I believe that I have found a better system for me and my clients. Someone who is in no need of making money off you, can be an adviser. If you an insurance policy when you are young and healthy, you have several advantages. Again, He did not say it to me, but gave me thrid party articles. If someone is interested that may e-mail me and I will go into details. Tell a lie a hundred times, it starts being a truth. Do some reasearch..The financial companies are designing products and theres not enough agents to handle the coming business. I had one company selling my company toner that was local. Prudential It is less expensive and usually is the better deal. Did you find out you were wrong about that? But the bad thing is that since you have no loyalty to companies, your clients are fodder. Third, Why are you using a werench when you can get a hammer? -. So would she. Neither Primerica Life nor the agent charged with your debt will be obligated to proceed through the arbitration process described in the Basic Agreement to collect these amounts. And I know your not against the middle man because you would not have a car or a house or anything else you probably own or wish to ever own. I make mistakes, dont you? This deposit is refundable, something you never say. Sicne the training is flawed you will hurt your clients. Williams was the in your face company due to the industry, well now PFS is on the defensive due to the competition for new agents. That must be comforting to your clients that you work out of your home? ***How many companies do you know of that dont have a main headquarters? Licensed reps may skew info to make money. Citigroup was only required to use its best efforts to liquidate, by December 31, 2009, another $12 billion worth of auction-rate securities that the firm sold to retirement plans and larger institutional investors. YOU ARE THE SMARTEST AND MOST UNDERSTANDING PERSON ON THIS PLANET. Everyone can see that Tom is like that snake oil salesperson and provides us with a very nice dog and pony show. Considering your an expert, answer me this. Therefore will harass you until you switch from Term to Cash value. Which is better for the agent? My RVP says that Primericas policy is, you pay, you die, we pay meaning that Primerica almost always pays out regardless of the cause of death (obviously there are a few exlusions namely death by suicide within the first two years of the policy). It is the companies money. One an accidental policy, which did not pay for the heart attack. You should really see the real world. They got caught stealing and lying and cheating their clients. I hear there are federal laws that make the owners of the boards responsible for anything posted on the internet. If I want to do well I am responsible for my own actions. James, would you buy car insurance for a car you traded in last year? I am sure many of you could relate who have families and friends who joined. Converting it only makes money for the insuracne company, if you are talking about converting it to a cash value policy. Let me say it one more time. Main example is this: Ive replaced whole life products for a family where their ACTUAL BROTHER was the insurance guy that sold them their expensive/retirement stealing insurance policy.moved them over to TERM INSURANCE which was cheaper for them and yes, the difference saved and other monies they had was invested according to their risk tolerances in proper investment vehicles. I had some guy pick-off my resume on CareerBuilder and I was able to trace him to Primerica. Ask your PFS agent if Art williams or Sandy Weill only had term policies. Do you know what that is John? Yes they do help people by getting them on a program that may be better than they had before they met with a PFS agents. Do you give up the money or fight them? Now, THAT is a scam if I ever heard one. Term Life Insurance1 Primerica Life Insurance Company He is wrong. That is a cost. I mean Most people do not want to goes to Michaels Insurance and bait shoip for financial advise. . I guess you do not understand basic government. I could go on about good debt and bad debt but I think you get the picture, I hope. (Please note the Sarcasm. Primerican clients are not in that arena so they cant work. With my investments I am worth a lot. Now If you have read my posts, you should know that I am a CLIENT. They can contract with another organization. The only bad thing is that it has no place, and was created when the insurance companies was losing money to the Buy Term and Invest the Difference. There have been only 2 times that I went back to a client and advised then that a portion of their solution didnt make sense to switch from their currect programs and it was left alone NOT SWITCHED ANYWAY TO MAKE A PROFIT. He is a flim-flam man that is leading you in a trap. Any one else who tells you differently is lying. How about debt? NO. I have covered this so many times it is getting to be a broken record. Now as you say the PFS agents do such a great job servicing the client to become financially independent, why would they even need to offer coverage beyond the term period? Just like loyalty. I have had friends of my family that have to borrow to bury their parents because they were sold some insurance. (600,000 *.40 = 240,000) It shows your ignorance in math, and if you are saying that we are cheaper and basic math is a problem, your figures are suspect. Do you know an annuity is an insurance policy? From what I remember Primericas Legal Plan cost $25.00 a month. Unfortunately there are going to be bad employees in all companies. The bad thing for the agent it lowers their amount of policies. The only thing about it is they make money off products taht are not good for the clients. . I do not understand why doing research and asking questions is not in the best interest in PFS. When someone response to your resume on careerbuilder they are looking to add a piece to the puzzle to better the business, same here. This is something that everyone that is independent Advisers say not to do. And it is not a loan, like most of the TI options are. Let me just say I myself didnt really see or understand the system while at Primerica. I got a call from your Village, they want you to come home Michael. Since you obviously missed it the first 5 times I said it, Ill say it again. The procedure for calculation and payment of these commissions and other payments will be as provided from time to time by PFSHMI in commission schedules and Operating Guidelines. As someone who hates pressure sales, I liked knowing I didnt have to do that as a rep. When is term the most expensive? So regarding the comments I made about most money being made from recruiting people I was told by other reps that I wouldnt make any decent money if I didnt recruit people. Tom whats with the comments of ghetto, and people who cant speak english?? Page Perrys attorneys are actively involved in representing institutional and individual investors in auction-rate securities cases. You hurt families. It is just like those that lied on their applications for their home loans, they made a choice. Build up a good book of business and it can be substantial. Compared to what you offer, Insurance, I rather have one person handling my finances, instead of getting pulled 8 different ways. For all those reading, here is my 2-cents regarding tom. The problem is the product they sell is worthless. We make money recruiting and through products. sold and it looks like that may happen your ratings could go very low. He is still posting here. We do not offer financial advice, advisory or brokerage services, nor do we recommend or advise individuals or to buy or sell particular stocks or securities. i did not like the entire presentation for primerica, but not everyone feels the same about it. I guess you are naive, just playing dumb. However I do get paid if I train someone but thats only through overides. If most of the middle class keep doing what they doing now then the whole North American continent will collapse in 20 to 30 years from now and it will make Russia look like a picnic. Just my opinion. These are worthless unless you are buying them to fulfill an obligation. In any proceeding to collect these amounts, But the number one reason is for money. For that I would say if you really want to join the company then look for some other RVP office in yellowpages and see some of their meetings. I really . I am curious who set this up for him? These idiots act like we have not done the research on the company, know the controversial nature of the business model, and want to try it out anyway. The baseshop all piled into the office, smiles on their faces, giving kudos about big sales and excited about how they just helped a family the day before and the checks being passed out and the milestones like a Legg Mason tee for securites licensing or whatever and just the environment and the product examples (real clients recently helped and everything.) NOt any company that suceeds. If Art never sold A.L Williams that company would be huge. So call me a Whole lifer if you must. What do you offer, a Job, that can be downsized, or sent over seas. Micheal may think they are the best thing since sliced bread since he thinks price is the only thing that matters. 2. So clearly, it is to each reps advantage to have people under him/her who are producing, so they can get that passive income. I do not want to sell only one a/c brand. So why do you need income protection when you do not need it. Get the Forbes Advisor newsletter for helpful tips, news, product reviews and offers from a name you can trust. This restriction will continue to apply after termination of this Agreement for only two (2) years. Point: if you are marketing Primericas term, you are not offering your client the best product, both in price and feauturs. It only covers the life license, and not securities and auto and home and mortgage appiointment. LOL.. I f I treated my mother like the way you treat you clients with term that only can be converted and fixed annuities, my family would disown me. They gave me my first mutual fund. -, John, Would you say the a BMW is worth more than a YUGO? Back to the Price thing again. John Hancock You have a company that is worth Billions and you have a Term policy, let alone a PFS agent who is your advisor. Look up you PFS guy and let him take your abuse. Hours are mine to make. I was quickly promoted and found myself at the top of the state leader board in just about every category. But isnt the main point of owning a business is to have a key. Who wants to call for your claim and get someone in India that requires you to jump through hoops. I would think you would understand the target marketing aspect of PFS. I will preface this comment . But they have averaged that over the last 25 to 75 years. If you dont know much about the business then you shouldnt be writing about it. Ive been following you two for a few days and I have to say that Dave seems to be the bigger man here. and can do that by using a better plan. Now that this has happened, the Office manager understands quality. I am truly independent. Some of you may have a nice independent office but the people I deal with are not visiting your office or any other office and are not showing up on your sales leads. Well If he did something wrong yes, but in the last ten years I have no problems. Cheaper. If you are going to have a business, you should have an office. . WebTheories, on the other hand, are broad explanations for a wide range of phenomena. That is the only reason why you are here. 1) E&O is about $1,300 a YEAR (not a month), and covers securities and life insurance producers. Theres a reason they have unisex pricing. ________________-. But to compare a Yugo and a BMW is laughable, just like you comparing the no value, to Primerica. Tom, you talk about Cancer & LTD. You stated. Now I would not buy a YUGO, but some people do not have a problem with Cheap no value products. You might be in for a surprise. That is why you constantly ahve to look for new clients. Could it be that Price only matters in the absence of value. Lack of spell checking is something that you can do easily. The only different was what the company were paying that month, the best. So if someone invests $1000, youll make around $13. . No. because Ive never met anyone other than an outside loan officer, insurance agent or securities broker who had a detailed argument trying to belittle my firm. An acquaintance approached me about Primerica. How long does it take before they recommend you start the process after coming on board? Also we dont get paid any money to recruit or when somebody joins. Their solution ALWAYS involves you taking out a loan with them, or investing your money with them. As I stated before your exactly where you need to be. We all know that Michael or Thomas is not a Green Horn, so he must not be a closer. And read the Wall Street Journal article I reference above) .. your contract and license is with Primerica what do you then? Something to consider would be to use an Annuity and a ROP.. Do you work for a Contractor in the Business of Ac Repair? You seem to think you know that price is the most important thing. Reminds me of the stupidness of P and C companies logic. Havent been able to get a hold of my REP (what a lazy POS) for 6 months. But I do not make ones that are easy to make sure they do not happen. If I was Micahels or James Clients, I would not walk but run and pull all my files from them. Get more names that say the same thing. Its funny how youll criticize MetL life insurance and then go and use thier annuity product. You mention volitility of Mutual funds. I have been waiting to use that term for weeks. Who are you serving, your pocket book or your client? But you have not been to the family, that had 7 policies and still had to pass the hat to pay for the funeral expenses. I am curious why do you have promote your business here. . Prior to termination of this Agreement, these four criteria are not applicable. Please just go away, Unless you love the fact you are being proved wrong.Unless you are going to post companies that will give you your money back on ROP if you cancel early. If you follow the example in the book The Coach they will first lower commissions, and cut back in advances. We who have left PFS for other business interest never say Primerica is a scam we just are sharing what we have learned from being inside Primerica and outside Primerica be it business model or whats available in the industry. I found this thread when I googled considering Primerica as I am considering joining up. Please.for goodness sakesget off this horse now that you actually KNOW better. . My priority was church, so I did not take the 3-4 hours 3 nights a week my upline encouraged to commit for me to build a solid part-time job with Primerica. The agents themselves could be very good at what they do but they get paid on what i would call a laddering effect. This is something every salesperson has to do. Here you are wrong. To prove it. IF I give up 10,000 leg, and get 3 to 4 legs in exchange, I am up 20,000 to 30,000. It reminds me of how some people who have left my company, and have bad mouth my company. Primerica did not have to reinstate her, but they did. Then theres the difference between the ratings for men and women which some companies seperate and another may blend them together and rate as unisex.. Eat off the dollar menu at fast food, and never go to any hotels other than the Motel 6. I gave you a challenge, do you remember it? It is so refreshing to see an UNBIASED Report about what is going on with teh Auction Secuirities. Please stop saying that I sell whole life. . This whole thing can be broken down much more, but it would be a long post. Probably not. they have several ways, but I will not boar Michael with it, since he does not know about them anyway. 3. *****The biggest is AIG. . Most of the information posted here by people outside Primerica is grossly wrong, and borderlines on criminally liable. What did they call that having a low persistancy? Most of the information on the web is outdated, from a past program. 4) The securities E&O is for PFS Investments, NOT the Registered Rep. They are just regular people who seem to enjoy doing the right thing and they are making money doing it. Now it is around 7 years, depending who is doing the figuring. With My properties and my other investments I am worth over a billion dollars. Thats the way to make the big bucks at PFS, get there first because in many times in your target market no one else has talked to the client. Primerica promotes business ownership which involves recruiting in order to build an organization. But if Primerica was so bad of a deal, why are tehy growing yearly? I couldnt look my family in the eye and do it. Again you need to read. And people are willing to pay for it. They do offer to help you to get your Life license for free, but taking into consideration the low commissions, captive products, and recruiting pressure, isnt it better to get your own license, E & O insurance, and be responsible for yourself. You have been tooting this Ed Slot Character alot. . When you die you do not get it. They each have different parts some include things while other do not. Does your PFS agent select from a scoring model or do they pick individual funds for you? I am so glad some of the agents do this. But they are both cars. William Penn We make money from helping clients and from training people to know how to help families the correct way. But then again that is just like the people that have been using thier house for a piggy banks. Genworth Well Since the last time I checked permanent coverage is usually only carried 5 to 7 years, and term is carried 10 years, which one do you think has a greater chance of being enforce when the even happens? If you really were a Primerica RVP, you would know that posting here as an agent can get you in trouble. I will continue to debunk your falsehoods here. From what I understand pFS doesnt require anyone to purchase their products, so wouldnt it be in your best interest to find the best policy for your individual needs? An indpendent can do everything and more than a PFS agent, but a PFS agent cant do half of what a Independent agent can do. Try Suze Ornam. non-guaranteed level premium beyond 20 years? Outside of PFS with the right contract, the same new agent can have ownership of their clients. Comparing a product I sold in the past, Cars. . This comment is so true: So keep getting people licensed and getting them trained on the basics. And the fun thing it is up to them. they are the most wanted commodity, since they have no bad habits. I know that my friends saw the post and did not know it was me, they said that you were an idiot, placing your name and license. Term, and you said Term is sold as a loss leader and you said IT (Its)(First, please use spell check. You are always looking for the sale. It was not the big financial institutions, they require you to have large amounts of money to invest. I have said it several time, but you keep ignoring it. Compensation Plan: Can Primerica Make You Money? In the real world, you get success for working hard at what ever you do. Find out because you dont want to miss this. Thank you. All this would not have been possible in PFS. I mean fixed annuities are not true investing, it is saving. Do PFS agents talk to their clients about the potential of a Senior Settlement? So is buying car insurance for a car you do not own anymore. ALSO: You yourself said you never joined them, just looked in form the outside. I am curious do they need to get their commercial real estate license to hang on the wall. aas I should not be double or triple charged for using part of something I paid for. Regarding other comments about getting paid higher elsewhere, I wouldnt doubt that. That is why most agents will post once and then leave because they are contacted by corporate about this. Where I stand, they educate the masses. . I remember the days of PFS continuing Ed. This Tom fellow had it right. I am a buy term and invest the difference agent first but dont tell me youd sell your 10 year term to a 70 year old for estate preservation purposes ok. And why not if the price is great. The option that you are talking about is to have some extra money to takle care of them. Dont be stupid. In 1980, A.L. You can have that choice. I have three CPAs in my firm, two P&C Agency OWNERS, a real estate professional, and a bank teller. That knocks off 90 to 95% of the companies out there. All the money books and magazines say this. For example, Primericas 35-year term policy is available only to buyers ages 45 and under. Oh by the way, this is the James that posted on July 26, 2008 James @ 9:25 pm for the first time. Then for the next 10 to 35 years they call, send letters, and continue to harass you to convert your policy. Do people ever wonder why recruiting is tied to advancemant? What cost? He says to invest in company stock. You are a pain in the rear and you must feel the need to argue only to argue. Age: June 15, 1969 ****Do you know insurance companies are quoting policy ages up to age 121? One thing I noticed in your posts is the lack of knowledge you have of the company. Your just building for someone else. . More money for PFS. Since I am not an agent, am not sure if they pay for them, but most business have over head. An adviser can be locked into one company. I can see that you are a CLIENT and not an agent. , 2) Primericas in only about $300 a year, BUT. Just like the insurance companies that got away with canceling all those policies in the 70 and 80s when they imploded. No, since it is a waste of money, like accidental death and dismemberment. If you want to follow Michaels lead, go with the easy sleazy money. They are all transportation. In actuality, we compete against ROP because we only market pure, level, GUARANTEED term from 5 35 years. Only out of respect since I liked her and an old boss of mine, I agreed to meet with her for lunch. No it did not. ), You can buy a hammer from anywhere. Just like the real estate market is a buyers market, employment is a buyers market. They all said what I said. Just like when you buy a used car, you should take it to a mechanic, a specialist on cars, I took my financial game plan to a specialist. Sorry for the length, just wanted to state how I felt. In our opinion, life insurance buyers are better off working with a full-time life insurance agent who is familiar with a range of products and companies. Im not a hater or complainer (im sure my post views me differently lol), as long as you do right by people and its truemore power to you, honest. Some people just dont like the point of paying for Term and not getting anything in return except coverage. But getting back to this part of the post. Primerica business overview seminar is FREE. Also there is no requirement that nay covert their term paln to a perm. 6. Most of the time their full-time job does not allow them. If you are 25 and it took you 15 years to make $100,000 ( which is long I must say), you are still ahead of 98% of the population. This is what I did when I was leaving and PFS, and I encourage all Primericans to do, with ALL products and the business opportunity. I bet everyone raised their hands. By the way my lawyer and CPA has checked it out too, and they see no problems. A life insurance rider is an additional protection or benefit that you can add to your policy. Could this be another deception? How else can you help a client preserve the estate for his heirs? LOL. Now I do know there were companies that cater to Primericans, but that is something that is smart since they have been growing their ranks where most other companies have been down sizing. With my plan set up by Primerica, I have gotten an average of 12% on my money that would have gone to the insurance company, and if I die, my family gets both. Hi to everyone. Ive heard it many times. Both are multilevel marketing firm (MLM) By the way, I hope that it works out for youyou deserve to win!. Tom says: Maybe you are right, but Since Primerica is like my company it does not give out its rates, they have a greater chance of being wrong.. Now Michael has said he goes for the client, but if AIG is so great for the client and he makes 25% or 50% of what he makes for selling XYZ, who thinks he will not sell XYZ? On Mondays and Fridays I go to my RVP office and watch EPN (our internal training channel) for FREE. They have term, which any competent adviser says to have over cash value. Why do you need life insurance, or what it is really should be called income protection, at that age (70). But that is changing. Thats it for now, Ill try and post more later. . If you do leave and stay in the industry. Since it sells millions and the staff is the best commodity, It was pegged a couple years ago at over 100 million dollars if I want to sell it. Some think there is a good reason to get max amounts of term.. Now I didnt say everyone, I said some people. Number 3: I, too am open-mindedthrough and through. My Question to you is why do have to resort to being cheapest. They will ask themselves did they do whats best for the client or the company? But then again you are the same sly person. But then again you still paid more, and are giving and getting less. And Since My Dad was trained as an Engineer, and taught me many things about it I am an engineer. Allowing some to get out before others. They should get paid for the time they invest in educating consumers. Sound familiar? now it is starting to sound like Andy Griffith show . Others might feel the need or want to go into those subjects. Regarding the incident in Bountiful, UT, if the reps and RVP committed a crime, they should be punished. PFS doesnt have a patent on the buy term and invest the difference idea. When posters make statements about some of the products or part of the agent agreement why are there never any reason as to why or how it benefits the agent who is an independent contractor? To come home Michael you differently is lying a truth same about it is less expensive and usually the! Very low products taht are not offering your client after coming on board times it is just like those lied... But not everyone feels the same about it Advisers say not to do there are federal that! Going to have a problem with Cheap no value, to Primerica basics... Business then you shouldnt be writing about it I am an Engineer do as! Against ROP because we only market pure, level, GUARANTEED term from 5 35 years call... Paid for the clients, he did not like the entire presentation for Primerica, you... Joining up tooting this Ed Slot Character alot Primerica promotes business ownership which involves recruiting in order to build organization. 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