Please note, you'll only study the 'Managing Professional Perspectives in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing' module that relates to your chosen pathway. We offer our own BrunELT English test and have pre-sessional English language courses for students who do not meet requirements or who wish to improve their English. The DBS costs £51 (depending on the method of application) and is a one off payment. Occupational Health Nursing Overseas students who are funded by the NHS will be charged the NHS fee. Please note that, in all cases, SCPHN students will complete this process through their employer or course sponsor, and not through the University. Do you have a first degree and are ready to study at postgraduate level? These fees will be applied for the duration of the course. You’ll be at the forefront of specialist nursing and be able to influence and facilitate change within the community environment. As well as spending half your time in practice, learning opportunities at the university such as case study-type simulations will enable you to develop your skills in a safe environment. Please check our Admissions pages for more information on other factors we use to assess applicants. T: 01494 522 141High Wycombe CampusQueen Alexandra RoadHigh WycombeBuckinghamshireHP11 2JZ, Continuing Professional Development Courses, Human Performance, Exercise & Wellbeing Centre, Financial Support, Bursaries & Scholarships, Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Grant, Vice Chancellor’s International Student Scholarship, Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS), School of Art, Design and Performance Blogs, School of Business, Law and Computing Blogs, School of Media and Creative Industries Blogs, School of Nursing and Allied Health Blogs, Academic Partnerships and Partner Colleges, Life in the Business, Law and Computing School, Routes into Operating Department Practice, Data Protection Statement for Visitors, Correspondents and Customers, Class of 2020 - Graduating Students Package, A PG Certificate in Business Leadership for free, Alumni stories: School of Art, Design and Performance, Alumni stories: School of Aviation and Security, Alumni stories: School of Business, Law and computing, Alumni stories: School of Media and Creative Industries, Alumni stories: School of Nursing and Allied Health, Alumni stories: School of Health Care and Social Work, Alumni stories: School of Human and Social Sciences, Coronavirus: information and guidance to protect our University community, Travelling back to University and protecting yourself and our community, Digital and Technology Solutions Professional, Business, Management, Aviation and Security, Search our library, resources and services, Visitor Information, Library FAQs and COVID-19, Bucks' Partner Students and Partner Staff, Dyslexia & Other Specific Learning Difficulties, financial support, bursaries and scholarships section, Specialist Practitioner Qualification (District Nursing) PGDip, Understand the complexities of working in a community setting, Better appreciate strategic influences on policy, Take a critical approach to identifying the health needs of individuals, groups and populations in the community, Consider aspects of safeguarding children, young people and their families. This can be applied to individual, group and community levels within the context of national and international considerations. The aim of this course is to prepare students to become SCPHN (NMC, 2004) Health Visitor or School Nurse and achieve a Post Graduate Diploma To gain updates on the process contact the Programme Leader. Career opportunities are available within the private sector such as airlines or retail, with local authorities and within the public sector. We offer FREE events and entertainment, additional skills workshops, sports, recreational activities, societies and paid student rep schemes. You’ll also undertake a combination of compulsory and professionally-specific modules, the latter will be during the practice-based component of the course. Study this course full time for a year. This course will prepare you to lead a school nursing team of variable skill mix, to promote school health and meet the health-related needs of children and adolescents at school and their families and carers. Full Time Home and EU, Academic Year 2021-2022: £9,100. Contact our Enquiries Team:0330 123, For application details please visit The most well recognised qualification is that of the Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (SCPHN) programme of study, which encapsulates the 2004 standards, and leads to either a degree or post-graduate qualification. As a school nurse, you will play a vital role working with children and young people, and act as an important link between home, school and the community with the ultimate goal of improving wellbeing. You will benefit from strong support throughout, with personal and link tutors at the university, and a practice teacher supporting you to learn in your trust. Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (School Nurse) Bachelor of Science (with Honours) - BSc (Hons), Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip. A first degree or a minimum of a Diploma of Higher Education. Placements. Our course is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), granting a license to practice, so you’ll be eligible to apply for specialist community public health nurse posts within your specialism. Critically examine safeguarding issues, factors affecting emotional wellbeing, and ethics in public health. Have an understanding of the principles of Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, including the development and maintenance of the health of communities and individuals. Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, Brunel Partners Academic Centre for Health Sciences, College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences, College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Subject area: Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, structure of postgraduate degrees at Brunel, UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) and on the Secure English Language Testing (SELT) list, Specialist Community Public Health Nursing PgDip and MSc. Use theories of research and evidence based information to identify trends in Health Policy and the implications for health care and health care services. PgDip Part-time, at Jordanstown for 2021/22 entry year. Fifty per cent of the course involves supervised practice placements within your chosen area of specialist practice. To do this, you will need an IELTS for UKVI or Trinity SELT test pass gained from a test centre approved by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) and on the Secure English Language Testing (SELT) list. Criteria Search. This programme is for registered nurses or midwives, who wish to gain registration on Part 3 of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) register, as a specialist community public health nurse (health visiting) and be recorded as a community prescriber. You’ll be assessed through a range of project work, assignments, examinations and practice experience. You’ll be at the forefront of specialist nursing and be able to influence and facilitate change within the community environment. The PgDip is professionally recognised by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) and developed in line with the NMC's Standards of Proficiency for Specialist Community Public Health Nurses. Take your career in the direction you want to go in. Please note this pathway is closed for 2020 entry, but we are accepting applications for 2021 entry. Most courses will involve some additional costs that are not covered by your fees. We’re the professional regulator for nurses, midwives and nursing associates. Your teaching comes from an experienced team of lecturers. Graduates are eligible to apply to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse - Health Visitor or School Nurse. Professional accreditation. Find out more about work placements available. This course has a placement option. The Specialist Community Public Health Nursing / Health Visiting course is widely regarded as being one of the best and most dynamic in the country and consistently attracts students from a wide area. Applicants to the PGDip SCPHN Programme require sponsorship from a community healthcare organisation. On the other hand, as a health visitor, you would be working with children from birth to five years old and their families, providing much-needed support to families, assessing their health needs and monitoring growth and development. Learning about key aspects of contemporary community nursing, you will study topics such as protecting children and the vulnerable, and supporting developmental needs through their lifespan, to effective caseload management. Course overview. The support received from tutors is extensive and is a hallmark of the course. Visit our Students’ Union page or watch our video. Our lecturers are active in research and we have strong links with practice partners so you know your learning will be up-to-date in a fast-moving field. You must be registered with the NMC in order to practise as a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse in the UK. You can explore our campus and facilities for yourself by taking our virtual tour. By the end of the course, you will be able to: The course makes use of a range of flexible learning and assessment approaches, to ensure you learn in the way that suits you best. Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Occupational Health) - PGDip at University of the West of Scotland, listed on - a comprehensive database of Masters, MSc, MA, MPhil & MRes courses in the UK & Ireland You will also learn to take a more strategic view of community healthcare provision, drawing on the latest research, ideas and policy. Read our guide on how to avoid plagiarism in your assessments at Brunel. Postgraduate and masters courses in Occupational Health Nursing ... (Hons), Postgraduate Diploma - PgDip. Our course is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), granting a license to practice, so you’ll be eligible to apply for specialist community public health nurse posts within your specialism. We still have places available - apply now or call 0330 123 2023. You will also work closely with students from other community nursing courses at Bucks, building your experience of working in a multi-professional way. By the end of the course, you will have developed the higher level of skills and knowledge you need to become a leader in this specialist field of nursing. Our PgDip is also accredited through Unicef UK Baby Friendly, with the standards implemented across the programme. Your e-portfolio will provide evidence of this, to validate your learning with the NMC. As you may be working with at risk or deprived groups, it is important you recognise when a child is at risk of harm and what action to take, Develop leadership, innovation and management skills to be able to contribute to successful health outcomes for children. More information on any additional course-related costs. We’re the only university in the UK to offer free access to such a diverse and exciting range of activities – all to enrich the university experience. Click here to read about the changes we are making to our education delivery from September 2020, in response to COVID-19 restrictions. Graduates of the Public Health Nursing course can register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as specialist community public health nurses. Specialist Community Public Health Nursing at Ulster University. See our fees and funding page for full details of postgraduate scholarships available to Brunel applicants. you will receive a Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting or School Nursing) your details will be forwarded to the NMC for registration on the Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (third part of the register), and for registration to prescribe from the community practitioner’s formulary (V100). Professional accreditation. These organisations advertise their sponsorships for health visiting and school nurse training through NHS Jobs. The Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, Health Visiting, School Nursing MSc/PG Dip is the professional qualification for nurses who wish to gain entry to part three of the NMC nursing register as a health visitor or school nurse. Explore public health, community development, health needs assessment, and health inequalities. Study at LJMU for this registered Specialist Community Public Health Nursing course with routes in School Nursing and Health Visiting. As a health visitor, you’ll usually work in the community … Welcome to our Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting and School Nursing) PGDip. Entry requirements are subject to review, and may change. All applicants are required to be interviewed to ascertain their academic and professional readiness to undertake postgraduate study. PgDip Full-time, at Jordanstown for 2021/22 entry year. For more details visit our financial support, bursaries and scholarships section. Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing: Occupational Health Nursing Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing: School Nursing All of the above awards are at FHEQ Level 7 7. You'll learn to promote health and the prevention of ill health in a proactive and innovative way. This course is approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). Read more about the structure of postgraduate degrees at Brunel. Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN) Top-up BSc (Hons) This course is designed to prepare you to become proficient practitioners within specialist community public health nursing/practice and work at specialist practitioner level. Graduates from this Specialist Community Public Health Nursing School Nurse course have progressed into roles with organisations such as Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust, working as public health nurses and school nurses. This course covers all the areas needed to meet the NMC professional requirements for specialist community public health nurses, with a focus on either health visiting or school nursing. You will work with highly skilled academics, who have worked in the community – and spend 50% of your time in practice yourself, consolidating and deepening your understanding and skills. The aim of this course is to prepare students to become SCPHN (NMC, 2004) Health Visitor or School Nurse and achieve a Post Graduate Diploma. Designed to develop clinical knowledge and skills and a true appreciation of collaborative working, this contemporary programme combines 50% theoretical study with 50% supervised practice in primary care settings. Are you a qualified nurse or midwife and looking for your next career step? The BSc(Hons) Specialist Community Public Health degree is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), which means when you graduate you can register with the annotation of Health Visitor, School Nurse or Occupational Health Nurse.. Qualified nurse/midwife with active registration on part one, or part two of the NMC Nursing Register (NMC PIN number should be provided within the application) with: Two satisfactory references, one of which one should be an employment reference. Advanced Clinical Practice (Cardiovascular Health) PgCert, PgDip and MSc, Advanced Clinical Practice (Critical Care) PgCert, PgDip and MSc, Advanced Clinical Practice (Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation) PgCert, PgDip and MSc, Advanced Clinical Practice (Neurological Rehabilitation) PgCert, PgDip and MSc, Advanced Clinical Practice (Occupational Therapy) PgCert, PgDip and MSc, Advanced Clinical Practice (Pelvic Health) PgCert, PgDip and MSc, Advanced Clinical Practice PGCert, PGDip and MSc, Brunel University London Kingston Lane Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 3PH. For further guidance please email It’s a big deal! This course enables you to specialise in one of three areas and on successful completion of the course you’ll be a qualified Specialist Community Public Health Nurse in your chosen area. If you have specialised in Occupational Health Nursing you’ll gain practical experience within occupational settings in either the public or private sector, and be supported by a qualified and experienced practice teacher. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Make a positive impact with specialist community public health nursing. About Specialist Community Public Health Nursing MSc and PGDip at Brunel University London This postgraduate diploma enables nurses to qualify as community specialist practitioners able to influence and facilitate change within the community environment. Approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), the course covers all the areas you need to qualify, and make a difference, in one of these fields, supporting children and their development and helping to give them the best start in life. You can find out more about the qualifications we accept on our English Language Requirements page. Occupational Health Nursing The course is 50% theory and 50% practice and this is integrated across the duration of the course. These include academics and practitioners with a wide range of community and public health experience. We will be looking, in particular, at how well you apply the theory to your own nursing and leadership practice. The PgDip/Msc/BSc (Hons) Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting), is a United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) accredited programme, meeting the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) At Bucks, we believe in putting our students first. You will spend two days a week at university and two days a week in practice. The NHS values provide common ground for co-operation to achieve shared aspirations, at all levels of the NHS. It’s a big deal! Highly regarded by students and practice partners for our teaching in this area, Bucks has a strong reputation for its health visitor and school nurse training. You’ll benefit from shared experiences with other health professional students (for example social work, physiotherapy and occupational therapy). Additionally you’ll benefit from studying alongside others who are actively working in your profession. uses cookies to make our site better for you. On the PGDip programme you'll follow one of our three specialist pathways: Health Visiting. Want to find out more? It contains This course is for qualified nurses with a degree. Applicants will choose a defined area of practice either health visiting or school nursing. You’ll be at the forefront of specialist nursing and be able to influence and facilitate change within the community environment. You also need to be working in UK clinical practice, so this course is just available to UK students. The Postgraduate Diploma Specialist Community Public Health degree is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), which means when you graduate, you can register with the annotation of Health Visitor, School Nurse or Occupational Health Nurse.. Specialist Community Public Health Nursing at Ulster University. Perhaps you would like to progress into a leadership or management role. Only SCPHN courses approved by the NMC allow entry onto part 3 of the register. Your career trajectory may also include management, practice teaching or teaching in higher education. Please note: This course may involve regular access to children and/or vulnerable adults, also known as regulated activity. 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