The provision of water in this miraculous way became a guarantee, an incentive to obedience by illustrating Gods power and the means of the defeat of the Moabites. As the story goes, the three men of the family died in this foreign land. The Moabite women uses their physical beauty and spiritual abilities, so that they may recieve a seed or sperm from the men's DNA, for the sake of fullfilling their own will, which goes against God's will. Or king saul? These pregnancies produced two children. The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. Photo: Stle de Msha by Mbzt 2012 is licensed under CC-by-3.0. Kir in Moab is ruined, destroyed in a night!" Ammon, Moab and Edom: Gods and Kingdoms East of the Jordan,, describes how King Mesha rescued the Moabites from Israelite rule, Drought and the Fall of the Hittite Empire. BUT of the seed taken by GOD from Davids OWN body..whilst lying with his fathers. The Bible presents things from the Israelites and Judahites point of view, and archaeological discoveries help show us the other side. We plant seeds that affect what kind of person we're growing into and the level of impact our life will have for the Lord. [3] [4] He is primarily mentioned in Moabite inscriptions and the Hebrew Bible. Especially Deuteronomy 28:68. Just as God gave Israel the land of Canaan, he also gave land to the Moabites. However, after the death of Othniel, the Israelites rebelled against the Lord and once again invoked His wrath (a common theme in this book). The kingdoms of Ammon, Moab and Edom fought with the Israelites and the Judahites over territory. was a 1966 graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and a former pastor of 28 years. The Bible has no shortage of ites, so who on earth were the Moabites? Cutting down all the good trees would make it difficult for the Moabites to have fruit to eat and would mean they would have little shade. . In other words, he stopped his practice of divination and when he did, "the Spirit of God came upon him" (Numbers 24:2). When the body touched Elisha's bones, the man came to life and stood up on his feet" (2 Kings 13:20-22). Elisha was just such a person. . 6 And the Spirit of God came upon Saul when he heard those tidings, and his anger was kindled greatly. Or is that history a slander intended to deny the rights of those people to fair treatment by invading Israelites who coveted their land? In Nehemiahs day he was tasked with rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem, which he did successfully. But did you not know that 30 some books are taken out of the Bible? In the providence of God, when the women returned to Judah, Ruth married a noble Jewish man named Boaz. God, being the Creator, has done a wonderful job of putting color in our world for our pleasure. Outside South Arabia, Hubal's name appears just once, in a Nabataean inscription; [11] there Hubal is mentioned along with the gods Dushara ( . He also names Mesha as the son of Chemosh. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lords anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. Deuteronomy 7:3-4. If there is one thing to know from the Moabites and their history is that eventually, God will bring judgment on sin. As He would miraculously provide the water, so He would deliver the Moabites into their hands. He was the supreme deity of the Canaanite state of Moab and the patron god of its population, the Moabites, [1] [2] who in consequence were called the "People of Kam". This Bible History Daily feature was originally published on October 12, 2016. Combine a one-year tablet and print subscription to BAR with membership in the BAS Library to start your journey into the ancient past today! FREE ebook: Exploring Jordan: The Other Biblical Land. 30 The Bible Knowledge Commentary, OT Edition, John F. Walvoord, Roy B. Zuck, editors, Victor Books, electronic version, Logos Research Systems. The Moabite Stone is a priceless source of information concerning Chemosh. Because Lot was afraid to live there, they eventually left Zoar and went to live in a cave in the mountains. Wrath is the Hebrew q#x#P, can mean indignation and in this context even righteous indignation. Against, the Hebrew preposition u^l, above, upon, against, beside, concerning, over, could be used with a word like wrath, indignation to express great feelings of emotion by emphasizing the person or persons who are the subject of the emotion and who feel the emotion acting upon them, i.e., great indignation came upon Israel, they were appalled by this act so much so they turned and went home--stunned. But Kir Hareseth, the major city, could not be taken. I will give You thanks with all my heart; I will sing praises to You before the gods. Both daughters conceived sons by their father by getting him drunk. Is It Ok for Christians to Follow Zodiac Signs? Tanks, Your email address will not be published. His presence in the Old Testament world was well known, as his cult was imported to Jerusalem by King Solomon (1 Kings 11:7). Amen. John 7:37-39; 14:17-30; 15:26; 16:7). The Israelites who came through the line of Isaac were the people of Gods promise. There is no salvation or true deliverance apart from the death of Jesus Christ, but there are a lot of counterfeits. He received his M.A. 3:16-17; Heb. Retrieved from In the process, she told each of her daughters-in-law to return to their families since she had nothing left to offer them because she had no more sons to offer in marriage. They were enemies of Israel (Judges 3:28). 27. . In summary, Mesha realized that Chemosh waited to restore Moab in his day, for which Mesha was grateful to Chemosh. USA proudly offers competitions throughout the west coast for all spirit and dance programs. Romans 2:11 True godliness will result in Christian character and actions, but by itself such is not necessarily godliness. Ammonites and Moabites are the Asian and Japanese. Joshua 8:2 And you shall do to Ai and its king just as you did to Jericho and its king; you shall take only its spoil and its cattle as plunder for yourselves (emphasis mine). Dont be deceived and condemn yourselves. Do not intermarry with them. Victory would be theirs if they were obedient to their human responsibilities of digging the ditches. Not by accident, but by the providence and the grace of God, Elisha, a man for all seasons, just happened to be in the area. It was by Gods hand the Moabites occupied their land (Deuteronomy 2:9). If you have never studied these people here are eight things to know about the Moabites. The dark origin of these people is found in Genesis 19. Ruth 1:1 indicates the reason for how they stationed themselves in Moab. How about us? How much of Genesis is political propaganda designed to disenfranchise the indigenous people who were there before the Israelites who coveted the land showed up and waged war for it? Stopping up all the springs would limit the Moabites water supply, and putting large stones in the fields would retard cultivation and lessen their productivity.30. Although Lot and his daughters initially settled in the mountains above the city, it is not unreasonable to think Lot or his descendent soon took residence in the city. 16-17). He is associated with the goddess Ashtaroth, and some scholars believe that other gods of the region, like Molech, were all . He was the national deity of the Moabites and the Ammonites, and, according to the Moabite Stone (the Mesha Stele), Chemosh was associated with the goddess Ashteroth, another . 22 And they rose early in the morning, and the sun shone on the water, and the Moabites saw the water opposite them as red as blood. The book of Deuteronomy chapter32 explains whats going on today false religions and doctrines entertainment false ungodly court system passing same sex laws which is a abomination unto THE LORD and forcing the people to accept it giving rights to the lbgt community modern day Sodom and Gomorrah practicing idol worshipping in all churches bowing to false images especially to that false image of THE LORD worshipping statues in wood and stone wearing crosses when THE LORD was crucified on a tree its all pagan worshipping celebrating their false holy days which they call them holidays GOD forbid all roads lead to Rome all religions are false set-up by Rome to control the people and take their money brainwashing you telling you that THE LORD loves everyone and HE died for everyone when HE died for only HIS people read revelation chapter21 verse 12 it tells you who the kingdom of heaven is for my people the 12 tribes of the children of Israel thats why they banned the bible from school so they can teach false history in their false education system with their false science trying to prove that THE MOST HIGH doesnt exist the education system is ran by atheists staging false wars to steal other countries land and resources Esau is doing a good job at it calling himself the government so that no one can get the blame cops killing Hebrew Israelites and justify it thats called murder the bible says aint nothing new under the sun the task masters back then had whips and chariots move further into the future they rode horses carried a gun and whips today they have police cars a gun and tasers just follow the eagle the Sunday law is coming soon also forcing you worship their false religions and gods THE LORD day is on Saturday not the first day of the week you will know that its not of THE LORD because HE doesnt force you to do anything its called free will to make a choice. Then Israel made this vow to the LORD: "If you will deliver these people into our hands, we will totally destroy their cities." The LORD listened to Israel's plea and gave the Canaanites over to them. Balak tried three times at three different locations to receive the desired response from the Lord. Godliness is a mental attitude then, one which results in a disciplined kind of life, one which seeks God as the force, source, and course of life. It is interesting to note that the two descendants of Lot both ended up being enemies of Gods people. in anthropology and a Ph.D. in history from Texas Tech University. Clarence L. Haynes Jr. is a speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of The Bible Study Club. He is the writer of a special Scripture study/reflection addendum to Someplace to Be Somebody, authored by his wife, Lisa Loraine Baker (End Game Press Spring 2022). When settling into their land, the Lord enabled the Moabites to drive out the Emim (Deuteronomy 2:9-11). The Second Instruction and Responsibility of the Armies (vs. 19). In 2 Kings 3:27 we find that human sacrifice was part of the rites of Chemosh. 20). In time, Naomis husband and her two sons died, and no one was left to continue their family name. I am so happy to know that my King JC is finally here to retrieve the 12 tribe of Israel. I am interest in this reading and need to have more information about the Edomite The Moabites serve as one of many examples in Scripture of how our great God moves, not just through individuals, but also through entire nations to work His will. Romans 2:29 They can even tell you where the 12 tribes are. The land of Moab then is today found within modern-day Jordan. One was Moab, who is the father of the Moabites, and the other was Ben-Ammi, who is the father of the Ammonites. Depictions of Milcom have been uncovered through archaeological excavationsas have representations of Ammonite kings, such as the monumental statue uncovered at Rabbah in 2010. JESUS was a MANchosen by GOD from amongst the people (by the way !!!!) (Our God, however, turned the curse into a blessing.) Later the Moabites attack Judah and Israel (2 Kings 13:20; 24:2; 2 Chron. Copyright 2011-2023 Got Questions Ministries - All Rights Reserved. israel is waking up to the true history and realizing who we are just as scripture prophesied thousands of years ago. The Moabites fell back in disarray as far as Kir Hareseth, where they determined to make a final stand.32. There are still 500 words of Hebrew still spoken in Celtic Gaelic today. God put into place people and remnants after His own heart, not after their bloodline. This is ridiculous! this is not the case. Rather, they are given to bring maximum blessing and happiness and to protect us from the sad results of our own foolishness. The first analogy: Because of their historical acts against Israel, the Moabites stand as an illustration of the enemies that always stand opposed to the believer and his walk with God, particularly by way of seduction through the lusts of the flesh (Num. Several Edomite places of worship and cultic figurines have been uncovered. Second, the act of child sacrifice illustrates the results of ungodliness, idolatry, and what happens when people turn away from the revelation of God. cu 18 vs 15, 18 and 19 ) as GOD tells us, then, I am afraid one creates irreconcilable problems for oneself !! The horror and consternation upon seeing this sacrifice causes the three armies to withdraw rather than to wipe out such evil and desecration of children. Do your own research. Such blessings of grace only come through the Lord Jesus Christ (cf. So the Moabite army erroneously concluded that the Israelites, Judahites, and Edomites had had a falling out and had slaughtered each othernot an unrealistic possibility. Text: Ruth 1:4-18. 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? Balaam The same Moabite spirit that wanted to destroy the Jewish people is in the political leadership of the US today--destroy their morals and we can take the country down. The article has many errors in it & lies about the origin of Ammon & Moab. The problem or issue is never Gods power or provision. IF you read and believe the Bible !! Dont you know that the Edomites, who were culturally and linguistically close to the Jews anyway, were incorporated into the Jewish People at the time of the Maccabis? They are the only people today who fit the curses. endeavors of King Mesha to overthrow the Israelite dominion of Moab. I know we are living in the age of the grace of God, however, if we are going to be complete, Gods grace will eventually run out for those who continue in sin. Jesus came to set the captives free from sin, not slavery as we know it (study Onesimus and Philemon). They . And di Esau actually exist? At one period, however, it extended north as far as the Jabbok, and for a long time the region beyond the Jordan opposite Jericho retained the name of "the plains of Moab," Numbers 22:1 De 1:5 29:1 Jos 13:32. A number of Israelites had died as result of seduction by Moabite women as Balaam had suggested to the king of Moab. 2:15). Ancient Israels neighbors east of the Jordan, Standing more than 6.5 feet tall and dating to the Iron Age, this statue of an Ammonite king was uncovered in 2010 at Amman, Jordan. He has also just released his new book The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. Naomi said to her, "Go ahead, my daughter." 3 So she went out, entered a field and began to glean behind the harvesters. (See Ephesians 2:14 For He (Jesus) is our peace (bringing unity) who made both groups (Jew and Gentile) into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall. If you are a believer, you are able to see the spiritual progress of Jesus work. As verse 16 shows with the words, Thus says the lord, this is precisely where the prophets of old stood in their ministry to men whether kings or widows. Out of fear and panic, Lot pled with the angel to allow him and his family to flee instead to the small city within their sight (Zoar) because Lot feared they would not make it to the mountains in time. King Eglon was notably obese, a sign of luxury, wealth, and gluttony in those days. Do you want to go deeper in your walk with the Lord but cant seem to overcome the stuff that keeps getting in the way? 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