what vitamins do dogs need

There is also a possibility for your dog’s bones and muscles to weaken if you are giving your pet too much vitamin D. So, what does this mean? Here are the good B vitamins that play a big role in maintaining your dog’s health: You might recognize vitamin C as the vitamin that you take if you want to keep yourself healthy and safe from all sorts of illnesses such as flu and colds. — Tastiest High-Energy Nutritional Supplement. Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E also reduce inflammation and help aging dogs with memory problems, Wynn says. You need to know what kind of vitamins dogs need and the right dosage if you want them to stay as healthy as possible. “Your Dog’s Nutritional Needs,” Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, National Academies Division on Earth and Life Studies.Â. With a growing population of aging, overweight dogs, the market for dog supplements is expected to increase 37% by 2012, reaching $1.7 billion, according to Packaged Facts, a market research firm. American Journal of Veterinary Research, April 2008; vol 69: pp 486-493. So, if your dog doesn't have a high-quality diet and needs extra supplementation, what vitamins do they need? Your email address will not be published. FDA: “Nutritional Supplements for Companion Animals.”. Because this is a very powerful antioxidant, vitamin C also works like a charm for your dogs. So, what do dogs and cats need specifically to remain healthy? If you are talking about supplementation for dogs, you have to make sure that you are giving them vitamins. Cats need the following in their diets. A 2007 study published in The Veterinary Journal concluded that dogs treated with glucosamine-chondroitin sulfate showed less pain and more mobility after 70 days of treatment. Glucosamine-chondroitin supplements, commonly given to dogs with osteoarthritis, have shown mixed results in testing in humans and animals. WebMD talked with experts for answers to frequently asked questions about dog vitamins and supplements. Why is My Dog Scratching Like Crazy? Many pets will benefit from vitamin supplementation, but not all dogs need extra vitamins. They make great additions to your dog’s diet—whether you feed packaged dog food or home cook meals. Folic acid helps in metabolizing amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Carrots, spinach, liver, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, fish oil, eggs, turnip greens. According to PetMD, Vitamin C is really just expensive pee for dogs, so you may as well skip this (and choose to feed natural foods with Vitamin C … Deficiency: Symptoms include inflammation of the lips and fissures in the mouth. Avoid preparing your own homemade dog food that lacks essential vitamins and minerals. The Feline Nutrition Foundation notes that cats need protein, fat, minerals, vitamins and water in their diet daily. Now that you know how important vitamins and minerals are to your dog’s health, here are some of the ways you can use to incorporate them into your furry friend’s diet: Rely on commercial dog food that is complete in terms of nutritional value. Do Dogs Need Vitamin C? Function: It is essential for the growth and development of body cells and helps metabolize food. But such harm is only risky if you are already giving your dog enough vitamins and minerals in its regular diet. Top Vitamins for Dogs. But supplementation may be needed if it is difficult for you to give your dog its much-needed sunshine, such as when there are no available parks in your area or if you have no backyard. The vitamins and nutrients that pets need most are highlighted below. Look for a lot number on the product, a sign that the company has set up quality control checks. The single best way to provide your dog with the vitamins they need is through whole, raw, meats, bones and organs. Most common dog supplements recommended to add to homemade dog food recipes include: Multivitamin supplements Hip and joint supplements Omega-3 fatty acids ( fish oil) Vitamins A & E Calcium Protein supplements Unlike synthetic vitamins and minerals, whole foods and herbs provide essential nutrients complete with the cofactors they need to make a healthy change in your dog This early research showed scientists that synthetic vitamins don’t always act like their real food counterparts … even with today’s more sophisticated vitamins and research. Excess vitamin D can prompt a dog to stop eating, harm bones, and cause muscles to atrophy. Thiamine and pantothenic give your dog more energy as it helps in regulating how carbohydrates are metabolized into energy. “In the pet area, we’ve seen the quality is lower than it is for human supplements,” Cooperman says. But "the quality of these products is a major, major concern,” Boothe says. If we mention a product from the site and link it to a third party vendor, please assume it is an affiliate link. Welcome to the new WebMD Dog Health Center. Other than that, she limits her recommendations if a dog is healthy. Doggone It! Thinkstock However, most dogs and cats that are on well-balanced, quality pet foods do not need extra supplementation of vitamins. Sale. But if you rely heavily on cheap dog food and on homemade meals made out of table scraps or cheap meats, you may want to provide vitamins and minerals for your dog. It simply means that there really is something as too much. There are some vitamins that dogs need more than others, and they are those that you should include in their diet, be it in their food or with supplements. This seaweed, kelp-based meal powder can be added right into their food to provide the essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids that they need to be in optimum health. The immediate dangers of a lack in vitamin C for dogs are twofold: first, there is the danger of your dog becoming weaker and more fatigued than usual, and consequently decreasing the strength of the immune system. Sixty percent of the pet products failed, compared to 25% of those manufactured for people, says Tod Cooperman, MD, president of ConsumerLab.com. ConsumerLab.com, which tests products for its industry certification program and sells subscriptions to its reports for consumers, surveyed glucosamine/chondroitin supplements for pets and humans. “You can’t just create a meal and give your dog a vitamin.” Check with a veterinarian or nutritionist for help in determining what, if anything, is needed. You should never give your dog more than it requires. If you look at the statistics, about a third of the dogs in the United States actually receive vitamins and minerals to supplement their diet. Adding extra vitamin C to your dog's diet can cause serious health problems, so unless your dog has been prescribed them by a vet, do not give vitamin C supplements. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. can help turn those things around and help improve, not only your dog’s coat and skin, but their overall health as well.. “It’s absolutely critical, but it should be done to match the diet,” Wynn says. Vitamin C is actually a vitamin that dogs naturally produce in their livers. Riboflavin and vitamin B12 are good for facilitating enzyme functions in your dog. Other dog foods might contain botanicals, such as cranberry, to ward off urinary tract infections or DHA to boost cognitive development in puppies. Again, it depends. Meanwhile, too much vitamin A can possibly lead to issues such as joint pain, dehydration, or even damage to the dog’s blood vessels. WebMD teams up with veterinarians to talk about vitamin safety, dangers, and what to look for. In other words, there is an increasing number of pet dogs that require vitamins, probably due to how poor their diet is. Furthermore, high levels of one mineral in the diet often interfere with the uptake of another. Vitamin A toxicity in dogs most often occurs accidentally or inadvertently. Vitamin E is responsible for helping your dog’s body metabolize fat and in facilitating cell functions. Minerals Calcium & Phosphorus Fatty acids can help coats look better. Vitamins needed for your dog include: 1. “Don’t forego traditional therapies, especially if it’s a life- or organ-threatening illness for your pet,” says Dawn M. Boothe, DVM, MS, PhD, director of the clinical pharmacology lab at the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine. All rights reserved. We occasionally get a commission if you buy an Amazon product through our link and we will use this amount raised to rescue more animals from kill shelters, or to donate the amount for animals’ emergency medical needs. So, if you are giving your dog the right kind of commercial dog food that already has plenty of essential vitamins and minerals, you probably do not already need to give your pet vitamins. There are also supplements containing compounds targeted at maintaining brain function in dogs. I make my dog food… Cooked chicken, rice, carrots (canned salt free), beets, fresh cut apple, canned green beans no salt, do I need to add a vitamin supplement and … FDA: “Update on Animal Dietary Supplements.”. And are they even safe? As many as a third of U.S. dogs and cats may receive vitamins or supplements. Here are tips from veterinarians and those who test supplements or work in the industry. Your dog can get plenty of vitamin D if you let it out once in a while to bask under the rays of the sun. Oftentimes, an excess of a fat soluble vitamin is just as detrimental to a dog’s health as a deficiency. The National Animal Supplement Council is addressing some of these concerns. Tony Buffington, DVM, PhD, professor of veterinary clinical sciences, Ohio State University Veterinary Hospital. Vitamin E is necessary for eye and muscle health, cell function and fat metabolism. Dogs fed a homemade diet may need supplements. Clinical trials are rare. Your vet can also assess whether your pet needs a supplement. Keep reading this AnimalWised article to find out what are the best vitamins for dogs and in what foods they can be found. Some products, such as garlic, can be dangerous for dogs. However, extremely high levels of vitamin D can cause serious health problems. Here are the best vitamins for dogs: Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is found in carrots, turnip greens, pumpkin, eggs, fish oil, liver, sweet potatoes, and spinach. Selenium: an antioxidant that helps prevent oxidative damage that can cause premature aging, … Look for a brand that specializes in one area, or that has commissioned clinical studies of their products. Español Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps dogs regulate the balance and retention of calcium and phosphorus. Affiliate Disclosure  “*Every Creature Counts is a participant in the Amazon Affiliate Program (and other affiliate programs as identified in the products). Most dogs receive a complete and balanced diet - including necessary vitamins and minerals - from commercially processed dog food, according to the FDA. “Most people are doing it because they want to, not because it’s necessary,” says C.A. This is essential for maintaining bone and muscle health in dogs. But taking care of dogs requires patience and knowledge on your part because simply giving them the right kind of food and the exercise they need will not always be enough for the furry babies to stay healthy. Dawn M. Boothe, DVM, MS, PhD, director, clinical pharmacology laboratory, Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine. Read labels. It is effective at attacking free radicals and in reducing inflammation to make sure that all sorts of toxins are flushed out. It may surprise you that the life expectancy for dogs has greatly dropped from where it once was. They are just as good for your dog’s health as they are for you. Those with moderate to severe pain may have seen some benefit, but because of the small size of this group the researchers called for more studies. Do dogs need Vitamin C supplements. Bauer J.E. Be wary of claims that sound too good to be true, such as promises to alleviate diseases like parvovirus. Clegg, D.O. “Almost none of them have been tested for long-term safety in dogs,” Wynn says. The National Animal Supplement Council also check, By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts, Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter, Raw Dog Food: Dietary Concerns, Benefits, and Risks. LeBlanc C.J. Freeman, L. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Aug. 15, 2006; vol 229: pp 531-534. Simply put, there are possible dangers and side-effects to a diet that is supplemented with vitamins. Go for whole foods and not of that processed junk if you are thinking of providing table food for your dog. This dispenses the need for you to go to a vet or to a pet nutritionist. “, Your email address will not be published. It depends on what the supplement is used for and how it is manufactured, veterinarians say. In such cases, you will certainly need to supplement your dog with the right kind of vitamins and minerals to complete a diet that is otherwise healthy and nutritious. In dogs that are already getting enough calcium, giving them more will only lead to problems in their skeleton. C.A. “We want to use things that are safe long-term,” Wynn says. Vitamin A. The council sets labeling guidelines, requires adverse event reports for problems with supplements and tests some products to check whether they contain the amount of ingredients claimed on the label. There have been many studies that show antioxidants such as vitamins E and C will protect and repair brain cells. Cooperman says ConsumerLab.com has found fewer problems with supplements sold at vet’s offices, although they do occur. When you always deal with itchy, dry, flaky, crusty or frequent skin lesions, this may be a … Do dogs really need vitamins? Vitamin B2 It is water-soluble. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. A prescription dog food, on the other hand, may contain therapeutic levels of the supplement. This is the case for phosphorus and calcium, copper and iron, phosphorus and sodium, zinc and magnesium, and more. Only healthy dogs with a healthy diet are prone to the dangers of taking in too many vitamins. Is there any danger in giving my dog vitamins? Know the seller. But a 2006 study for the National Institutes of Health Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial concluded that the supplements weren't effective in humans with mild pain. Vitamin B6 is one of the more important B vitamins for your dogs because of how it affects glucose production, red blood cell health, hormone regulation, and immune and nervous systems functions. This vitamin is also responsible for facilitating your dog’s aging process as it may be able to halt some signs of aging to give your canine pal a bit more years in its lifespan. However, there are some types of dog food (the cheaper ones) that basically are just calories and macronutrients and do not contain any vitamins. Vitamin A- This is needed for their skin and haircoat. Vitamins keep your pet’s skin and coat healthy, strengthen bones and teeth, and give them the overall energy that they need to function. Dog owners would agree that these canine pals are some of the most rewarding animals to take care of. When they become pregnant there are other vitamins and minerals that need to be 'upped' to fill momma's need for healthy pups; for example, folic acid and iron. And if you are someone who does not follow a healthy diet and relies heavily on fatty and sugary foods, there is a good chance that your dog also has the same kind of diet. “We require companies to do an investigation, find out why that is, and take corrective action.”. First off, the one question lingering in your head right now is whether or not dogs really need vitamins to stay in perfect health. "If you cook for your dog, they may need supplements," explains Dr. Klein. Vitamin D. Marine fish oil, fatty fish, egg yolks, dairy products, liver, beef, cottage cheese. That is why they always tell you to eat carrots, which is high in vitamin A. Tony Buffington, DVM, PhD, professor of veterinary clinical sciences at The Ohio State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Without it, your dog will certainly end up with weaker bones, poor joints, or even deformities. Prenatal vitamins for dogs do have some benefits, though. Experts say some work, others don’t, and some aren’t necessary and may even be harmful to dogs. Whole foods such as meat and vegetables are rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Well, it really depends on the dog and on what type of diet you feed it. “It’s hard finding quality evidence for the efficacy, much less the need for these products,” Boothe says. Symptoms that look like arthritis, such as a dog with a weak rear end, could instead be a neurological problem. Let’s find out how vitamin A helps your dog, what a case of vitamin A toxicity looks like and what steps should be taken to resolve the problem in your dog. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Meats, eggs & fish... Found in: Tofu, green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower (calcium). If an animal already eats a balanced diet and receives excess portions of some vitamins and minerals, they could be harmful, according to the FDA and veterinarians. Many dogs can have skin, coat and digestive issues.This excellent supplement. While that type of diet might be delicious for your dog, it might not have the right balance of macronutrients and vitamins for your pet canine. As stated above, if your dog is in need of more B vitamins, you need to search out higher quality meats and organs from grass-fed animals. In a healthy dog, there is probably little or no gain from supplementing a dog’s diet with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin which means whatever the body doesn’t use is expelled in the dog’s urine. WebMD veterinary experts provide comprehensive information about dog health care, offer nutrition and feeding tips, and help you identify illnesses in dogs. Sixty percent of the pet products failed, compared to 25% of those manufactured for people, says Tod Cooperman, MD, president of ConsumerLab.com. Look for certification from an organization that has independently verified a supplement’s contents. Be cautious about giving human supplements to dogs. Many different types of vitamins and supplements can be used for dogs. Possibly. Call and ask who formulated the product, what expertise they have, and how long the manufacturer has been in business. Dogs have specific vitamin requirements, which can include: Vitamin K for activation of clotting factors, bone proteins, and other proteins Vitamin B1 (thiamin) for carbohydrate metabolism and the activation of ion channels in neural tissue Riboflavin and niacin (also known as vitamins B2 and B3, respectively) for enzyme functions Learn how your comment data is processed. Take the Golden Retriever for example. “If they’re eating a complete and balanced diet and they’re healthy and have no problems, they don’t actually need supplementation,” Wynn says. Susan Wynn, DVM, nutritionist for Georgia Veterinary Specialists, Sandy Springs, Ga.; clinical resident in small animal nutrition, University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. Check the label to see how much of an ingredient is actually in the food. Well, it really depends on the dog and on what type of diet you feed it. ConsumerLab.com tests of three probiotic supplements in 2006 showed that only one contained enough viable organisms to be effective. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K Know the name of the ingredient you’re looking for, so you won’t be deceived by sound-alikes. Veterinary nutritionist Susan Wynn, DVM, sees many clients in her practice near Atlanta who give their dogs vitamins and nutritional supplements. Found in: Tofu, green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower (calcium). It is good for fending off oxidative damage, and the lack of it can lead to long-term health problems such as muscle degeneration and issues with your reproductive health. 10 Dog Breeds that are Hardest to Train, Hearts of Gold: 15 Greatest Dog Rescuers in the USA, Time-Worn Long Bois: The Salukis of Ancient Egypt. That’s probably all I would recommend.”. There are plenty of types of B vitamins that are good for your dog’s overall health in the same way as we humans also require several types of B vitamins. He says that while most dog foods are full of all the vitamins and minerals your dog … surveyed glucosamine/chondroitin supplements for pets and humans. First off, the one question lingering in your head right now is whether or not dogs really need vitamins to stay in perfect health. Many pet foods include vitamin E, so it is extremely rare that a dog would need to supplement this fat soluble vitamin. The same can said about dogs and the vitamins you give them. Only give the dog vitamins and minerals if it is not getting enough from its regular diet. In most cases, if you rely heavily on commercial dog food, there is a good chance that your dog already receives the optimum vitamins and minerals it needs to be in good health. As they say, there is always something as too much. They actually need some sort of supplementation for their diet. Vitamins and minerals are the building blocks that your dog’s body uses to produce and repair everything from skin cells to neural pathways. A lot of homemade dog foods are merely empty calories that have no nutritional value whatsoever. Required fields are marked *. And increasingly, they’re likely to give them to their pets, too. Many people take dietary supplements or vitamins. A poor coat could indicate skin, metabolic or hormonal problems. “Probiotics fit that bill. However: while the various forms of vitamin B need to come from your dog’s diet, vitamin C is produced naturally by their bodies. Giving vitamin supplements without veterinary oversight comes with potential dangers. What’s Special about the Wholehearted Natural Dog Food Brand? Scientific studies have shown that, when combined with behavioral enrichment, antioxidants can improve memory and cognitive function in … 2  If your veterinarian recommends a daily multivitamin for your dog, ask for product recommendations. Multivitamins: Never give human multivitamins to dogs. “They come in with bags full sometimes,” she says. If an animal already eats a balanced diet … However, if you are not providing enough nutrients to your dog, it might not be able to produce enough vitamin C. That is why there might be a need for you to supplement its diet with more vitamin C. Vitamin D is the type of vitamin we get from the sun’s rays. Excess vitamin A can cause joint pain and dehydration. The FDA oversees animal supplements. How to Relieve Dog Itching. Possibly. The most common are multivitamins, supplements to support arthritic joints, and fatty acids to reduce shedding and improve a coat’s shine, according to a 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. But do dogs need those vitamins and supplements? Check the label of the dog food and see to it that it contains the essential vitamins and minerals your dog needs to function well and stay healthy. These vitamins and minerals are considered to be essential nutrients – without them your dog’s body is unable to function optimally. The National Animal Supplement Council also checked its members’ joint support products and found that 25% didn’t meet label claims, president Bill Bookout says. The group has also required its members - about 90% of the industry - to adopt new standards for manufacturing by June 2010. Look for a contact number for the company on the label. Absolutely, vets say. Good sources: These include asparagus, bananas, … Vitamin E. In some cases, there are also dog owners who rely on homemade food for their dogs by putting together scraps of table food. Pet owners also may give probiotics to alleviate gastrointestinal problems or antioxidants to counteract the effects of aging, such as cognitive dysfunction. McCarthy, G. The Veterinary Journal, July 2007; vol 174: pp 54-61. 354: pp 795-808. Ingredients in some supplements, such as herbals, may interact with other medicine an animal is taking. Most of us take some type of vitamin at least once in a while, so do dogs need vitamins to be healthy as well? Read up and make sure that you are actually knowledgeable in the types of vitamins your dog needs and in the types of food that contain such vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, there isn’t always a clear answer. Some of the most common ones are multivitamins, fatty acids, joint supplements, fiber, and probiotics. But she’s cautious about recommending supplements, especially for young animals that might be on nutritional supplements for many years. Vita Health Adult Daily Vitamins. Some adult dog foods contain glucosamine/chondroitin but because of state regulations that restrict the amount, it’s usually not a therapeutic dose. You should consider your dog’s age, overall health, and activity level before supplementing. A sick dog. There is nothing wrong with continuing to use daily vitamins throughout pregnancy but you do not need to do both. A2008 report from the National Research Council, a scientific research unit of the nonprofit National Academies, concluded there was little information on the safety of pet supplements. “Make sure you stick with a standard of care and use the supplements as they were intended, as supplements.”. Thinkstock However, most dogs and Cats.” not provide Medical advice, or! Be harmful to dogs coat could indicate skin, but not all dogs need vitamin C actually! 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