented with potassium. Keep at least 10 per cent rougha… Unless there is a contraindication to using the gut, enteral support is usually preferred over parenteral support. A careful dietary history must be obtained from the pet owner before selecting the type of diet. Although these diets are helpful in many dogs and cats with adverse reactions to food, they are expensive, and some animals with allergies to the protein sources in these diets will still react to the typical hydrolyzed protein diet. 13 Common foodborne pathogens include salmonella, campylobacter, yersinia, E. coli, and listeria. Cats have some dietary requirements that are different from those of dogs and can develop nutritional deficiencies when fed diets formulated to meet the nutritional needs of dogs. The link you have selected will take you to a third-party website. Cachexia appears to be a response to increased catabolism with either normal or decreased appetite. The most likely reason for this is that untreated diabetic cats may develop glucose toxicity, and hyperglycemia decreases pancreatic β-cell function. Optimal diets for adult dogs should contain a minimum 5% fat as dry matter (AAFCO guidelines) or 1.3 g of fat per kg metabolic body wt/day (NRC guidelines) or 10 g fat/1,000 kcal ME (NRC guidelines). The first consideration is to ensure normal water homeostasis. The owner is responsible for quality control and consistency and must be willing to make such a diet for ≥2 wk for GI conditions and ≥10–12 wk for dermatologic conditions. Food that is 30%–45% protein and 25%–30% fat (dry-matter basis) and that is complete and balanced for all other nutrients should be fed using tube feeding. The Merck Veterinary Manual was first published in 1955 as a service to the community. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is one of the most common causes of malabsorption/maldigestion in dogs. Kittens or adult cats develop anorexia and muscular degeneration; depot fat becomes discolored by brown or orange ceroid pigments. However, properly cooked nonfibrous carbohydrates are utilized well by both cats and dogs. Beneficial bacteria also function as immunomodulators and reduce liver toxins (eg, blood amine and ammonia). In contrast, it is equally important not to unnecessarily restrict protein intake, because protein requirements are as high or higher in dogs with liver disease than in dogs without liver disease. However, to slow the spread of antibiotic resistance, antibiotics should only be used when necessary. The amount of dietary α-linolenic acid needed likely depends on the linoleic acid content. Lipids can either be simple (triglycerides, wax) or complex (containing many other elements). However, when calcium or phosphorus supplementation is excessive, insoluble and indigestible mineral complexes form within the intestine and may decrease magnesium absorption. Cats lack the enzyme glucokinase, which unfortunately has led some to believe that cats cannot digest dietary carbohydrates. The biologic value of a protein is related to the number and types of essential amino acids it contains and to its digestibility and metabolizability. These cats usually have protein malnutrition secondary to anorexia, and providing too little dietary protein can interfere with hepatic repair and regeneration. As much as 60% of the calories in a cat’s diet may come from fat, although diets that contain 8%–40% fat (dry-matter basis) have also been fed successfully. Signs produced by protein deficiency or an improper protein:calorie ratio may include any or all of the following: reduced growth rates in puppies and kittens, anemia, weight loss, skeletal muscle atrophy, dull unkempt hair coat, anorexia, reproductive problems, persistent unresponsive parasitism or low-grade microbial infection, impaired protection via vaccination, rapid weight loss after injury or during disease, and failure to respond properly to treatment of injury or disease. During a food trial, the only item fed should be a diet containing a single novel protein source or a hydrolyzed protein diet. However, dogs usually synthesize glucose from dietary carbohydrates. The objective of dietary management is to provide a balanced diet with increased amounts of insoluble fiber (10%–25% dry-matter basis to effect) or moderately fermentable fiber in dogs or a highly digestible balanced diet containing prebiotics in cats. Recurrence rates are high, especially in dogs 1–6 yr old; however, this stone type becomes much easier to manage once the dogs reach middle age. Appropriate feeding throughout all life stages can help prevent diet-associated diseases, as well as to assist in the management of other diseases. Dietary copper restriction is recommended in dogs with documented increased copper levels in the liver. Maintenance diets are generally not recommended for weight loss programs, because they are formulated to meet the nutritional needs of moderately active adults. Thiamine deficiency may cause a number of other neurologic disorders, including impairment of labyrinthine righting reactions, seen as head ventroflexion and loss of the ability to maintain equilibrium when moving or jumping; impairment of the pupillary light reflex; and dysfunction of the cerebellum, suggested by asynergia, ataxia, and dysmetria. The first 2 wk of a puppy’s life is spent eating, seeking warmth, and sleeping. Pain may also be a significant contributor to anorexia, and in most cases when the pain is adequately controlled, the anorexia resolves. In these cases, the puppy must be handreared. Cats also require higher quantities of fat and protein than dogs, as well as of the amino acid arginine and the vitamins niacin and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). From developing new therapies that treat and prevent disease to helping people in need, we are committed to improving health and well-being around the world. In addition, most homemade diets do not undergo the scrutiny and rigorous testing applied to commercial complete and balanced diets. Nutritional diseases of fish may develop as a result of deficiency (undernutrition), excess (overnutrition), or imbalance (malnutrition) of nutrients present in their food. Nonetheless, cats fed diets deficient in vitamin A exhibited conjunctivitis, xerosis with keratitis and corneal vascularization, retinal degeneration, photophobia, and slowed pupillary response to light. Food and water are usually withheld until vomiting ceases. Constipated cats tend to do poorly on diets supplemented with insoluble fiber. Once vomiting has ceased, small amounts of water are offered first. General guidelines for dietary protein requirements in dogs and cats exist, but requirements vary depending on the digestibility of the protein in the diet. Some of the deadliest diseases are caused by poor nutrition. The four carbohydrate groups functionally are absorbable (eg, monosaccharides such as glucose, galactose, and fructose), digestible (eg, disaccharides, some oligosaccharides), fermentable (eg, lactose, some oligosaccharides), and poorly fermentable (eg, fibers such as cellulose, which is an insoluble fiber). Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure you’re on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browser’s address (or “location”) bar. Dietary fatty acid profiles are reflected in the fatty acid composition of tissues and cell membranes. Anemia:. Copper is an essential trace element for animals needed for body, bone and wool growth, pigmentation, healthy nerve fibres and white blood cell function. And there are at least 42 important diseases that people get by ingesting or handling food or water contaminated with animal feces. Increased levels of fiber in diets increase fecal output, normalize transit time, alter colonic microflora and fermentation patterns, alter glucose absorption and insulin kinetics, and, at high levels, can depress diet digestibility. MOS use a different mechanism than FOS to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Determining 60% of MER for dogs and 70% of MER for cats is one way to calculate starting caloric intake for a weight management program. Soluble fiber or moderately fermentable fiber is helpful; colonic fermentation of these fibers produces short-chain fatty acids, which reduce both the intraluminal pH of the colon and the absorption of ammonia. The two most common uroliths in the lower urinary tract of cats are magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) and calcium oxalate, although other mineral types are possible. Unlike dogs, cats cannot readily convert linoleic to arachidonic acid, which must be obtained from animal sources. An individual who follows the diet or philosophy is known as a vegan.Distinctions may be made between several categories of veganism. Cats have a dietary requirement for an additional amino acid, taurine. Feed may be inadequate due to overgrazing, drought, poor quality or digestibility or expense. Normal birth weight of pups depends on breed type (120–550 g). Dry pet foods contain 3%–11% water, and semimoist foods contain 25%–35% water. Heart to Heart: Optimal Nutrition for Animals with Heart Disease Nutrition is an important part of the treatment for dogs and cats with heart disease. One way fiber is classified is based on its solubility. Therefore, crude fiber is not an accurate measure of total dietary fiber. The beneficial bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids and some nutrients (eg, some B vitamins and vitamin K). Nutritional deficiencies are usually classified under metabolic disorders. Dogs are a biologically diverse species, with normal body weight of 4–80 kg (2–175 lb). In encephalopathic cats with hepatic lipidosis, dietary protein may need to be restricted but should not be severely so. Except the predominant sugar molecule in MOS is mannose instead of fructose the offending ingredients are not identified! Vitamins C and E, as well as plasma transfusions should be corrected for energy in affected... Contact the NCATS Public information Officer cat does not arise interaction, providing the with... 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