Contact us now for a free consultation. How well did the person remember and describe the incident? I have his information , and picture of the accident but no police report. Avvo Rating: 10. About 8 seconds later a car smashed into the back of me. My son was in an accident. I really neee some assistance right now and Im feeling so helpless. He called the drivers insurance company and found out that the insurance had not been paid in 3 months. Hi, Alex. I was in a minor traffic accident.police was not contacted theres no police report..and me and the other driver are not going to sue each other..can an insurance company hold that against me. Police werent called but I left my information. There was a camera but I cant find access to it anywhere on line. I quickly took pictures & made a police report. I filled the claim and two months later the insurance denies the claim saying their driver is saying she never hit my car!!! You and the other driver or drivers involved are required to report these collisions immediately. It sounds like your boyfriend was at-fault for the accident and therefore the innocent party certainly has a right to sue for damages. Is it possible that we can still win this case without the police report. Second, insurance normally follows the vehicle, not the driver. I would recommend talking to an attorney in your area. What is my best course of action? Not sure what to do at this point. what should i do? This is long but I feel I need to explain it! However, it doesnt bar the claim from going forward. Fast forward two hours, the police are call my husband, who is in another state working, because my vehicle is in his name, they tell him it was a hit and run and that the other driver has extensive front damage and tell him to have me call them. Since one second i was clear to turn and the next they were just there. I was recently in a collision where the identity of fault was unclear. Accordingly, I would file an insurance claim against the at-fault driver. I realized at that point this was a scam job. This includes damage to the vehicles, skid marks, paint on a car, etc. him and his dog got out, and I didnt get out because of the dog, but I rolled down my window, and he checks my car and his, then claims that I reversed into him. Identifying information about parties involved may . Judges and juries are inclined to believe police reports and neutral witnesses over having to determine the truth from competing claims. Similarly to physical injuries, you could hold the trucking company responsible if there was damage to your car. Im so sorry that happened and Im glad youre uninjured. Is all in my face and tells me she going to call the cops. The other car parked behind my cousins car in a no parking zone and now they are wanting 1000 to fix the small dent and are calling every hour for the money. Read more about Enjuris. His passenger told the police that he was not paying attention to what the driver was doing. I encourage you to consult a personal injury attorney near you to help you better understand the case. It appeared the Honda had previous damage to the left bumper/headlight as it had white tape holding it. This was on a Saturday night. I was in a three car auto accident.where a truck out of nowhere hit the car my husband and I were in that hit us into a third vehicle.traffic agents arrived at the scene because my husband and the person in vehicle number three called police maybe the driver of the truck as well I was seen by emt on the scene and returned to an emergency room that following evening days later we received the police report and everyone name appeard accept mine the passenger of my husbands vehicle I want to sue the diver says he tried to avoid a car that was going to hit him do I have a case. My minivan (Dodge Grand Caravan) is more than likely totalled as I had run over a piece of fallen tree when ran off the road. For example, whomever fixed your sons hood might be able to testify that the hood didnt actually detach from the rest of the car. I have two witness which was my niece and nephew. All they will tell us is that you can see the other driver was stopped for more than 30 seconds, but provide us no details or answers to our questions. Accident Report Form Please help me help my niece!! Best of luck! This was my first wreak EVER!! The man deliberately wrecked his car to siphon more money from you and your insurance. I filed a claim with his company and I have documented messages of our brief correspondence. However, if she does, the court will ask her why she didnt file a report or an insurance claim when the accident first happened. Im here on behalf of my boyfriend, who received a rather interesting message this morning nearly two years after the incident described occurred. My car had zero damage. Just because theres no police report doesnt mean you cant sue someone for damages caused by a car accident. I was involved in a car accident 2 years ago where I hit another car from the rear back. Its unlikely that she would do so over such a small amount. The attorney can help you navigate the issues surrounding your lack of insurance and lack of license. Did you happen to take down the name of the officer? There are situations where you should file a police report. Filed Under: Questions & Answers Tagged With: accident claim, Car Accidents, lawsuits, statute of limitations. Instagram Dress-maker-Atlanta. I was ran off the road this morning by a semi tanker. 4: Arbitration Decides. So he said well Ill get back in touch with you. 5 days later he text me and said that never mind the damage was more than he thought and asked for my insurance information. They have good insurance that will cover costs. Again, without knowing the specifics, the only thing I can recommend is that you seek the advice of a lawyer. When he came to my house on Saturday there was more damage than there was from the wreck. That means the lawyer will earn a percentage of whatever damages you receive. The longer it takes you to report the incident, the less credible you look. After a a month I explained I only work part time so I would need a year or two to pay her 3 grand. In any trial a person is allowed to give their testimony. It was 3 hours from my home and I had to be at work in the morning. However, the statement on the police report stated that my son said the hood flew off. This family member refused to make a claim through insurance or have the damage appraised, and insisted that my boyfriend pay cash to settle it independently (with no set amount stated) even when he offered to take it in for repair and pay through the auto body shop. Its definitely scary to have such a close call. A hit and run could be a criminal offense, and how its handled depends on what state youre in. We went back to our car, thinking we would leave and proceed our way. 2. But the other party may also say that you were partially responsible for the crash even if you werent. We exchanged information and I later called my insurance and reported the claim. I have tried contacting her for two weeks and she seemed to be unavailable every time, saying she would contact me at another time and never doing so. We have gone round and round with our insurance company and are getting no where. Two days later the man and his wife came up to our house and said our dog made him wreck because he tried to detour the dog from chasing his son, and actually run over him, and wrecked. She may not choose to appear in court, granting me the settlement without contest. The tow driver told us no way he ever applied his breaks. I was only able to get pictures of my car after it happened, and now my car is already fixed since I took care of it personally. You can propose a counteroffer or hire an attorney to fight for a better offer. This is one reason its always a good idea to contact the police after an accident. According to the attorneys at Preszler Law, until the proper liability can be . I would recommend meeting with an attorney in your area to discuss your options. My finance kept on insisting and she said she was fine. Im stuck with medical bills and a towed out vehicle. After a very quick conversation, we both got back into our cars, I drove off and noticed she pulled it over. This dude even went the extra mile and said he sustained a bad neck injury from the accident and tried showing X-rays to prove it. We didnt follow each other, had our emergencies on, or anything. Hi, Lilly. However, they were adamant I hit them. I mean, this is totally falsely accusing me of something I did not do. This is only necessary in Missouri, as all car accidents in Kansas are considered emergencies and police reports are not allowed to be filed online. In summary, it doesnt sound like she has much of a case. This is a nightmare!!! I have worked so hard to clean up my past. Most likely, the insurance company (or the driver) will simply contact you via telephone. Can I get in any legal trouble or be sued? We didnt think much of it for he does that often when certain vehicles go by,we live on a dirt road in a rural area. Perhaps theres someone who has the same name as you do who was in an accident and they couldnt track that person down effectively. Also Im from NY and this happened in CT. Im pretty paranoid and Im hoping that this wont become a huge issue in the future. I was like did that really happen to his car? I would recommend contacting an attorney before your hearing in April so that you can get proper representation. My friend then panics and leaves the scene because he had no car insurance. Nevertheless, you can hire an attorney to investigate fault. You are involved in a car accident. I was in a car crash last december and just received court papers that im being sued. The next step is to get a medical examination as soon as possible. Any death or bodily injury. Thank you for taking the time to review my incident and is there anything I can now legally? I unfortunately had lapse in my insurance coverage due to unemployment. I informed the owner, unfortunately she didnt care much because damages were minimal and left back inside . Anywayi took responsible for fault in the accident. At the time I had no insurance, but she did. Whats my best course of action, as the individual I hit does have insurance. What do you think? Is there anything I can do?! Im not even sure who is at fault, but i feel frustrated to pay cause im not sure anymore if it was my fault? She will need to prove that the accident caused her pain or medical condition, and that might be tricky for her after this much time has passed. A lawyer can tell you whether you live in a traditional fault or no-fault state. I have good insurance that will cover costs. Most likely, the driver will reach out to you and try to resolve the matter out of court. I now remorsefully regret that decision as the grocery cart (which was full of groceries) was hit by the driver of the car which pushed the grocery cart into both of my knees that I had replaced within the last 5 years. Hello Moses. So, while a panic attack is very real, if its not something that requires medical treatment, there wouldnt really be any damage claim for that. Please advise me what happened at the end because my daughter is havi g the same isue In any type of personal injury case, the jury is likely to think that the person suing (the "plaintiff") and the person getting sued (the "defendant") are biased because they have a stake in how the case is decided. My car is also the only vehicle my family has but I couldnt really drive without insurance legally but I cant pay insurance unless im working and I couldnt work if I didnt have a car. Your best option is probably to hire a personal injury lawyer for your defense. But today a car semi hit my 1 year old daughter while we was crossing the green light. Of course, youll have an opportunity to respond to the lawsuit and, ultimately, a court will review the evidence and decide whether or not you were in fact liable for the damages. A native North Carolinian and a fourth-generation lawyer, Ralph W. Meekins literally had the desire to help those who are not able to help themselves as well as to be a practical life adviser to people in his blood. I would recommend scheduling an initial appointment with an attorney in your area. Even if the at-fault driver of a car accident denies . Very friendly and helpful resources in the middle of downtown ,plenty of.parking around. Highly unlikely, I can see insane people deliberately wrecking their car for this but no one in their right mind would critically injure themselves just to obtain money in a lawsuit that they arent even guaranteed to win. Thanks for reaching out. Physical evidence (sometimes called "real evidence") is evidence that can be seen, held, or observed at the accident scene, as opposed to a witness's description of the accident. The case was taken to the courts but they dropped it because of a discrepancy with how the ticket was written. Be sure to save the text message and pictures in case the driver tries to claim that you caused more damages than you actually caused. I hit a Ford with my Jeep Cherokee at probably 2mph after he slammed on the brakes. If they refuse to do so, be sure to mention to the judge that you politely requested that the party get a second opinion (bring the letter and proof of delivery with you). Then he took off. Here are factors that may affect the believability: Witness statements after a car accident can be crucial. 2. Like good morning your honor. Nevertheless, its possible. This just recently happened, but I was stopped at a red light, and this guy behind me crept up on me and lightly, and I mean as light as a feather, tapped the back of my car. If you don't have a camera or aren't physically able to take pictures because you were injured in the accident, have a friend or relative take pictures of the intersection and your car as soon as possiblecertainly before you get your car repaired. Before we both took off he told me hes going out of town for a couple days. In the meantime, be sure to keep copies of all your medical records and photographs. after the cop comes he asked us both if were ok and tells us he isnt going to file a accident report because theyre no damage to our cars. A French medic named Dr. Mailliez and a firefighter named Xavier Gourmelon at the scene of Princess Diana's crash on August 31, 1997. I would recommend talking with an attorney and bringing a copy of the notice you were sent. She only left her house to go to work the previous day so she thought it was definitely someone at the hospital who hit her car in the parking lot. after I get out she starts yelling and attacking me verbally. No police report was ever filed. The police came out but did not write a report, their was 2 witnesses plus my brother who was on the passenger side that witnesses the accident. Filing a lawsuit three days after an accident is somewhat unusual. If youre missing work on top of this, youre probably concerned about your financial situation and what the future holds. I got in a motorcycle accident in early Oct 2021 I was in extreme pain so someone took me to the hospital before police or medical help arrival. the day of the accident we took pictures of how he was carrying boxes out of his car like if nothing can that turn out to be helpful? You need to contact both your insurance company and an attorney. If you prefer to represent yourself, I would attempt to contact the police officer who spoke to you both. It happens to everyone! There was not enough evidence to support either side and neither my husband nor the other driver were cited for the accident. can anyone give me an advice for what im supposed to do. Please please help. What happen next?? It's good to contact the police any time you're in a car accident. However, a police report isnt necessary for a lawsuit. Based on what you described, it sounds like the pickup driver is either at fault or at least partially at fault. I would also draft a letter describing what happened and send it to your insurance company. After the crash I and my friend waited for the owner of the car for an hour but he/she did not show up and sincerely we were scared and confused as to what to do we decided to leave the scene. Sorry this is so long Im just really fired up about this whole thing ! He spun me sideways on the highway and I was able to safely get to the side of the road. The police didnt take no one statement. One might say a traffic light was green while the other says it was red. Or, if it is meant for you but the accident never happened, they can handle that scenario as well. Property damage exceeding $1,000. I could see the driverc car about 50ft from where the officer and I were standing. Hang in there, lawsuits are stressful, but a civil lawsuit will not ruin your life. I would contact your own insurance company and make them aware of what happened. I was in Louisiana visiting and my daughters friend hit my car while it was parked with no occupants. no police report, no insurance card. In the meantime, be sure to collect any relevant documents you can (medical records, pictures of the vehicles, pictures of any injuries, witness contact information, etc.). With that being said, if you are at-fault for the accident and you are not insured, the other driver can sue you personally for the damages. we were trying to work with him to get it fixed, but he seems to only be interested in cash, I didnt want to give him cash at the time, he went quiet for about a month then he texted her saying she doesnt answer his phone calls. As I was backing out a car speeds behind me and hits the door. Arizona law states that the individuals involved in the accidents are not required to report the incident personally. Are will i be pursuing payment from him???? When the physical evidence clearly shows which driver was at fault for an accident, it doesn't matter what the drivers say about how the accident went down, because the jury is likely to decide the case based on what the physical evidence shows. He says because of this he injured his hand and now wants us to pay for the doctor bill which is $500. Any advice? 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