Verse 5: The *psalmist tells his *soul that although he is Psalms chapter 42 KJV (King James Version) 1 (To the chief Musician, Maschil, for the sons of Korah.) Maybe Jonah knew Psalm 42. (2) Does God want me to do anything to change my circumstances, or am I shut up until He acts? people there. 5:3-5; Heb. Only God�s friends did this with him in the Hermons. If you keep driving and ignore the warning light, you could cause a lot of damage to your engine. 1:11; Acts 2:23; 4:27-28). restless ~ not able to sleep or to be happy. Psalms 4, 42, 51, 63. Moses gave them special jobs to do. Maybe it was someone that King Jehoash of Israel took as a hostage. The Then he took him through the deserts of Judah to the hills of Israel. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. is something that you ask.) a 1 In many Hebrew manuscripts Psalms 42 and 43 constitute one psalm. Everywhere else he A loss of appetite and frequent crying are often present (42:3). 6 my God. did this when they translated their Bible from Hebrew into Greek. making him free so that he is not a hostage any more. My *prayer is to the God of my life. David saw troubles coming from God's wrath, and that discouraged him. a *hart (or a male deer). Each time we think that the *psalmist became more Verses 5 and 11 and verse 5 of Psalm 43 are all exactly the same. (look after Psalm 25). When God is with me, he will do great things (for me). It made the *psalmist think that he was *thirsty Footnotes. Psalm 42 has "the sons of Korah" at the top. It was *holy because the Jews believed that God lived there. The King of Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar) And they miss it greatly. But it also tells us that the time to prepare for crises is before they hit. Levites were God�s servants in This made He was Psalm 43 – From Depression to a Procession of Praise “This psalm is either a part of the previous one or is closely connected with it.” (G. Campbell Morgan) In fact, in a number of ancient Hebrew manuscripts, Psalm 42 and Psalm 43 are joined together as one. A Their oppression (42:9; 43:2) had plunged the psalmist into deep depression. He should not be a hostage. Your self is talking to you. God’s light and truth are threatening to the soul who does not want to confront his own sin and self-focus, but God’s truth will lead you to His dwelling place where you will find God Himself to be your exceeding joy (43:3-4). This psalm likens a stag or mule deer's longing for water to our soul's longing for God. 2 My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God? We believe that what happened was this. But it’s also clear that he had taken a stand by testifying to his enemies that the Lord was his God. So they painted a *hart, not Jesus. "Where is your God?". While you wait, remember the good times! more about this. there. Certain changes in the aging process can make us prone to depression. It takes the psalmist a while to get on top of his depression. In some ancient Hebrew manuscripts these companion psalms are a single psalm. v8 In the day time the the *psalmist think of his life. We do not know So, let's start with the superscription of Psalm 42. There’s a difference between complaining to the Lord in a submissive manner and shaking your fist in His face. (5) Seek God with the people of God (42:4; 43:3-4). Korah himself died because he did not obey God. Psalm 42:7 . We think that these two psalms started as one psalm. He can’t change his circumstances, but he can change his focus from himself and his overwhelming situation to God. Korah was the grandson of Kohath. v4 My *soul cries Living by faith means choosing to believe God and His Word rather than circumstances. This was because he could not go to the *temple in Jerusalem. When you’re depressed, you often want to avoid people, especially gathering with God’s people. Psalms 42:1 As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. *Rescue me from the man that tells *lies and does bad The psalmist does that here when he calls the waves that were crashing over him ““Your breakers and Your waves” (42:7). 2. 3 My soul thirsts for God, the living God.. That reminds us of the other thing we emphasized last week: The psalms intend to instruct. Go against your feelings and force yourself to gather with God’s people to seek Him. Maybe he learned that God was with him where he was hostage. 5:22; Phil 4:4). Discipline, by definition, means going against my feelings. Kohath was the son of Levi. the �sons of Korah� did not make music in the *temple. In Psalm 42 it is "thirsting for God," but in some of the other passages "hungering". TRANSLATION, MEANING, CONTEXT. Jehoash may have taken the *psalmist hostage in Jerusalem. Greek Old Testament, not the Hebrew Old Testament. We cannot say for sure who wrote it, but we do know that the author found himself exiled from Israel and from the worship festivals of God’s people. the enemy gets what he wants. Many of the hostages in Assyria or Babylon never went home. If we defy our feelings or seek to conquer them by going against them, we’re “in denial.” But we need to develop a biblical theology of emotions and weigh the world’s counsel by the Scriptures. See below for 2 As the deer longs for streams of water, a. so my soul longs for you, O God. he looked *like. in a desert place where there is no water. Many Jews lived in Egypt where they spoke Many women struggle with depression related to their menstrual cycle, to having a baby, or to menopause. Verse 2: But things are still bad for the *psalmist. When God is with me, he will do great things (for me). 7 Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me. The translated Bible text has yet to go through Advanced If so, what is He trying to teach me? in the Old Testament. � 42:5 and 11; and here.) God?". vocabulary) on Psalms 42 and 43. In the It should not be surprising that the Bible has much to say about depression. ; Psalm 42:1 In Hebrew texts 42:1-11 is numbered 42:2-12.; Psalm 42:1 Title: Probably a literary or musical term; Psalm 42:4 See Septuagint and Syriac; the meaning of the Hebrew for this line is uncertain. To get what Psalm 42:1 means in detail, scroll down or follow these links for the original scriptural meaning , biblical context and relative popularity. *temple came from the family of Levi. 8:35-37). I. Levi was one of the sons of Jacob. You may think, “How can God be good and bring a catastrophe into the lives of His children?” Our problem is, we underestimate the strength of our flesh. One of these says Sometimes the Lord wants us to take steps to get out of our troubles: write a resume, call for the job interview, etc. But the crucial thing is that you are aggressively dealing with it and not just drifting with the circumstances. Sometimes hostages never return Psalm 42:1 In many Hebrew manuscripts Psalms 42 and 43 constitute one psalm. the enemy was not Jehoash in 800 *BC then maybe it was: BC means "years Before Jesus Christ came to A He found God was There is something about corporate worship that cannot be experienced in individual worship. written in EasyEnglish Level A (1200 words). good for you. In the verses leading up to the statement that “deep calls to deep,” the songwriter says he has been thirsting for the presence of God like a deer panting for streams of water (Psalm 42:1). Some of these psalms probably come from a book that the sons of Korah used. Verse 11: So he repeats verse 5. But this time we think 11:2-3; Peter, Matt. One was a desert place, where there was not much Psalm 43 Meaning The Psalmist is Depressed. I love the way Matthew Henry ([Revell], 3:394) comments on 42:1: “casting anchor thus at first, he rides out the storm.” The first place you need to cast your anchor when the storms of depression hit is pray, “O God, my soul pants and thirsts for You, the living God!”. *thirsty. It was evil men who were oppressing him, but the psalmist knows that God has them on His leash, as it were, and that He has sent this trial for His purpose. Psalm 42:6, ESV: "and my God.My soul is cast down within me; therefore I remember you from the land of Jordan and of Hermon, from Mount Mizar." know if God did answer in the way the *psalmist wanted. God sometimes shows us our need for Him by depriving us of the sense of His presence and help, so that we will all the more seek Him. end. He still thought that God was *unkind to him (the � things for him. Psalm 43 country. What happened to make him do this? Martyn Lloyd-Jones, in his solid book, Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure ([Eerdmans], pp. This tells us that the godly can feel depressed. could be a picture or an idol. Jonah did live in Israel! group. praise ~ (verb, or doing something) say that someone or 4:7). You let my enemy do what he likes to me! 1. story is in 2 Kings 14:14. left God in Jerusalem. Now, Psalms 42:7 is an expansion of the thought: my soul is troubled, Psalms 42:8-10, an expansion of this: I think of thee. But the Bible is clear that trials come from the Lord for our benefit (Ps. rescue ~ take someone away from their enemies. He began to God can change things drastically and quickly when He’s ready (see Gen. 39-41, Joseph in prison in Egypt). Many believers are defeated by depression and other negative emotions because they have not sought a biblical approach to dealing with these problems. puts him in a place *like a prison. v6 My *soul is sad 12:27 for help. So the Lord in love sends overwhelming trials to teach us not to trust in ourselves, but in Him alone (2 Cor. the hills Mizar, we are not sure. God has given us the resources to be overwhelming conquerors in even the most desperate situations, including torture and martyrdom (Rom. BC ~ years Before Christ came to the earth. Indeed, we must thirst after God for our very soul survival depends it. He describes his anguish as “pouring out” his soul (42:4); he felt emotionally drained. better. We do not know where the hostage went now. God�s rules are in The 10 Commandments. The Jews did not paint pictures of God. Self-pity is another common cause of depression. Psalm 42:6 Psalm 42:8 EXPOSITION. *temple was. And now they find themselves removed from the religious life that they formerly enjoyed. Some of his family did not I went to the house of God v3 Send out your There were crowds of The word is strong, and expresses that eagerness and fervency of desire, which extreme thirst may be supposed to raise in an animal almost spent in its flight from the pursuing dogs. A consistently depressed Christian is a lousy advertisement for the Lord and His salvation. Psalm 42 is the 42nd psalm of the Book of Psalms, often known in English by its incipit, As the hart panteth after the water brooks. book of the Bible called Numbers (Numbers 16:1-35). Maybe one of the kings that we have already talked about took him hostage. the Jews to Babylon. took hostages from Jerusalem in Judah to the mountains of Hermon in Israel. broke one of God�s rules. Can you find where the hostage saw the *thirsty *hart and the Hermons? The psalmist wants to follow God’s light and truth (43:3). Whatever story is true, the hostage went through two places Then wait for him to do something They will bring me to your *holy mountain It The *psalmist is sure that God is with him and he hopes that things will get So I will remember you (my God) from: We have seen that these two psalms are probably about a hostage. This probably happened to many people in the Old Testament of the So, "sons of Korah" is probably the name of a music The Hermons were in Israel, where Disturbed conveys the root meaning of to cry out, to make a loud noise, or be turbulent. We are to hope in Him; He is our help. They are saying, "God is not with you now". Psalm 42 has "the sons of Korah" at the top. What we do know is that (1) Seek the person of God. The *psalmist � There are a number of causes of depression. v4 Then I will come But now he thought that his enemies were right: he had They all *worshipped God with singing and dancing. That meant that God was still with him. Though the psalmist was in pain, he realized that his real need was God (42:1-2, 5-6, 11; 43:4-5). He asked why God let his enemies hurt him. Checking. Does this differ from taking aspirin for a headache? He felt that his enemy was pushing him along Maybe he was their leader. Verse 1: The *psalmist is asking God to be his *judge. Psalm 43 does not say at the top who wrote it. God (that is) my Rock, Note how he calls God “my God” (42:6, 11; 43:4, 5); “the God of my life” (42:8); “my rock” (42:9); “the God of my strength” (43:2); “God my exceeding joy” (43:4). *LORD sends to me his kind love. Depression can hit when we come down from a spiritually enriching experience. (4) Seek the precepts of God (43:3). He did not really see God, he only saw the place where he believed that God *thirsty animal. Psalm 43 where it tells you who they were. They were all Levites. Words marked with a *star are described in the word list at the 8 Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life. and to the house where you live. Perhaps we’ve pushed too hard or have been under unusual stress and we’re just exhausted and need some rest and a change of pace. everywhere! judge is someone that decides who is right and who is wrong. LORD ~ a special name for God; only his people use it First, he calls God by the name *LORD. All the things round him ... the *waterfalls and the *waves on the die. As long as we have access to God in prayer, there’s hope! We think that they are really one psalm. Hope in God, because I will *praise him again! *like a *hart crying out for streams of Korah" at the top. Matthew Henry puts it (3:394) that the psalmist thirsts “for nothing more than God, but still for more and more of him.” Depression can either whet or dull our thirst for God. v9 I will say to the But if one trouble follow hard after another, if all seem to combine for our ruin, let us remember they are all appointed and overruled by the Lord. They tell you that there’s a problem under the hood. We do not know who wrote the psalm. If this is true, an interesting thing may have happened. you are my *refuge, God. "You must not make for yourself anything that looks *like me". Look after and players on *musical instruments did this. I see three steps in these psalms for dealing with depression: The first step to conquering depression is to admit it. wrote the psalm. A maskil#Title: Probably a litera The only way to obey that command sincerely is to change my attitude by changing my focus from self to God. judge ~ (verb, or doing something) decide if someone did When You’Re Depressed, Your Main Need Is to Seek God Himself, Not Just Relief. You shall again praise Him, the help of your countenance and your God! Another way to say this is While even the most mature believers are susceptible to depression (Elijah, 1 Kings 19:1-4; John the Baptist, Matt. same question as in verse 3, �Where is your God?� But things are different now. Open your Bibles to Psalm 42. You will find it in the book of Jonah, chapter 2. for the same reason. And so we must confront our depression and bring it under the control of the Holy Spirit. Somebody is talking. not love me" are his enemies, maybe from Israel, Assyria, Babylon or of �the sons of Korah�. This *like the water would push him if he fell in! So when applied to psalms, it may mean a song that instructs, or a song that is wisely crafted. We call I may not feel like exercising, but if I’m disciplined, I do it anyway. soul/spirit ~ the part of us that lives on after our We’re complex creatures. sad because he thought that God was still in Jerusalem. turning-point is when something changes. To get what Psalm 42:5 means in detail, scroll down or follow these links for the original scriptural meaning , biblical context and relative popularity. The song drives the darkness away. Read about the last week in the life “Mild or severe, depression affects more people in our culture than any other emotional disorder,” says Harvard psychiatrist, Dr. Armand Nicholi II. (2) Seek the presence of God. Maybe it was someone else. At night his song is with me. the *temple. Later artists painted Jesus. Thirst after God! All the Jews that were God�s servants in the You must turn on yourself, upbraid yourself, condemn yourself, exhort yourself, and say to yourself: ‘Hope thou in God’--instead of muttering in this depressed, unhappy way. He repeated a bit of verse 7 Copyright 1993, Steven J. Cole, All Rights Reserved. The enemy’s relentless taunts felt like a shattering of the psalmist’s bones (42:10). temple ~ a special building where people *worship God. The *psalmist is the person that He asked why God had forgotten him and why he was PSALM 42 OVERVIEW. All of this is alleged to point to a time during the rebellion of Absalom when David was an `exile.' v7 The deep (waters) Learning to respond biblically to trials is one of the most crucial lessons you can learn as a Christian. I may feel like spending money impulsively, but if I’m disciplined, I go against my feelings because I have decided to live by a budget. Verses 3 � 4: His enemies laugh at him and ask, "Where home. So the first step when you’re depressed is, recognize it and begin to confront yourself as to the reasons why. 200 kilometres north of BOOK II Psalms 42–72Psalm 42#In many Hebrew manuscripts Psalms and constitute one psalm.#In Hebrew texts :1-11 is numbered 42:2-12.For the director of music. This publication is I hear some Christians say that God didn’t cause a trial, He just “allowed” it, as if that somehow gets Him off the hook! Often depressed people feel overwhelmed by circumstances to such an extent that they are immobilized. 26:69-75), the Bible is clear that we should be marked by joy in the Lord, even in some of the most difficult circumstances (John 15:11; Acts 5:41; 16:25; Gal. things. Is God Himself “your exceeding joy” today (43:4)? At the time I was meeting with a few Christians in a house church where there weren’t any candidates for a wife. We make a noise when your *waterfalls thunder. The words are not may be Assyria or it may be Babylon. maskil ~ a psalm that teaches you something. What we do know about him is If you’re depressed, get a medical checkup if you haven’t had one for a while. Your need is not happiness; your need is not relief from your pain; your need is God! God did not only live in Jerusalem. If we obey, we often feel better. We do not know why! 3. Both sets of words are true! v2 (This is) because as well. His body is not *thirsty, but his *soul inside him is Greek, not Hebrew. (3) Seek the praise of God (42:8; 43:4). Why must I be so sad? there was the sound of singing The psalmist wanted to appear before God (42:2), to know the help of His presence (42:5). He may have been a Levite, maybe a "son of 20-21), comments. We do not � people. We need to be very careful at this point! But he realizes that the place of joy where the need of his soul would be met is in corporate worship with God’s people. Where are we? Again, even if you don’t feel like it when you’re depressed, read God’s Word and ask His Holy Spirit to shine His light into your darkened heart. And the enemies asked the Who is talking to you? I will praise him still, my Saviour,. the earth". (This is) for the music leader. *psalmist remembers how he *worshipped God in the *temple. When we think rightly and act rightly, our depression will be replaced by genuine joy in the Lord. God was But we do know that the River Jordan started The story is in a The other was a group of mountains called the Hermons. Hope in God, because I will *praise him again! (the mountains) of Hermon lived. somewhere else. A maskil of the Korahites.. Jerusalem is a group of mountains called the Hermons. 42 As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. sons of Korah". Why are you so *restless inside me? repeated some of these words the week before he died. is your God?" inside me when I remember that: You will see two important changes in Water the key theme in the Psalm. He repeatedly describes himself as being in despair (hopeless) and disturbed (anxious; 42:5, 6, 11; 43:5). We call this house a *temple. When God is with me, he will do great things for me. They did this because they believed that Jesus in the past he went to the house of God in Jerusalem (verse 4), � Why are you so *restless inside me? And, depression is a common reaction when we suffer a loss of any kind, especially the loss of a loved one through death. We are blind to the extent of our pride. you so sad? believes that he is right and he asks God to tell everyone. There is a river and mountains. the psalm. v3 (All) day and DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 1 ‘The deer that rejects water.’ Doesn’t believe in it, doesn’t long for it, or doesn’t know they long for it. The psychology instructor had just finished a lecture on mental health and was giving an oral quiz. Therefore he had a refuge, a familiar relationship to turn to in his time of despair. That leads to the third step in dealing with depression: When we’re in emotional pain, we should see it as an opportunity to seek God and grow in Him, not just try for quick relief.
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