Russian troops appeared to use lethal force to disperse a peaceful protest in the southern Ukrainian city of Enerhodar on April 2, video posted to Telegram shows. Video posted to Telegram on July 1 shows the ruins of a recreational center in the resort town of Serhiivka, near Odessa, after it was struck by a missile. Video posted on Jan. 14 shows a fire in a partially collapsed apartment building in Dnipro, after an alleged Russian missile strike. Demonstrators gathered near Enerhodar's city council building to protest the abduction of Deputy Mayor Ivan Samoidyuk, in video posted on March 20. Sign up for notifications from Insider! At about 2:30 a.m. on March 4, 47 minutes into this live stream, multiple munitions could be seen being fired across the screen at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Enerhodar. The video opens with the young Russian soldier livestreaming from somewhere in Russia. Fire and smoke are seen near a citizen barricade on the road to Enerhodar posted on March 3 after reports that Russians were advancing on the city. "We also rely to a large extent on satellite images, and this is in combination of TikTok videos. Protests in Melitopol after reported abduction of mayor. Mainly interested in North and Central Asia. Ukraine's forces continue to push . A webcam video captured multiple explosions over Kyiv early on Feb. 25. Signs of resistance: As Russian soldiers occupied the southern city of Kherson, residents confronted them. Ukrainians stood opposite Russian military vehicles and sang the Ukrainian national anthem in the southern port city of Berdyansk on Feb. 28. Video posted to Telegram on Feb. 24 shows smoke and fire rising from damaged military vehicles and the body of a dead soldier lying nearby on the ground in the Kharkiv district. He has reported from Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and across the ex-Soviet Union and Europe. Please enable JavaScript for the best experience. The service posted footage of the scene in the aftermath of the shelling that morning. Video uploaded to social media on March 21 was filmed from an apartment building near the eastern edge of Mariupol and shows smoke that appears to be coming from a residential area. Protests against Russian troops in Russian-controlled area. Video posted on Oct. 11 shows the Burshtynska thermal power plant in the Ivano-Frankivsk region engulfed in flames and smoke after Russian missiles struck. Ukraine's US Ambassador at 1 year of War: 'We Will Win', Ukrainians Commemorate Victims of the War, Zelenskyy Vows Victory as He Attends Remembrance Ceremony, Marinka in Ukraine Devastated by Fighting, Map Shows Territorial Shifts in Ukraine Since War Began, Drone Video Shows Scale of Bakhmut Destruction, Crews Work to Save WWII Ship Taking on Water, See the Final 'Top Gun: Maverick' Trailer, War Crimes Watch: She's Working to Make Putin Pay, Sniper Videos, Sniper Rifles, Sniper Kills: The Best of the Best. A surveillance camera video shows the moment a missile hit a residential building in Kyiv on Feb. 26. A group of protesters gathered near the Mirage amusement park in Berdyansk, in video posted March 20. Copyright 2020 Mothership. Putin's Dreaded Wagner Group Fighter Dubbed 'The Executioner' Killed By Sniper In Ukraine War. Surveillance camera video shows the moment a missile struck Donetsk on March 14. The graphic videos show dead bodies lying in the streets following heavy shelling in the area. Bodies and destruction lined the streets of Bucha after Russian retreat. COVID Pandemic. A cruise missile traveled in the direction of the Vinnytsia airport in a video shared on March 6. Video posted to social media on March 16 shows small fires and smoke around Russian military vehicles at the Kherson airport. Ukrainian recapture of Kyselivka, outside the city of Kherson. Gunfire at Ukrainian protest of Russian invasion, Video posted on April 3 shows a protest in the southern city of Kakhovka interrupted by a loud barrage of ammunition. Video posted on Oct. 11 shows the damage from strikes at a power plant near Ladyzhyn in Vinnytsya. Residential complex in Kyiv badly damaged. Strike on apartment complex in eastern Ukraine. As Russian troops continue to rain missiles and bombs on Ukrainian cities, making inroads into Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defence shared footage showing Ukrainian armed forces leaving the Donbass region, as per Russian news outlet, Russia Today. Headless Body of Missing Model Found in Refrigerator of Hong Kong Slaughter House as Police Arrest Ex-Husband and Father-In-Law, Who Was Jack Snyder? His secure PGP fingerprint is 6642 80FB 4059 E3F7 BEBE 94A5 242A E424 92E0 7B71. President Putin had previously called on remaining Ukrainian forces to lay down their arms and said Russia would guarantee them "their lives and dignified treatment.". A video posted on Telegram on March 1 shows the aftermath of a missile strike on the regional administration building in Kharkiv. One soldier with arms outstretched held a grenade in each hand. Video posted on Twitter shows smoke and explosions near a Kyiv TV tower on March 1. Ukraine Crisis. Video shows Ukrainian forces in Bruskyns'ke, Kherson Oblast. Charred remains at nursing home in Luhansk. The soldiers were mostly local volunteers, though their commanding officers were Russian as were the men who delivered them tanks and artillery. About Two Russian soldiers faced an angry crowd as they walked near the Konotop city council building to a Russian military police car, in video posted on March 2. Graphics by Dylan Moriarty. Now we're not going to let anyone out," said Sergei, a rebel commander whose nom de guerre is "Kunduz. Video posted on Nov. 15 shows the aftermath of a reported Russian strike that hit a residential area in Kyiv. Now, it's TikTok," Muzyka told the Daily Star. According to a report from The Guardian, the graphic footage shows the head of a Ukrainian POW stuck on a pole outside of a home in the city of Popasna. Russian military vehicles passed through Kherson. ago A traffic jam is seen in Crimea after the bridge explosion, in a video posted on Oct. 9. The video was released by pro-Russia news organization Novorossiya TV. Russian armor is moving into Ukraine from Crimea, according to Ukraine border service Check out's original video series today. Please note that if you are under 18, you won't be able to access this site. The cop, identified as Vishal, was seen coughing second before collapsing Hooper was a language teacher at Howard Middle School in Orlando. A soldier shows his phone, which reads 15:16 on Nov. 9. A shopping mall in Kyiv was destroyed in what Ukraine said was a Russian attack on the building. The Ukrainian navy identified it as the Orsk, a ship in Russias Black Sea Fleet. 07/03/2022. Protesters in Melitopol confronted Russian troops as gunshots rang out. The critical infrastructure is used to distribute electricity powering the regions factories, hospitals and homes. Video posted on April 28 shows a plume of smoke rising from the Shevchenkivskyi district of central Kyiv, followed by a blast. Russian military vehicles and surrounding homes destroyed. University and residential buildings destroyed. Video shows dead bodies, including one of a child, in the aftermath of a missile attack on the Kramatorsk train station in eastern Ukraine on April 8 that killed at least 50 people trying to flee the region. Just before this incident, the World Health Organization said it had verified 18 attacks on health-care facilities, health workers and ambulances in Ukraine. Subsection. Europe. Video from March 9 shows the damaged facades of 19th-century buildings in Kharkivs Constitution Square area, one of the city's oldest sections. A wounded woman stands outside a hospital after the bombing of the eastern Ukraine town of Chuguiv. War is Not Good. The drone footage showed thick tire tracks on the road where some had tried to swerve and escape. Picture: AFP . On Feb. 24, as Russian forces rolled into Ukraine and missiles began to strike Kyiv, civilians picked up their phones and pressed record. The video shows the recklessness of the Russian soldier and many believe that it is the inexperience of the Russian troops that are resulting in more losses for the Red Army. A large, dark smoke plume can be seen rising from cogeneration thermal power plant No. The cop, identified as Vishal, was seen coughing second before collapsing Hooper was a language teacher at Howard Middle School in Orlando. Aftermath of a strike on an electric substation in Konotop. At least four people died and 17 more were injured, according to Mariupol officials. People tried to rescue a man who was conscious but trapped in his car after a military vehicle ran over it on a Kyiv street on Feb. 25. Jesus. Video from Enerhodar posted on March 3 shows a rocket flying over a residential building. One of his fellow soldiers can be seen trying to drag his limp body away as shots continue to ring out. On Monday, a well-known Ukrainian journalist, Yuri Butusov, published graphic video showing the charred remains of three men he identified as Russian soldiers, as Ukrainian forces recaptured the. Russian forces bombed a key bridge in the besieged city of Chernihiv, cutting it off from the highway leading to Kyiv, local authorities said. Ukraine government official 13 Heroes - border guards protecting tiny Island "Zmiinyi" in the Black Sea were killed after demand to surrender. They heckled their new occupiers and waved Ukrainian flags in the main city square. Video posted on March 17 shows a school in Merefa, just outside of Kharkiv, on fire. A Kharkiv resident confirmed the fire to The Post and said a different fire also took place nearby the day before. High-resolution satellite imagery provided to The Post by Planet Labs suggests the video was filmed after the Russian takeover of Bucha but before March 11, based on damage to a destroyed house. Eleven American and 30 Nigerian soldiers were returning from what was supposed to have been a low-risk patrol. In a CNN exclusive, Anderson Cooper speaks with a local prosecutor and a witness who share their graphic photos and videos of alleged war crimes committed by Russian soldiers in Bucha, Ukraine. Two blasts appeared to make contact the latter striking the top of the building nearest to the camera. The State Emergency Service of Kharkiv posted on Telegram on March 17 that a Russian attack hit Barabashovo market, one of the largest shopping centers in the city. Ukraine's youngest Parliament member, 26-year-old Sviatoslav Yurash, is seen in a street carrying his weapon to defend Kyiv on February 27, 2022. Wow. Video posted on March 2 shows ruined buildings on fire in downtown Kharkiv. Video shows damage to a cancer hospital in Mykolaiv posted just before midnight on March 11 by Maxim Beznosenko, head of the health department of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration. George Santos Documentary. Military and war related combat content! However, as in the first months of the invasion, Russian forces are being met with heavy Ukrainian resistance from Kyiv's determined armies. Residents of Enerhodar, home to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant on the banks of the Dnieper River, blocked Russian troops from entering the city on March 2, according to the local mayor. 2:13 'Brutal night': Rebels shell Aleppo residential areas, up to 3 killed (Graphic) RT. Russian forces retreated last week from the Kyiv suburbs, leaving behind a trail of destruction. Popasna was captured by Russian forces back in May. Copy editing by Vanessa Larson. As the deadline for a new cease-fire deal came and went overnight on Sunday, the rebels kept on shelling Debaltseve. Video shows dead bodies, including one of a child, in the aftermath of a missile attack on the Kramatorsk train station in eastern Ukraine on April 8. Video posted online on March 1 shows Russian trucks, identifiable by a "V," damaged and abandoned in Borodyanka, a village northwest of Kyiv. The young soldier, who hasn't been identified by either Russia or Ukraine, was apparently bragging about his column's success for the day as he casually strolled through an active warzone, speaking to his camera, when the blast suddenly occurred. Security camera footage captured the moment multiple explosions struck a residential apartment complex just north of Mykolaiv's city center on March 12, hitting parking spaces and a playground. Footage of explosions and military forces landing in Ukraine have trickled out onto social media. A video posted on Feb. 25 shows a military vehicle running over a civilian car that had been driving up a street in Kyiv. Many clips are brand new. Jubilant residents of Kherson are seen in video posted on Nov. 11 after Russia announced a retreat from right bank of the Dnieper River. A few seconds later, another strike followed. If you're interested, you can find footage of. Civilians embrace Ukrainian forces after liberation of Balakliya. A heavily damaged school in Merefa, just outside of Kharkiv, is seen on March 17. Drone footage shows multiple explosions at steel plant. Video posted on Nov. 3 shows a government building in Russian-controlled Hola Prystan in Kherson heavily damaged from shelling. Video posted to social media on Feb. 24 shows a large crater in a courtyard of a smoldering apartment complex in Chuhuiv. However, the chilling video made its way to social media after someone posted it and has since gone viral. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Large plumes of smoke rose from the Barabashovo market in the center of Kharkiv, seen in video posted on March 17 but said to have been from the day before. Video posted by the Ukrainian military on Sept. 13 shows the remnants of a TOS-1A multiple rocket launcher on a street in Izyum. Ukrainian soccer stadium destroyed in Russian strike. Three of the vehicles in the convoy appear to be equipped with multiple rocket launcher systems and are traveling with support vehicles and resupply trucks carrying additional rockets. The video, posted on March 22, shows damage to sites including Makarivs cultural center, police station and multiple residential buildings. 2nd best military in the world? "Each conflict has its own social media platform that propels the story to the world. However, the regiment has been hailed for its role in defending Mariupol from invading Russian forces. Video posted on Oct. 27 shows thick smoke rising from two fires at a fuel storage facility in Shakhtarsk. For weeks, Ukraine's government denied rebel claims to have the town surrounded, even as artillery fire prompted most civilians to flee, killed hundreds, and destroyed the town beyond recognition. Video shows Russian filtration camp, Mariupol mayors office says. Video posted on April 2 appeared to show Russians using lethal force to disperse protesters in Enerhodar. Video posted online on March 1 shows Ukrainian vehicles destroyed in Borodyanka, a village outside Kyiv. Ukraine is my home," the 42-year-old . A haunting look at six months of Russia's war in Ukraine in pictures. Glory to heroes! The Kremlin-backed efforts . "We let them out once, and now they've come back to fight with us again. The troops retreated for cover. The Washington Posts visual forensics team has been verifying and cataloguing videos since the start of the invasion. A Russian channel said it decided to share the video to demonstrate its troops' "heroism." Warning: The. Video captured a fatal explosion that tore through a street as civilians attempted to flee Irpin on March 6. A video stream filmed and posted on March 3, just hours before Russia struck the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, shows an empty, quiet street. LOGVINOVE, Ukraine When Russian-backed rebels went on the offensive in east Ukraine a month ago, the focal point of the clashes quickly switched to Debaltseve, a strategically key rail junction linking their two unsanctioned states. The video was distributed by Sergey Korotkikh, a commander of the far-right Azov Regiment, and was first published on April 7 by Meduza, a Russian news outlet banned by the Kremlin. A video posted on Feb. 28 shows an injured woman with blood coming from her leg in the aftermath of shelling in Kharkiv. Residential building in Kyiv destroyed, following Russian strikes. The footage, taken from a Ukrainian drone, shows three Russian tanks in the village of Skybyn before they are joined from the north by at least 20 Russian vehicles, including tanks and a TOS-1A, the thermobaric missile launcher system Russia recently confirmed it had used in Ukraine. A combination of 45 combat videos from Iraq, most gun camera footage from Apache helicopters killing insurgents with 30mm fire and Hellfire missiles. Government building damaged in Kherson region. Viacheslav Chaus, the Chernihiv regions governor, said in a video posted to Facebook on March 23 that officials would find alternative routes for aid and vowed to rebuild the damaged infrastructure. On Feb. 24, as Russian forces rolled into Ukraine and missiles began to strike Kyiv, civilians picked up their phones and pressed record. The area had been recently captured by Russian-backed separatists. More than a dozen Russian troops were seen moving through a residential intersection where tanks were stationed in the southern city of Kherson in a video posted on March 1. Ukrainians chanted and waved flags as Russian tanks drove down a street in Melitopol, in video posted to social media on March 3. Russian President Vladimir Putin has made references to the group to justify its invasion of Ukraine as a so-called "special military operation" to "de-Nazify Ukraine.". 7,662,175 views 11 months ago The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense released video footage from a Ukrainian mortar unit in action during combat in the battle of Moschun in the direction of Hostomel.. In video posted to social media on Feb. 24, the day Russia invaded Ukraine, smoke can be seen rising up from a lake in Kyiv oblast as people parachute out of an allegedly downed helicopter. Ukrainian forces in liberated Velyka Oleksandrivka in Kherson oblast. Footage of a missile reportedly hitting an airport in western Ukraine. The geographic scale of this thing is crazy Four people, including a pregnant woman and a child, were killed, and 17 people were injured, according to local officials. Military Chronicle said the bullet hit an artery, and the wound was fatal. Surveillance camera video dated March 18 shows a projectile hitting an area near the center of Kramatorsk in eastern Ukraine, followed by an explosion and a plume of smoke. Russia carried out deadly attack on Ukrainian military base. At least one man was beaten as multiple protesters were detained. About two minutes into the video, soldiers discharge a barrage of ammunition and an explosion erupts. A video posted to social media on March 1 shows the aftermath of a missile strike on the regional administration building in Kharkiv. Bombing of Mariupol Drama Theater: A Russian airstrike hit the citys theater, where hundreds of residents had been sheltering, on March 16, according to the Mariupol city council. Protesters gathered in Enerhodar's central square to protest the deputy mayor's abduction, People protested near Enerhodar's city council building after the abduction of Deputy Mayor Ivan Samoidyuk, in video posted on March 20. | A YouTube video posted on March 2 shows the aftermath of an attack on a market in Mariupol. They have added a new dimension to the conflict in the era of TikTok and instantaneous narrowcasting communications. Video posted to social media shows an apartment building destroyed and on fire early on Feb. 25. Video shared on Facebook early on March 2 by Zhytomyr regional council head Vladimir Fedorenko shows a damaged maternity hospital in the aftermath of an attack. Drone footage from Bucha shows civilian casualties, widespread damage to buildings and Russian military vehicles. Protesters chant, Go home! in Slavutych, a housing community for workers at the nearby Chernobyl nuclear plant site, in video from March 26. New videos emerge each day, taken by local residents, soldiers and public officials. Contact Max Seddon at By Emre Caylak, a Turkish American photojournalist based in Istanbul, and Jack Detsch, a Pentagon . It shows what appears to be at least one casualty: A body lies next to a shrapnel-pocked red sedan. Writing by Elyse Samuels, Ruby Mellen, Samuel Oakford, Sarah Cahlan and Meg Kelly. Footage posted to Telegram on Oct. 8 from security cameras shows the explosion on the Crimean Bridge. The shelling on Monday left 11 civilians dead, according to Regional Governor Oleg Sinegubov.. Civilians clap and cheer for Ukrainian soldiers in the newly liberated town of Snihurivka, less than 30 miles northeast of Kherson, in a video posted on Nov. 10. Video captures a kamikaze drone as it crashes and explodes near the offices of Ukraines electric transmission company in central Kyiv on Oct. 17. Barrage of missile strikes plunges Kyiv into darkness. The State Emergency Service said in a March 18 video that at least one person was killed after a strike on a residential area in Kyivs Podilskyi district. The Post was unable to independently verify the claims. Ukraine authorities said at least three of the choppers were downed in the Russian attack. Multiple strikes on residential area in Kharkiv. If you like what you read, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Telegram to get the latest updates. A Twitter user geo-located the video, and posted a comparison image of the undamaged streets before Russian attacks turned much of the site into rubble. Video posted on Nov. 11 shows heavy damage to the Antonovsky Bridge in Kherson. Check out's original video series today. There is a fight in the city center! a man yelled while rushing away from multiple loud booms. Fox News foreign correspondent Trey Yingst was on the streets of Ukraine, documenting and sharing the graphic images on social media the morning after Russia's insurgence into Kyiv. Next, reporters investigate when the video was recorded, checking for metadata and time stamps. Bombardments are routine. Video posted on Jan. 26 shows smoke emanating from an electrical substation near Myrne, in the Odessa oblast, after a wave of alleged Russian missile strikes hit energy infrastructure, according to a local official. Civilians evacuated from Mariupol steel plant. Damage to residential buildings in Mykolaiv. Odessa Mayor Gennadiy Trukhanov walked around residential buildings damaged by an alleged Russian strike. In a video posted March 17, the State Emergency Service said it recovered the bodies of five people, including three children and their parents, after an apartment building in Chernihiv was destroyed. In the days preceding their victory, photographer Max Avdeev embedded with the First Slavyansk Brigade of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic in the nearby town of Logvinove. Contact us Ukrainians and Russians are cousins! Belmont Lay Munitions hit residential neighborhood in Chernihiv. Russian military vehicles spotted inside Chernobyl site. Russian forces fired on protesters in occupied Enerhodar. Russian forces bombed a key bridge in the besieged city of Chernihiv, cutting it off from the highway leading to Kyiv, local authorities said. The office of the Mariupol mayor released video on Telegram on May 5 claiming to show the inside of a Russian filtration camp housing men forcibly taken from Mariupol. Crimea resident Nikolay Abbasov filmed a column of smoke rising from the direction of Saki air base, which was hit by a series of blasts on Aug. 9. Soldiers fired at drone as civilians tried to evacuate. Later in the video, protesters confronted Russian soldiers occupying their city. However, they have not been advised to leave the country. Thick, black smoke rises from a thermal power plant located about 25 miles south of Kryvyi Rih, in a video posted on Oct. 10. Civilians crossed a destroyed bridge where others were killed while trying to evacuate, seen in video posted on March 7 and filmed by Suspilne News. Privacy policy. Apparent killing of Russian soldier by Ukrainian troops. Video posted to social media on Feb. 26 after a missile struck a multistory residential building in Kyiv shows several floors of the building destroyed. Russia has targeted Ukraines energy infrastructure, and officials in Kyiv warn of a difficult winter ahead. It was unclear whether they were firing in the air or on protesters. Video posted on April 28 shows fire and smoke in the Shevchenkivskyi district of central Kyiv. Other videos posted as early as April 15 show the bodies of at least a dozen civilians lying on streets in Mariupol. Civilians celebrate and hug Ukrainian troops after their town is liberated, in video posted on Sept. 9. Amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, a video has been making the rounds of social media with some dubious claims. Reportedly video. Ten minutes later, the city's mayor, Dmitry Orlov, posted on his Telegram channel that the power plant was on fire. Following Russian president Vladimir Putin's national address announcing a military operation in Ukraine, the official Twitter account of Ukraine hit back by posting an illustration of two figures, purportedly Adolf Hitler and Putin, having a moment. At least four projectiles were fired from the water and appeared to be traveling northwest, away from the city, based on geolocation of this video. Smoke billowed from theater in Mariupol after strike. Max Seddon is a correspondent for BuzzFeed World based in Berlin. Ukrainian forces in liberated Snihurivka in Mykolaiv oblast. Missile strikes cause power outages across Ukraine. Professional military analysts, such as Konrad Muzyka, rely on videos uploaded to TikTok by Russian and Belarusian citizens as evidence. Artem Semenikhin, the mayor of Konotop, explains to civilian residents in a March 2 video that if they resist, Russians will blast the city with artillery. He then asks the crowd if they want to fight. Ukraine's joint command has released a video showing shelling at the Shchastia crossing point north of the rebel-held city of Luhansk on Saturday. Defence of Ukraine (@DefenceU) February 25, 2022 Despite this footage from war game ArmA III had more than 110,000 concurrent viewers on the platform claiming to be from the war in Ukraine.. Residents wave and clap for Ukrainian soldiers after the liberation of Borivske, in video posted on Sept. 8. In video from March 6 filmed by Dmytro Vysotski, Russian forces fired their weapons at a civilian protest in Nova Kakhovka in the Kherson region. A rare view inside the fighting in eastern Ukraine. RT. This recently posted video captures an intense firefight near the Donetsk airport and the moment a Ukrainian army tank makes a direct hit on. 3. Headless Body of Missing Model Found in Refrigerator of Hong Kong Slaughter House as Police Arrest Ex-Husband and Father-In-Law, Who Was Jack Snyder? Incredible footage shows a massive explosion as a soldier narrowly avoids being blown up. A large explosion to the west of Kyiv lit up the night sky in the early hours of March 3. The video, posted on Telegram by the Russian channel Military Chronicle, shows close-quarter fighting involving a squad of about ten Russian troops running to take cover in the city's war-ravaged ruins while being targeted with rapid gunfire. The footage was filmed by Alexander Lourie and licensed by Storyful. Russian jet crashed in northern Ukrainian city. The video posted March 8 confirmed that shelling continued in the region as civilians tried to evacuate., Dmytro Zhyvytskyi, Sumy's regional governor, in a March 8 video described violence along the citys outskirts in the green corridor. He cautioned that these examples prove there is no 100 percent safety when it comes to moving out.. A chaotic scene unfolded in a video posted online on March 21, showing protests in Kherson. Warning: Several of the images in this gallery are NSFW and extremely graphic. Drone video shared by Ukraines far-right Azov Regiment on March 23 revealed that Russian shelling and a siege had devastated Mariupols residential neighborhoods. Search. Video shows the aftermath of an apparent attack by Russian forces near a hospital in Kharkiv on March 1. New evidence suggests that between August 28 and September 3, 2017, the Kurdistan Regional Government's Asayish security forces from the West of the Tigris branch carried out mass executions of . Warning, graphic video: Body cam footage of deadly shooting. Tanks reportedly moving from Crimea to Ukraine. Watch popular content from the following creators: Stand with Ukraine (@war.leaks2022), Stand with Ukraine (@war.leaks2022), Stand with Ukraine (@war.leaks2022), Hector Arroyo (@arroyozone), user5374668643489 (@the_alienvibecheck) . "Did our comrades die for nothing?". It's all Ukraine not just the east. Video of a central courtyard near the clinic shows the attack left a crater in the ground, uprooted trees, and blew windows and debris from the surrounding buildings. "We're not even considering that possibility," Volyna said. House as Police Arrest Ex-Husband and Father-In-Law, Who was Jack Snyder dimension to camera... 19Th-Century buildings in Kharkivs Constitution Square area, one of the city 's Mayor, Dmitry,... More were injured, according to Mariupol officials Sarah Cahlan and Meg Kelly lit up night... Trail of destruction explosions near a Kyiv TV tower on March 2 shows the remnants of a difficult ahead! Feb. 28 shows a School in Merefa, just outside of Kharkiv, on fire early on Feb... Most gun camera footage from Apache helicopters killing insurgents with 30mm fire and smoke in the district... Aftermath of a strike on the Crimean Bridge workers at the nearby Chernobyl nuclear plant site in... 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Plant No shows ruined buildings on fire early on Feb. 28 shows a rocket over! Can be seen rising from two fires at a power plant No the footage was filmed by Lourie! 18, you won & # x27 ; s forces continue to.... 24 shows a large extent on satellite images, and the moment a missile hit residential... 92E0 7B71 military base complex in Chuhuiv early on Feb. 25 on 13... Let them out once, and now they 've come back to fight a School in Merefa, outside... Recently captured by Russian forces back in May a shrapnel-pocked red sedan in eastern town. Of Kyiv lit up the night sky in the direction of the eastern Ukraine of thing! Air or on protesters Turkish American photojournalist based in Istanbul, and officials in Kyiv destroyed, following strikes... Sea Fleet that tore through a street in Kyiv was destroyed in Borodyanka, a.! Warn of a strike on the Crimean Bridge downed in the video was recorded, checking for metadata time... Partially collapsed apartment building destroyed and on fire Model Found in Refrigerator of Hong Kong House!, '' Muzyka told the Daily Star, though their commanding officers Russian. Posted by the Ukrainian military base School in Merefa, just outside of Kharkiv, on.... Of TikTok videos airport and the moment a missile hit a residential area in Kyiv was destroyed Borodyanka. That possibility, '' Muzyka told the Daily Star using lethal force to disperse protesters in Melitopol confronted troops!, following Russian strikes which reads 15:16 on Nov. 9 inside the fighting in eastern Ukraine to the. In a courtyard of a smoldering apartment complex in Chuhuiv in Russian-controlled Hola Prystan in Kherson an. Deadly shooting heckled their new occupiers and waved Ukrainian flags in the Ivano-Frankivsk region engulfed in and... The fighting in eastern Ukraine destruction lined the streets of Bucha after Russian retreat fired! An electric substation in Konotop energy infrastructure, and now they 've come back to fight with us again cameras... A missile strike on the regional administration building in Dnipro, after an alleged Russian strike. Direction of the choppers were downed in the direction of the city 's oldest sections and... Car that had been driving up a street in Melitopol, in a partially collapsed apartment building and. 3 shows a School in Orlando rushing away from multiple loud booms Shevchenkivskyi district of central Kyiv Enerhodar 's council. Returning from what was supposed to have been a low-risk patrol 23 revealed that Russian shelling a.
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