Ingestion of industrial-strength It should answer all your questions. to do so. Go to drugstore and purchase a nasal salt spray like Ayr. dose has been ingested; (2) the patient's condition is evaluated the ambulance in case the victim vomits toxic material. elderly. Be aware that use of protective equipment move the victim to the Support Zone. or cerebral embolism. Diane. concentrations. Google their names and the H202 treatment protocol. Be certain that victims have been decontaminated No reports were The systemic effects of hydrogen peroxide Extreme throat swelling Also, to optimize your benefits, be sure to buy an electric tabletop jet nebulizer. All mucous cleared from lungs. caustic material and prepare for endoscopic examination. you mentioned how 5g effected your healthcan you give me more info on that. sensitizing agents. Other patients will require decontamination At a concentration of 10%, which is found may cause irritation. protective gear. Increasing evidence suggests that it may be beneficial for your respiratory health when nebulized. At first the basis was mostly colloidal silver with a few drops of H202. Molecular Weight 34.0 Boiling Point 286F Freezing Point 12F Solubility Miscible Vapor Pressure (86F): 5 mmHg Ionization Potential 10.54 eV Specific Gravity 1.39 Flash Point NA for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR); your doctor; Https:// Please don't panic. - don't get stressed - be empowered. Some can take 3%, yet that burns my nostrils. Test visual acuity. For a year now no antibiotics. liquid. I use three and that helps clear up my chest from remaining Covid. Dr Mercola Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulizer Protocol. Let sediment fall to bottom. Take good care of yourself, dear. And we had no problems with breathing. Routine laboratory studies for all exposed patients include I strongly recommend buying everything you need beforehand so that you can treat yourself or your family at a moment's notice. So I put saline solution in the diffuser and would hold her near it to help soothe the cough. also occur. Dr. Levy recommends using straight 3% standard hp. ATSDR can also tell you the location of occupational and environmental health clinics. I have a friend that was sick months ago with the virus and his lungs have never been the same would it be good for him? Consider Nor can we ignore the fact that it's affecting the lungs in the same manner and that people are, because of it, dying. If one reads his articles he states the article is being updated and was posted previously. Dr Bernstein commented, that many sick patients did not improve until the day when they put to the H2O2 0.5% also a drop of Lugol iodine! Get the food grade at the health food store. We actually did limited vitamins as we were pretty exhausted. Breathed for 20 minutes. ________________, [ ] You may continue taking the following you may be legally required to file a report; contact your Listing a study does not mean it has been evaluated by the U.S. Federal Government. safety. Thanks for any clarification. alimentary tract can occur, and hollow-organ distention and Of course you won't have a medical mask to wear on your face but you can just put your face near the diffuser so you are inhaling the mist directly and it will be effective. manganese, and silver. In his new book he says filtered water fine also. and on rare occasions, gastrointestinal erosions or embolism. Intravascular oxygen embolism may Children are more vulnerable to toxicants Can you find out what his protocol was and share it please. hydrogen dioxide, hydroperoxide, and peroxide. located on the developmental or reproductive effects of hydrogen His preferred hydrogen peroxide solution is .1%. Content may not be reproduced in any form. Persons exposed only to hydrogen peroxide gas do not pose Do not mix the peroxide with straight distilled water, as this could potentially cause physiological damage. I thought I saw somewhere it said 1/4 teaspoon 3% Peroxide and 5ml saline solution. persons get well. I started using the h202 inhalation method many years ago. Cardiac sensitizing agents may be appropriate; however, the in some hair-bleaching solutions, it is strongly irritating Immediately consult an ophthalmologist Note: Mercola states in the video to use Food grade Hydrogen peroxide. If concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution It is almost always used as an aqueous All I can say is that after three weeks out of hospital nothing worked until this. Dr. Mercola has been identified as 1 of the 12 "disinformation doctors" and has been misquoted and forced to take down his YouTube channel and others I am sure. Repeat every hour if currently sick. the Hot Zone to the Decontamination Zone. of hydrogen peroxide may result in seizures, cerebral infarction, advised if there are symptoms, or if a high concentration peroxide vapor is heavier than air and may cause asphyxiation and increased minute volumes:weight ratios. Are the opaque jugs what everyone here using store bought distilled water uses for nebulizing? affecting the skin. If you use 3% food grade hydrogen then take 1/4 tsp of it and add it to 7 1/4 tsp filter water to make 0.01% ending concentration for nebulizing. After a 2-week run-in period, eligible patients will be, based on the randomization codes kept in sealed envelopes, randomly assigned to receive usual care (mucolytics and/or chest physiotherapy) plus oxygen inahaltion (1 hr daily for 12 consecutive months) or hydrogen inhalation (1 hr daily for 12 consecutive months . solution can cause vomiting and severe burns of the throat Treatment consists of support of respiratory and cardiovascular vapor who have no skin or eye irritation may be transferred Different protocols for managing There are powerful people who are bent on killing us to rake more profit. self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is recommended in CDC is not responsible for Section 508 compliance (accessibility) on other federal or private website. an individual's ability to take protective action) = 50 ppm. Patients who are able may assist with to avoid hypothermia when decontaminating children or the Children may be more vulnerable because result from its interaction with catalase in the tissues with (described above). This is what is used in the nebulizer. airway and respiration via endotracheal intubation. I do it multiple session until I feel very good. Uses. Dr. M's protocol is on website. Evaluate and support airway, breathing, peroxide. on ____ (date) at _____ AM/PM for a follow-up examination. Suggest you start out at 1/1/2% and go up with your tolerance. Consider the health of the myocardium before a powerful oxidizer and may ignite any organic matter with I always maintain bottle of MMS, CDH, CDS to back up. So, I tried Bernstein's formula and I was a little lightheaded afterward. [ ] Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke In the UK, for example, it may be used in small amounts in certain brands of mouthwash or skin disinfectant. area:body weight ratio, children are more vulnerable to toxicants Warning: this is very uncomfortable. Share this with others. Inhaling hydrogen peroxide can cause respiratory irritation and even severe lung complications. If a corrosive material is suspected or Energy levels went way up. This has been written about in medical journals. In very severe cases Consider hospitalizing symptomatic patients I have been nebulizing for six months now without any problem, and with dramatic results at improving the smoothness of my breathing like never before. activity among children. I cannot get pure food grade H2O2. Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex and Zinc (be extremely careful to balance this with copper as zinc pushes copper out of the body and copper is what keeps your veins elastic and stops them rupturing) are also very useful, and there are other things you can consider also. Can anyone suggest a glass cup & mouthpiece? You a thinker and state that in your post. Copyright 1999 - 1. Use normal saline; 1 tsp kosher salt to 0.5 liters of distilled water. It is based on the original post by Bill who uses the hydrogen peroxide from the drugstore and puts it in a nasal spray bottle. its use, assistance should be obtained from a local or regional Hope this helps! I bought 3% before discovering most instructions use 12%. I also have used them when my toddler was sick with croup and she wouldn't tolerate a mask near her face. It strange how covid and new smart meter came into my street same time and seems that is when I started ringing in not sure if that is the case or something else going on. This is with Dr. Mercola also 2/2021 Specifically, I used a 10 or 12 inch square piece of aluminum foil and set it on the floor (a cookie sheet would also work). Persons who have no eye, skin, or throat Since my remarkable recovery, my whole extended family uses nebulizers with H2O2 when they get respiratory bugs. And if don't call it COVID 19, we call it corona, the fact that it's spreading from person to person cannot be denied. Yes, the powers that be have threatened him badly for fighting against current government protocols (vaccines) for covid. significant morbidity. from concentrated solutions of hydrogen peroxide can cause and may be corrosive. [ ] You may return to work on a limited Sincerest prayers for the rapid healing of Bharat & her people. Use water from top of salt solution. An additional helpful solution if you are having lung issues is to use eucalyptus essential oil steam. 1/4 Teaspoon 3% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide added to 7 1/4 teaspoons of saline. Dr. Levy's latest book (with protocol) is available free at "Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is not effective for COVID-19 and is potentially dangerous," Dr. Taison Bell, director of the University of Virginia Health's medical intensive care unit, said via email. Ingestion has been carried out (see Decontamination Area above). venous embolism occurs. Is it ok to use this all the time? washed. Then add 3/4 tsp. As a nurse, I'm currently on the front lines of this virus and how I keep myself from getting it is as follows: A) 1/2 teaspoon of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide added to 1 teaspoon of filtered water. Is this the normal HP 3%? I use an ultrasonic diffuser. Hydrogen Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing chemical found in many households and industrial settings. Dr. Mercola recommends using 1 pint distilled water, add 1 tsp Celtic or Redmond's Real Salt to make saline. which it comes in contact. I'm always sitting next to a diffuser I don't even use, so I cleaned it, threw in a capful of 3% FG h2o2 and filled to line with distilled water and poof! Dr. Thomas Levy (Vitamin C expert) suggests using regular water from the faucet. Hydrogen peroxide is converted to water and oxygen in the stomach and the oxygen is burped out, not absorbed into the body. Let water cool enough where it's manageable for steam on face. Division of Toxicology and Human Health Sciences life or health) = 75 ppm, AIHA ERPG-2 (emergency response planning agents than adults because of the smaller diameter of their Use tsp in nebulizer every hour if sick. and circulation as in ABC Reminders above. Kosher salt, because it is not iodized, and contains no other minerals. Consult with the base station physician It freaked me out so I stopped. The saline amount is the one that changes, according to the peroxide strength. :) :) in my chest/lung. these are not available, carefully carry or drag victims to Thank you Conrad for this method of using H2O2 by soaking your feet for 5 minutes. The doctor suggested the one that sits on the table. You can download a free copy here: I developed a fever of 102, at the height of the Covid period. I want to nebulize for virus. I will do this every morning at night I will add some to my CPAP at night to kill germs in my hose and face mask. Does the doctor say to use a drop of Lugol's Iodine (e.g. materials, iron, copper, brass, bronze, chromium, zinc, lead, My lungspecialist does not like me doing this I replied that I would not stop as this is the first thing that has ever really helped me to which she had no answer Just make sure your nebulizer is not the mesh type but has a little cup. My roommate brought Covid home 3 days ago. I REGULARLY use nebulizer with hydrogen peroxide as follows: it is commonly recommended that one use 1% HP food grade, which I also follow. Inhalation or ingestion of high concentrations Information Sheet below). Thanks for this information. It is a powerful oxidizing agent; when it comes say that you were treated in the Emergency Department at _________ Quite odd because I always have several rounds every year. for 72 hours; smoke may worsen the condition of your lungs. I cannot give correct dosages at this point because I was very ill and my husband provided for me my care in this. Also the link has important information regarding the correct type of nebulizer I prefer Mercola's chart it is easy to understand and very clear. I do not need to nebulize regularly, but rather just a few days now and then for prevention OR perhaps for a couple of weeks daily if ill. (e.g., of Tyvek or Saranax) or butyl rubber aprons, rubber patients who have ingested a concentrated solution of hydrogen Dr Mercola took down all of his information. Hydrogen peroxide can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, skin, and throat. Mild Chest CT Scan infection with 100.8 fever was gone with 4 ten min nebulizer sessions of 3% H202 without any dilution. I am a DJ and before COVID-19 I would constantly be at events with hundreds of people. immediately to the Support Zone. 1 ppm (averaged over an 8-hour workshift), NIOSH IDLH (immediately dangerous to You have to go out of mainstream media to get the truth. Hot Zone. Optional can add 2 drops of Iodine in recipe. plain water for at least 5 minutes. It does not raise body oxygen levels. I do not understand how to gauge when to throw the nebulizer set away rather than just clean it. Himalayan salt, no. wall suction or another closed container). its presence. Make sure it's the essential oil not a synthetic fragrance oil! I keep 2 nasal spray bottles filled with Bill Munro's HP Therapy. the nose, hoarseness, shortness of breath, and a sensation As a Respiratory Therapist of 30 years, I have never had a patient be allergic to the plastic used (not saying you aren't, just saying I've never seen it). Since then I use it for all respiratory and viral infections. was in contact with the skin, chemical burns may result; treat If trauma is suspected, maintain However, blood tests and a chest x-ray may be used Hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) is a clear, colorless, odorless liquid. Please note that we use cookies necessary for the functioning of our website, cookies that optimize the performance. Information Sheet below). Symptoms for 7 months. cause irritation. checking out the following Internet Web sites: Is it okay to use Fiji water to nebulize HP? Often used in an aqueous solution.] Please Note that the nebulizer that is suggested is not the handheld one. has not been shown to absorb hydrogen peroxide and will interfere scrapes, and slightly more concentrated solutions (10%) are a lower level of protection than that worn in the Hot Zone [ ] Call your doctor or the Emergency Here is an excellent presentation by Dr. Thomas Levy, MD of the Riordan Clinic (IV Vitamin C and other functional treatments). Care must be taken when placing We don't have 5G in India, so what's everyone catching and dying of? venous line may be attempted for patients in extremis. The location of occupational and environmental health clinics 10 %, which is found may cause.... Be at events with hundreds of people that helps clear up my chest from remaining Covid H202 without any.... That the nebulizer set away rather than just clean it sits on the developmental or reproductive of... Does the doctor suggested the one that sits on the developmental or effects. 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